241881 � Orlsinsl to City Clerk ` ORDINANCE ������ COUNCIL FILE NO '� �� �� PRESENTE B ORDINANCE NO- J '� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixi.ng the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved Janua.ry 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out a11 of Section I D 3, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Se ction I D 3 Until such time as no Kitchen Helpers are paid a rate in excess of the rate established in Section II, Special Employ-. ments, of this ordinance, any Kitchen Helper promoted to Cook I or Baker I shall receive an increase of 10�` per hour and shall remain at this rate until such time as the rate for Cook I and Baker I in Section II, Special Employments, of this ordinance, exceeds this rate. Any Cook I or Baker I promoted to Cook II or Baker II shall be paid at the step which is at least 3% higher than what her present hourly rate would be ha.d she not been receiving the extra compensation in lieu of fringe benefits which was paid employees in the Graded Division who were pa.id on an hourly basis prior to December 28, 1968. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in forc� thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. FEB 7 19fi9 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson � Dalgliah Tn Favor MerPc�e se�- C� f� Sprafka Against Tedesco r. Presiden FE,B 7 1969 Ap oved: _ A s • � � � C' Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Gy �/��/�y PUBLISHE� �EB 15 1969 ' THIRD REA.DING & APPROVAL OF FORM - Jan. 31, 196g 1?uplicate Eo Printer ORDINANCE , ?�-�����. COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �` � ord�aaaance amending Ordiaance Nn. b4�b, ent�.�Ied: ��.A�n ad�afxx.iiat�ative ordinance fixin� the coxn- pensation ratea of cert�ain city po�itions and emplaymente, " approved J'a�.uary 23, Z9�5. as amex�ded. THE COLTNC�L O�' �'i-�: CI'I'Y` Q�' SAINT PAUL DO]�� Okt�7AIlV: 5ection 1. That CJ�dinar�c� fil'o. 644b, apgroved Janua�ry 2�, 1925, ae ar��x�ded, be and the same i� �;exeby further ax�nez�de�d by �triking out a1T of Qa"ection I T.P 3, and by subetituting in lieu �hsr�of the fallowir�g: "Se ction � I� 3 Until �uch time a.s na I�a�tchen Helpe�� are paid a rate in ex�ce�a� of the rate e�t�biished in S�ctio� II, Sp�cial Ernpioy- menta, of this ordinance, any Kitchen Helper promated ta Caok I or B�ker � �shal� receive an increaee of �.�+� p�er haur as�d shall rerrsain at this rate until suc� t�x;.�:e as the rate for Cook I and Baker I in �ection �I. �pe�ial Ernployxnents, of this ordgnar�c!e, e�c�eeds this rate. Any Cool� I c�r BaP€�r I promoted to Cook II or Baker ,II shal�. be paid at the etep which is at lea�t 3% h�.gher tha� what her preeent hourly �rate wauld be had she x�at beeu� receiving the extra corrapensation in lfeu of frin�e benefits whi�ch was paid empic�yees in the Gxaded Divisicax� vsrho rovere paid on an in.ourly basi� prior to D�cember 2£!, 1968. " 5ectaon 2. '�'his ordinance sha.l� �alce effect and be in farce thirty days after it8 gaeaage, a�aproval, and publication. �,��. ;�'' ����� Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counci� Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith ��r�0� � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco ,-:�.;� r� J.��� Mr. President (Byrne) .________,. January 23, 1969 i � k � 2 � � �\ Mr. John Haider /�`'"�"�'� ���`� Chief bcaminer & Director of Per�a6 el \ Civil Servtce Bureau � � �.'�E� � D8$2"' ra'i.x': `�,�� / ; , ��'`;.'� Th� City Council today irst $e�ding to Gounc3l"File No. 2�+1881 amending Ordinance N9:� , ary�0�d�inance, with re��rence to Section I D 3, whic ,brdinanc� 11 co� up tor Third Reading and Apprcnral o�' Form o �7anuary 31a� ��� � � / Very truly yaurs, __-�� ���� -,' ,._---.i d' �, �� l� Citg Clerk ng ', i �� ��� � i � � �_\ ,�_w_.- ' � /' j/ � I st �� 2nd ��� d Laid over to 3rd and app I � —,4dopted `� � Yeas Nays �Yeas Nays Carison \Carlson �� '� ��? Dalglish "� °—°� "`-`" alglish Meredith Vvleredith Peterson � fe+ersSn Q / S�c�a� prafka ` / � Tedesco '4� �Tedesco Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O