241871 ) Ori=insl to City Clerk ' ` ORD�INANCE ?�����'�� c COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY�' ORDINANCE NO G� �' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qua.lifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserti.ng in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Data. Processing Aide ..1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka. Against Tedesco . Mr. President yrne) Approved: _ A est• Ci Cle - .���7 M�yo; � / Form approved Corporation Counsel B,� � lr��� ( �' //i��/�� � . , Orisinil to Cit�Clerk ' � ORDINANCE ���_��;� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. , -3» Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci���B 7 ���9 Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor �erPete sie� C �) Sprafka A gainst Tedesco F EB 7 1969 . President App ed: A st• _ , Ci Cler Mayor �� � Form�approvgd Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHE� F�6151969 Daplicate to Prtnter O� RDINANCE ��,��.�; ;-;� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.�� � `� An ordinance amemding t�rr�i�.�nce �o. 76A7, entitlad: "An ordinance fixir�g the dutie� anc� respcansibilr�ies and the minimum qua2ificatione fr�r the various clasees of poei�ion� in the Glae�y.€i�d �ervice of the City, " apgroved Febxa�ry 13, 193�, as amended. 'TI-�E CflUNCIL OF THE CY�'Y ��' a�AINT PAUL DOES ORD.AII�T: Sectior� 1. That Ordf�nanc� �To. 76C►'7, approved �'ebruary 13, �935, ae arr�ended, be and the eame is hereby f�tx�rther arnended by iaeerting ua. ite p�oper alphabetical axder the follow�..xrg t�tie, and specifications fo� Da.ta Processing Afde . _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE `����-�_����'�'� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �� � �' � , Sectio�a 2. '�'his ordina.nce shall take effect and be in farce thirty da�r� afte� ite page$ge. s�proval, and publicatio�.. -3- �n���S r' '.�'�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish �, Meredith In Favor �S�' �' A gainst Sprafka �, � Tedesco � '��.� . �� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By r � ' ��1���� I`� � ° .:i�I.� .,.. c1...,:.: . L:^;�_'.�,. '•_�';:.�'�:.'[i..���i�TG _��IL''i�. T�t�i:!. ,., :�1:i_ _ _ ._. v';I1Si;:�i�.��.i..^S� , �;i1..',;,'. ,��'-� ...'V;.�Ipi)., �'1 ':7:, ,Z f?.i.l'1� .:� i1i ?!-1� 'i:o i15'S?5'i �.i1 1`,1�C.' C�peTc�.tlOZl :� .. CC . �,�..^_i' �i t C';i3:'C _ Cl?!:�'•. �'j3.'�C:C SS?_i1� L:Clllt^�ilCT1�F i;13 pexform .. °� _�' ? "t'ir`t _ . _.a � 'i:iJ ',�'jt::�l'211 1'^-,�=:��;� �.Ji77.'i� �.S �c S.°,1�I7.^-.Cl.. 1..._ '.'.._ ;�:,., C.. �-i:? .�. f;:�.:t':i'...,.".i"Y3nCj, _, _ :i`'i �Yl �Z. . :i': �,:i:�?'1 G� .�. CO���z�,,i.��c�� > .�C'. ; .� , _?�.i; Li'?. 1�7.` �_:'i:t� __ .. _.,.._ i'l'�)C ,:&'I,2� fOi':'Yi8 1s:� C1�;�.1C2' st�Pl,lieS,. ,.. . � J , i.�.�� .:)s..�.!`. =�T' .�_ .. C��:i �_'1T?y-;?1^_` t,'. ,_^11 :?'(,'CE1V��_: . �; :r'. �� ����.� �`i�l.i.� ., _.��^._ ��,:�a� �z ..�.�ii:.J xr.s�ii_ �ri;a supplieae . i� .. . �_,_ , i,_ :C. :..( � ) Tr... _ _ _'1._ .'.�.�%, ti�t)r'�5��121� .:.�RL-.113°?'a*'ll�:., r• ....� ... 'i '"�'1``,..?I.i�'<.l 1!3'.,. . . ! 'ii . �.__. ���. �"lz.�i1�3.��'.rJ?'. �'!Ll:�L ?'%r):i,,C.-:i�,.. z;�. e�•ufld:'11C�vfl���. ��11VF`iqS - Ll: :1(..,� a2� . . ��-���%�. � � � � � '�'_�'•-^ - �J.,�e._ . r• ` I'� -t_,,�` �r��T.;`r-C��� r����. !..1,!�r.l..l�1. ._ �.14J\_i:_.61�J. ��'��.d _C. } f ._.. �_.... .. _.a. �.�. ,. ._. �i 7:J l i?��./.l !�.... , if� 'c: . .a��.� �� .vi.�i�,�;. �r, -. ., tra.ii�c�,:l in. <�,i::i t� ass?�t: in i:he operat:ion . r.;. . ,.t�i:.. -}�,,J ct�_, . ��t:� ;�r;�cry.;:;i.a�� er��iin��cn.t, to perfarm , .� . i�,_... „�<��°� . �...�i �� .�c>;•.:��e.:rl x ei.z�t:�a ,:�ork a.� asvignedo _.....'�.._ _. _ ::� C�.. .:�i i...� 4.:�'.�'.i:t�.(.:i.�.L�C`t`�� ._ ,, �.:'s�r;� �.:_. i:., o~ ..z'�ic?�t o:.' ..� c�r.x.�aut<�� . _�i; i . �_1''.:_ .Al !� �. :�i:ca J: "�� .,_ j�:'nC�'ti:;'_71�-; rO.:;:Y2� c2?.�t �ltgli*P sup�sli.es, "1 ? ,.� L "?ci �:Yi:° (:,�3 _. Gili?�3j.1�1� 4v._.. �1 T.n.CElt'°S� 'f., , �rr.: . ::i.7. , ,, . ,.:.� �,. . �r;��li'iI �i].(;�•.� :3<:�1.� "a'.12:� SLI-}1r311@S„ A.. . ... .,.... . . . . j. .. �c. �. o: ,.'i ,;i r1- _ .i�; -._:�•i.,'.._ c°.�1�:.�t - •oc_.SSi:1n' .':�t'il�_2?.�ITti� � j>>� V i .�':�..�.:�..... i_!.�1.._ _ .i 1 l.1'��.t,1.7 1�:�. . r. � .. i;, �� `.- ..�'.?;.� .':�i'.,. .l::il.:L �7JS��C::�,_ i.0 .�11:Y1F3: 0�:=d .�i1S'(.'t9S _1Cc.1'!.,,..� ..f?m January 23, 1969 r � ! � i Mr. John Haider �� } Chief Examiner & Director oP Personnel ,'_�__r�--.' � Civil Service Bureau �`� \�� � � �---� `�. '� Dear Sir: �/��,� ����' r' ✓ The City Council today gave F�r¢t'�Resdin ' �o the Po].Iowing two ordinances which will corae u�ttor Thir��ading and Approval of Form on January 31st: � i�,' \O ' ,. � v C.F. 241870 amsad�,�,i:1c��''a�d. ��?�� by insertin� in Sec. 6 i,,�;�G`rad��t�nc3er�,,�l.erical (iroup the t�.tle ��ita Process�.i�g Aid�r. ' ' i C.F. 241871 � endin� Ord,t �'7607 by 3nserting in its proper habetica�Y rder the title s,nd specifi�ations :�'J Po ��De► cessing Aide. � � � Very truly yours, ; / ;� , � f � ,� j � \ � ����__�_--'�,�,'�� City Clerk n� _.,..- - i i � Is+ � � 2nd ��� C� Laid over to 3rd and app. r �� —Adopted ✓r�`l� Yeas Nays � eas Nays Carlson �arlson Dalglish �Dalglish Meredith ��'1 ������eredith �, x._.. Peterson l^ �etersca. � 1;'� a ka G � prafka /'"�`j � � �.J Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne � President Byrne O