241877 �?�'��'��'� ORIfINAL TO CITY CLBRK - •� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC UTION�E, ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ROU@Tt F. P@t�I'60A ��� �-/. COMMISSIONE 'L ATF WHSRI3AS, Additions Which might ptove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the WHITE BE,AR AVEN[lE-SIXTH STREET STORM SEWER, Comptroller's Contract L-7063, Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specificatioas, end WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions because of a conflict in grades of the existing pipe ADDITIONS Labor $970.50 Tquipment rental 762.00 Total Addition $1732.SU and WHERBAS, The total addition is $1732.50, and the Co�issioner of Public Works has agreed �aith the Contractor that the a�ount of $1732.SU is the correct su� to be added to said contract, therefore be it RESULVED, That the city of St. Faul thrc�ugh its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $1732.50, and which amount is to be financed from Capital Improveaent Bond Fund 9267. � . ' � JA1V 2 3 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 2 3 1969 Dalgliah � pprove 19—_ N Meredith Tn Favor °`�e�-= O • Sprafka ayor Tedesco A gamgt 1969 PUeLiSHEr JAN 2 5 ���,, ���;�.�;�:: . �� Mr. Vire Yresi�e�xt (Peterson) � OUPLICATE TO PRINTER �,+�� ��t�V�M CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��`�`��- �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONErt Robert F. Peteraon DATF WHEREAS, Additions wbich might prwve to ba necessary in the Ia�pzavewent described as the 1�T�E $�AR ,AV�i�E1E-5IX'�H STRERT STORM SBWSR, �omptroller's Contrsct L-7063, Barbe�msss & Sons, I,nc., Cot�tractor, h�ve be�r� provided for in �he Spccitisations, �nd � WBERHAS, Xt has been faund tteces8ary to aake the followin$ Additiar�a beceuse of a conflict in grades ot the existing pipe ADDITI�NS Labor $970.50 Equipment rental 762.4@ ToCal Add�.t�ian $1732.50 and W�IBREAS, The rotal, addition 3� $1732.50, and the Com�issioner of Public Works has agreed with the Cr,ntractar that the e�wount of $1?3�.50 fs Che carrece sum to be �dd�d ta seid contract, thcrefore be it RESf?LVED, That the C9.tq �f S�. Pe�ul through its CiCy Council �pproves ttee fcregoing additions �ade �.n ac�ord�nce with the Spec3ficatio�s in the sum af $1732.5A. �nd whieh amRaunt is ta be financed f�om Capxtal Iaiprovement Boad Fund 92b7. ��� �' ��x ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� �, -', �,� " _ Dalglish / Approved 19�_ / Meredith '��� Tn Favor �eterson Sprafka �' Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr;President,Byrne,,..11 _. , . .__� _ , ����:�,� b6