241857 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � /y���� ` • CIT1( OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " LTC�rsr cce���� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY = � � t�aI1LtA1"�T ZI.� 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF RE.SOLVEDa �hat application for Restaurant� � and Off �a�e Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses� applied for by �onald I,awrence Johnson at 1021 Arcade Street� be and the same are hereby granted on the conditnon that �ithin �D days of this date said Donald Lawrenee Johnson shall comply �ith all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws• JAN 2 31969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays _r A�J ? � �9�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor ePe�'rso� • S�,rafku � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst �E•� a.'.��CA. � �1 Gn: ���::i:��E: li'Zr. Vice Yresident (Peterson) PUeLiSHE� JAN 2 5 1969 �O . � � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �-�.(�` Capital o! Minnesota �� �e a�ti�e�t o k�lic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammiasioner POLICE AND FIKE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, License Inspeetor darnxary 23� 1969 Honflrable Mayor and C�ty C�cil Saint Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen: Donald ba.wrence Johnson raakes application for Resta►rant, Qn and Off 5ale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 1021 Arcade Street, which is on the West side of the street between Laws on and Cook Aver►ues. This location has been licensed For a similar business sincel933. 2he 1.ast licensee� Mrs. Marie M. Nelson� held the licenses from Januar�,r 17, 1968 to Januazy 17, 1969. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. 2'he closest � Sale Liquar place is one block and the closest Off Sa1e Liquor olace is also one block away. 1'he nearest church as Well'. as school are each two blocks a�ay. Mr. Johnson W orlced for Vic Wenzell from Ma.rch 196l� to July 1966� for Charles Schaeffer� frotr; Jul,y 19� to July 1967, and since that time for Charles Freidheim. Very truly yours� ��� ��� . I,icense Inspector O . . CITY �F S�AIl�1T PAUL - DEPART�tENT t�F' PtTBLIC SAFETY LiC�NSE DIVISION _ V Da te _ 19 1. ,�ppl,ioation �'or �r( -- �,�,� /Vl/�L,� l�//�I�f� G� " Lioense 2. �� o� ��z�.��t �?o�i��.1� �.1��E.�l..�..._ s7-�b1Ys_o�/ , 3. Buainess address f 1��C�,??t Residenae1 �D �L�/►/Q��JI/� 4. Trade x�ame, if ar�q b. xetail Beer Federal Tax Stamp_�Retail 'Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �r�.11 be uaed. _ _ __ ...,�.,...._.. 6. C� what floor loc,ated �/��'r Nzunber of roc�na used� d�� 7, Betwqen what croes etraets��J$'p/y� GQ�jS i�hioh side of straet ���l,�7""� 8, �re premi�ea now oaoupied ,��'�ha� businese ���� Ho�r lpng ._ _.. . .,.. 9. �re premises now unoQaupied�/�"�Haa� long -vacant1 (,�j� F�evioua use • T" _ . 10. Arq� you a new c�ra,ex ,�S Have you been in a similar buainees before �/� '�here : qPhen 11. Are you goi�g to operate �hia buainesa per�onally j���� _ _ T � If not, who will operste it Y �r pr ti,rne 12. �re ou i,n an other bu�inesa at the esent ���� 13. Hc�ve thare bean any csamplaints against your ope ration of this type of plaoe�j� �Phen �ttie re 1,4. A�va you ev+er had any liQense revokad��h�a� reason a�l datp 1�. �re you a ai�izan of '�he United Statea ,� Nativ� � Naturalized `�€.r _. ..,_..,,....�._.. 16. 11Riere �vre you born S'�, pi��� Date of bir'�h� -�' / — t�� 17. T eun. 1�_married• My (vrife'a) (husband t s j name and addreas 3.s 18. (If ine�rra,ed femals) my maiden name ia 19. Hoar long have yau lived in S`E. Paul � Q y��� s 7_� 20, Hav+a you ev�er baen arreeted_���_Violation of what criminal lavr or c�rdinan:cse 1c �, S _ / r� P 21. Are you a regiatered vnter �.n the Ci�r of St. I�ul Y�s No (An.awer fully and oom�le�ely, Thes� a �liaationa are thorou hl aheakad ar,d az� fa aification �rill be cau�e for eaial. r . Z2. �umber oP 3,2 plaoes �rithi.n two blooks �/f��/� , _ . �-•-r---- 23. Cloeeat intoxicating liquor plaoep Chi SaleQ/�/� ���e%� flff Sale/�/�j"E �.vG�C 24. Neareat Churc:h�l�D ,�,� (�G S Nearest 3ehool�1�0 ,��DG f{.�' 25s Number of boothe�� Tablea� Chairs �� Stoola / :Z . ..,. s ... 26. '�t oecupatian ha'e'e you Pollov�ad for the past five �arse (Gi�ve names oP emplo�ars and datea ao employed.) �i�/���S �_�_._._..< �! ���,�/� L,�'�,2 � � �� r�d,P I �':� � �SG1�A��� 7 —�� � � - 6 � �/%� �iY�iV zEL.L, � ��� 7 --��— 27. Give� a�mes and addreese� of �Sro persons, reaidents of 3te A�ul, Minn�,, who aan give informatian ooncserning youe Name���� �r(i� d��l,'l/� Add re s a �.--° �-- fl '/�e t��e.���5/ �aa�$S � a �c cr � xame , - Si ture of p io State of �inn�s aota) � 3$$ c���� o� �e� ry . /l/ ` being first duly s'rorn, depoaea arxl saya pon oath he � rea the oregoing statement bearing hie aign,ature and l�oas the co�tente thereof, and�that-the aam9 is �TUe- of his o�arn �ledge e�cept aa to tho�e mattera therein sr�ated upom. inform�tion and balief and s to thoae matters he believea them to be true. Si ture of �pplican, Subsoribed and aROrn to before tt�e ' thie day of���"�' 19� y`�a . No ry blia, Ram�,� tY, , esota 0'�ay a G,0 My Cumraiasion eg�� •�' � ' �'o��� . . (Note� Thes��~ o � p P Y o ��ement forma are in du licate. �Both ao ies must be Pull filled out notarized��'�d returned to the License Divis ions�— ��,vz� sY �p�icArrr � F(7R RETAIL HEER OR LIQIIOR LICEN38 Re s �_Sale��' �����Liaen�e Name of applicant �r]p �� L.�} ��G�� cT�`1 N��D1�[ Buainesa addrese ,� .Z $re you the sole ownsr of �hia bus3nea�?�/�_S. If nut, 3s it a partnerahip4 �Wi a orpo�st ion4 , other3 �}thers intereate8 in buainess, include thoae by loan oP money, property or otcherer3.ee� �Iame Addreas Ho�v / -� � If a corporation, give its nams �o }/ � �/Av� �IGGv .�.'fi,�►�s? _ . � �e�eri-Ad.in any w�y in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor bu$ine sa?� _�_ da eole rnaner? Partner? Stoel�older4 Qtherwiae4 (Through loan of money, eto. Euplain) Addrees oF auch busi.ness and nature of interest in sama i ture oP appl n State of Minnesota) �ss C o y of I�msey being Pirst-duly aworn, depoees aazd says upan oQth that he ha read the f oregoing af idavit bear�ng hie eignature aad l�o�vs the conteata thereoF; that the sama is true of hie o�ra lalowledge, eaoept ae to thoee mQttere therein �tated�upan informstion and belief and as �o thoae matters h,a be- lieves them to be true. 3z � _ � 3ignature oP a pp ica o� Subacribed and av�� o before x� thia ay o�` 19� � �° . o ry Publie, ��Coun y, �innesata �i(y ccmunisaion expi�t.�s� O 192�,s� �� m_ � � �3 �'� STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS C(7(JNTY CF R,�,MSEY ) _ _ Er� being fi�st duly sworn, dath depo�e and �ay that he makes thia affid�it �oor,�neCtlOri W7.'��l applioation far _ _ : �� .. . . , ..,- " Sale" ' ("p��Sale" malt beverage lioen�e) in the '�Ci�y of . _ �ta�s oP Minne s uta Sain� Paul, Minnesota; that your affi.ant is a resident of the arxl haa resided therein for � (� y�ears, moatha, and i� � State now and ha s been for the t ime ab o�ve m�snti oned a b ona f ide re s ide nt oP �a id ,� and that he now resides at Np. _��"�`Q��rj/Q �!� _... . ��a, ��ea�a. ;,, } Subaoribed and sworn to be�ors me thia ay of 19� ¢rtary bTica, .�►�ey Cotm�y, Minne ota M,y oommiseion eupi,�s�B �o� � ,���6�� `�r•�'c+ FO �7'� �� �+,o^��ti� u+�0�9� o�, c7� 1 . ���`