04-1232Retnm copy to: BJE
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Council File # 0�� �0?+3
Green Sheet # 3Q24635
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the owner of 437 Shepard Road, Island Station, LLC ("Island Station"), proposes that the
City of Saint Paul Division of Pazks and Recreation ("Pazks") grant utility and vehicle access to Old
Shepard Road across abutting city park land known as the "Samuel H. Morgan Trail," as shown on the
drawing (Exhibit "A"), a copy of which is attached hereto and on file in the Department of Public
Warks, Reai Estate Division, File Number 40-2004; and
WHEREAS, Parks has given permission to Island Station to construct and maintain driveway access
over and across said city-owned park land, as stated in the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
Commission's Resolution Numbered 04-25, adopted December 8, 2004, a copy of which is attached
10 hereto; and
WHEREAS, Island Station must enter into a license agreement with the City of Saint Paul for the
construction and continued use of access to Oid Shepazd Road and pay just compensation to Parks as
determined by an independent appraisal pursuant to Section 13.01.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter; now,
therefore be it
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13.01.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter and in accordance wSth Chapter
51 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, Island Station proposes to dedJcate a permanent easement for
trail purposes on its abutting property in exchange for the vehicle and utility access license, as shown on
the attached drawing (Exhibit °B"); and
WAEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has reviewed and supports the dedication of the
proposed easement; and
WHEREAS, the City's Valuation & Assessment Engineer has declazed the proposed easement to be of
equal or greater value to said park land to be diverted; and
WHEREAS, any existing trails, trees or other landscaping disturbed as a result of the access road
construction wiil be restored at Isiand Station's expense and in a manner acceptable to the Division of
Parks and Recreation; and
WHEREAS, the City's existing levee easement within the Tsland Station property will not be affected as
a result of issuing the vehicle and utiliry access license, and the City will continue to have access across
the Island Station property to city-owned park land to the southwest; now, therefore be it
coun�il File # D'1 • /� 3 �`
Green Sheet # 3024635
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts the proposed trail easement on Island
2 Station property, subject to final design, review and approval by Pazks, in exchange for said diversion of
3 pazk land on the Samuel H. Morgan Trail; and be it finther
5 RESOLVED, that the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a license
6 agreement with Island Station for urility and vehicle access to Old Shepazd Road, upon final transfer of
7 said trail easement to the City; and be it finally
9 RESOLVED, that Island Station shall reimburse the City for all costs associated with issuance of said
10 license agreement, including the cost of the appraisal and all construction and restoration work as
11 required and approved by Pazks.
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
D`f - /a3�.
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She�t
DepartmenUoffice/council: ' Date Initiated:
pw -pub�,�w� 1QOE� Green Sheet N O: 3024635
Contact Person & Phone: Deoartment SeM To Person Initi
, Bruce Engelbrekt , � 0 Public Works
! Assign t Parl's and Recreation Deoartment Direcfor l�
Must Be on Council /\qenda by (Date): � Number Z Citv Attornev Judv Hanson
Y2AEC-04 � For
�� ' Routing 3 hlavor'sO�ce �Ia�or/assis[ant _
. : Ordef 4 Council _
� CiN Clerk Cin� Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Approve resolution to dispose of excess City park land, located northeasterly of 437 Shepard Road, in accordance with Ciry Charter
� requicements.
� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (Ry � Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
'� 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/fircn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate 5heet and attach to green sheet
__ --_—�_—_ _— ___ —.._— _ _ .
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
A private developer of Island Station property seeks utiliry and driveway access across the abutting Samuel H. Morgan Trail. Per City
, Charter requirements (Ch. 13.01.1), the City may dispose of the property. As compensation, Island Station w'ill dedicate a new trail on
its property for public use. The hail will connect ro the existing city trail.
AdvanWqes if Approved:
The Ciry can assist a new housing development by providing needed access across pazk land. In exchan�e, additional trail with access
to the Mississippi River will be dedicated.
DisadvanWqes If Approved:
DisadvanWpes If Not Approved:
The developer would have no access rights across park pzoperty for the housing development.
Totaf Amount of �
FundinpSource: Nfj{
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
. RESc�.4��1 G�P]#P�"
Financiat Information:
(Explain) DEC 14 20Q4
a�- >a�
S paul Parks a�a Recreation Commission
300 City Hail Anneac, 2S W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102 -(651)266-6400
WI3EREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body established
to advise the Mayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to Parks and
Recrearion; and
WHEREAS, Secrion 13A11 of the City Charter requires that the Crnmnission review any
diversion or disposal of park properry and present a recommendation to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Island Station, LLC ("Island Station") proposes that the Parks and I2ecreation
Division issue a license for vehicle and urility access across city park land abutting their property at 437
Shepard Road (as shown on the attached drawing); and
WHEREAS, Island Station proposes to dedicate a permanent easement for park trail purposes on
the abutting Island Stafion property in exchange for the vehicle and utility access license (as shown on
the attached drawing); and
WIiEREAS, any exasting trails, trees or other landscaping disturbed as a result of the driveway
construction will be restored at Island Starion's expense and in a manner acceptable to the Division of
Parks and Recreation; and
WHEREAS, the City's exisfing levee easement within the Tsland Starion property will not be
affected as a result of issuing the vehicle and urility access license, and the City will continue to have
access across the Island Starion properry to city-owned park land to the southwest; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has reviewed and supports the dedication of
the proposed easements; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recrearion Commission concurs with the
proposed exchange of a vehicle and utility access license on ciry park land abutting 437 Shepazd Road
for a permanent park trail easement on Island Station property at 437 Shepard Road, and in accordance
with City Charter Section 13.01.1 recommends approval by the Saint Paul City Council.
Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on December 8, 2004:
Approved: Yeas 7
Nays O
Absent: �
Resolution 04-25 Attested to by:
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Staff to the Par s d Recreation Commission
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Interdepartmental Memorandum
TO: All Council Members
FROM: Peter White � ¢��
Right of Way Engineer
140 City Hall
DATE: December 7, 2004
SUBJECT: Public Works Vacation File No. 40-2004
F c2onopsrh (�p�tpr
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1 �. ; J;p;
I recommend that a public hearing before the City Council be held on December 22, 2004.
The purpose of this hearing is to consider the diversion of city park property located immediately
north of property owned by Island Station, LLC at 437 Shepard Road in Saint Paul.
This property is located in Ciry Council District 2, Planning District 9.
Shari Moore
City Clerk's Office
170 City Hall
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
G \Shued�RE�REAL WPdata\VACATE�Bmce12004\40.2004\40 2004.is1andStahoa.[iigRqstwpd