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O�i�isinsl to Cit�Clerk � . � ORDINANCE ��'-�-���- COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY • ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: , "An ordinance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Servzce of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for t'Youth Goordinator'r `yy, � `'� , ,�;.. :�:` ; z . ..1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglieh Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• _ Attest: � City Clerk ---� May�r �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B%��,�"�1��v �������� , I/i�/�� Qrlsinal to Ctt�C1ert � • � ORDINANCE 2� ���. ���, COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty da.ys after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- FEB � 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii � Carlson Me� � In Favor ��Spr�� C% . � Against Tedesco r. President (B e ��� % �.��� App ed: A st: _. , City lerk Mayor �� orm approved Corporation Counsel By ' PUBLISHE� FEB $ 1969 Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE `��`��4 �'�=�;=--�� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �� An ordinance a.mendin� Cardinance TVo. 7bQ?, entitled: ".A�r� ordin�.nce #i�ing the dutiee and responeib�.litiea and the rnin►imum qualifications for the var�a�s classee af positions in the Glas�ified 5ervice of the City. " approved February 13, 1935. ae amcr�ded. THE ��7UNCIL O�' THE CI'TY QT' SAINT P�i't7T, nOES URDAIN: Ssc'tion 1. That t3rdinance No. 7607, apgxc►ved Feb�ruary 13, 1935, as arnended, be a.nd the same is hereby fur�her axnex�ded by inaerting in it�a proper alphab�t3.ca�1 vrc�er the fallowing tit.�e, and apecificatione for "Yauth Coordina►tor" _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• - Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE �,j��� ;h;.-::1� ,.{� _ __ ___ COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO `� �� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect a�cl be in farce thirty c�a.ys after ita paaaage, appraval, and publication. -3- �- ;�. ���� � ��? „ � x,�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson �-_ Mer�edl�th � In Favor Feterson— �� Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) �� Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By ! 2�����. Titie of �la�:� `� ;"�� _. � z �.._`,, ", --�:;:; ' � I � � �:�izi i.c _. ,.:t:ti ��e _r;oL:.•ib�1i: . .. ,. . , . , - � � li%'�,'1' Ci2� ; .+i);< 1_�:� .:"2c' ,� ::1i'1_i:�"�i�l Cli� � LS3�;F:i1`� ��3 [;?il.� , �O , � ��:;(}C�t]t;1L1C i0'. @S1. i'`i.r_,.,l.z,i - IlU 13i�.1TF�,._ 3c'�:i;� T;C ,1SZ a. Ll`u :GY' t�iE' i..:"l�?I'O`. _.."'11� l�� �':.i',��O�I!_. _�, . :l':�. ,�:1.IOi:: � .'.,1.,_ ... 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",7UU1�'i �?C:i1Vli� �?3'!�fyT:1,77'iS C:f ;y.il �.00iI�. �t1V-.'�."l: � . �.t{ }si)iJli t_' v},:.::C1:,`; •�;'!"10 j:,:.l:'�1.C]�:tE" iT? 2-ili� .l4 _z1�C=Y" d �,OU1C 11 O1! `�Oikt" ^�'���ni"itli::;(�, j_O Cz-.t�E:.t:)lJ ;�Y'J�+C?:�`i4� :;r��.3 �3rot7x•akli'c t0 7.)�'' :ll�'iT'i�;'I�C'Ci i0 L['i�: f('t:�f*iill r �v�,��4'?lY�:.�'i;'?, ull� ;)_'�V�3i�' �''1'011!'s�'. ud"itl fO1.1TiC1`.3tiCi2S fOi tV.l?C�lelt: u ' - Y.O 2:�a25'C i`7 ;:L�?;�'i1C1," u11a ?L?tC's -3�'"i.7C:�'" ���.�?YlJ]ii1� 1:� TC'„?c?Tt� i:Ct �:1'O�i:%:._i:; f^i' i.i.T,2"StUj�lill'.I2t� E•Ci1.2C'�.LLG�� 3I7i� �C.`CZ'Cc"�1:1l�Y:: ��O CO TC'�.°_�.a Y'C1� ';ri �"�'�,,"_:.3't� j�0 }3I'CI�rA 3lYlti �OP �.Yl�"����1"1'Tl�.'.ri� , ^�liC3110T2� iJt11.'�1 i'C'LT'l'ci�1QI'1 TO 4�';.'ltt' !'�'-'j?Git:.-', ctii� �-'.�C�2�1.I7`�t� c3i24 C�2u11'1C'11 E' 1.21iOT2�":�Z 10:1 ':�1zS.�� oti.�.r ��o�aps �ncl .=�;enciLS ei��a�rFv in emplayax�ent, �-�nca�ion,, ar�d re�r.+_-eation f:�x• you�r.: To kce� tt��. ��tl�iic inforn�e� concrrnin� thr. n�e<1 io� n�'oaran�u antt t:�.� p�o�;r��ss laein� rnad�-, by pi•�s�nt n-rograrc.�-, ?�Iinimi..c�� q�aliSi�a.tiors: Collebe gx•�ctuaYioi� �.�;i1:iZ � n�ajor in a social. acaencc� or related iields, and sirs yvars` ��x.�fessional ex���riv.�r�c� in nosit.ions ir�volvin� wc-.lfar" ar 1e�as� �v��o vears of �=�hiclz :rY;�is� h.�,vc� i:�cen in a respons�`�le �o�ztion 3,11VOIVLCI� �rcgr��rn5 foL youth. v iitle of c1�.sr. ��-�-'�?�� `i �J`i��_.-+. _ :Jt�"�.1�j1V.4..x. li�. � I // � / �il)�`�i._. ci.'_�2i� l',..,:r?:3Li„ii_.__,.�.,. ._ . � �.�L�.t.�Ct" II7i � �;it':1: , ,. ii ,_ i �7��1 ?. '"a'lf C)?. �,ll.._.::2 r. ?!1��.5� f0 >;. E':�'l�JI-l.=_��1i: 7�C;' E3S$_ ..:.?:. _ ��..: ;'?� ;t1.I11"c?11��:7�� �)t;•� r .,.:1;f� t,t�' L'CtE' 1�"iL�]':;'/ ..:'.t''E7� �3f 4?I7:)}IG� .. '.1�.�� t�.Ct�.L._�iE �:'J1?��.� 3i_�, '� iC`;,.Ct���.�.i:I O ?O_'i11Yft�,1"�.� 7+�1z 'i:..:f� 'e"iC'C'�'�' Y ,?..�x, ?t , ._. .,it� ..i1C� t;7 �! "t'i01. r:1 =C'.Z�.. e .'1 «iJ2'.'':: .....� _ i`]7Ctlt , , t[.Si�.(?-!J!G:'. C:!~ ,,,....e �i��`- - �� 'il:f:)i,t. ��J ��.<'i12T ;�":�. _. �' Of rt._l .;G�_lr'CC'.� flt r't.ii_:L:;:i '_C?I� �_�::it�3lJ1<'. '�::C iC _ t:.t''.r. '1 C-f�,.F r71iL _ �e'I til�. 'c?l�}T3rp1]i 1�11,_ .C1"tll": c,Id;:i tii.::CC .� U 'if'C%��C)fi '��'C-�t�Lt:'�: .`i J�t".CLUC�1'il� Y_k'C:'i�.: .il''� ?i,i7�J `_'C;�iilAFl:li�`.rt:� c�I1C1 ;�a,�:>ti�?�.��;;�'� o� ... ��;z��; �,�c�rcz�s thai .,i?1 �� . . _ ��cacd :�x:ss �l ...i�_i�...�,.' lCJ _.l�r? ;<_?Lll:�"1 3Y7C� l:G C�70i'�: tti'L� li iZttll£9z ct�f-tiCl.°S C"Ii;�ti,��.�'C1 , 1.i.1 I,ilE= E'.'i;.2'�1.1Q",r�Y'i"2C';"_t �lE'IQ. )_C C�t. V'°1i�r ,a. C:.i?lOoL:iC' U� ]'CC,2',:�,'i;1Ci:1F_i �??'O(?_'<it"Ll� ::?T1:i d.C:77V1'i:, � �. .�.l�:x�.."�x�', �O '7<?.:i�-�: 3PJC� 10 l`ll�ke� �:l �,�', iaiu C.^. > >'_�?�:��3�71i' 1 O t i'D.�? � I71.':':=�' ,,T Jts yl-� �Z�.� �°'i�"I^� �S�'1t�? "��:t�.' .i�'�r;��'OT� � �,i•;,•�:. — OY1 �irO1Lf�": '��CJ�02''C�LLTl1L�r 1T1 U:'�T:ti.��.f?7�i1?i> :1�'.V.'' j_`:'i3-`��t'i�?'175 �3I1C� 1.`�-'.1l2� <i`h'�ll"F' Qt ';)'�:P.f'Z' YlE'.��T�' n.�:�g�•�r-:z� t;� help t'*�c� n���dy* yo:z+�? � C; Ct�01'�tiluf;= Y'i]C: '�IUltYtl �C:1;1V11�* '[)].n�'�T<Yl;� (.)I 11� lOCc'l}., �_l?'1VJ.1_-, �:l�.:i pililLl.i: �:�C,'I2Clf'S �JC10 j'12TZ.1Cli�.^-,.�C" 11� i:�A{'. .��Ii:J.j1OT'�:� �.�i1T1�.1�. or ti`out:iz t3}�pnrtunity: T� cevelo�-� rropo�als anci t�ro�;ran�s +o i�� su:�mi�iecl io t1i<�: feder�.l �;�vct•nrx.�,=n� ancl private grau�s -anci f�ut�da+ioi7s for iundin�;, To a�-5ist i:z agency and inter-agPncy plann:iai�; ix; re�aru j:o �;�-��gra:-..�: fax� �mnioymentr c�tiucation, an� r�c:ce�tzon: To c�v> res:.�:a rch in ~eg�rd to programs f�r e3z���inym��tzt, eu�,zcatione a��d ree_-:•ation l o �ti�,-i.��� c:=nort:, and �.xchan�e and c?ist rib•ste inlo..i-�atic�n .vit�� ot;,cr gxoups anci agen�ies en�aged in emplaj�ment, edu.cation, an;i r:���r��cion for yo�tth; "Co k�e� ?ka.r: ;�izblic inforrned conctiz•nin� t;�e nr�d far pragrarns and th:� p��a;r::�s being inadr� 'ay pres��nt prograr•.s �11TillZ�l.\I'Ci �.zaliiications� Colle^� �r�duation �Vith a major ia a sociai �ci�ncc or related fields, anc� ;���.,. ;rrars` ?�rofessic�nal e,;p:>rience in posit:ions involving �vc>li':x�•c>, :.t leasC two uears of ;=;hic�� znei:;t have been in a TE::ipOi?aivj.e �05311Oi1 �nvalvin� proQrarn� f01 t��L:�-11. v � T �I st ' + � 2n� Laid over to -'�1' 3rd and app � —Adopted —� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �arison \Carlson �alglish palglish �Meredifh �\Meredith � � y- \ ; , ` �Reterson �_�f�,:':� Petersen-- U ' �prafka Sprafka � � �edesco � Tedesco IV�h. President Byrne r. President Byrne O