241823 OR(GTIVAL TO•CITY CLERK • t • ��`���'� '" . � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LICE[�iSE CCY�INLCTTEE � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y y �T3I1118T`y ��.� 1.9� COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED; That "fhi Sale L3.quor" licer�ses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated� be and the same are hereby granted, that the bonds filed bsr each licensee are hereby apprc�ved� and the �ity�lerk is directed t,o issue said licenses. E. D. M.� Inc. lt99 �abasha St. Restaurant App. 7815 Re�ewal � Junesu�Incorporated 901«»3 Paqne Ave. Restaurant " ?949 " Oakley & Ann E. Parrish 752 W. ?�h St. Restsurant " ?96�, " Gannon's, Inc. 272$ W. 7th St. Restaurant " ?9� " St. Paul Hotel Co. (Lowry Hotel) 339 Wabasha St. Hotel " 8W1� " St. Paul Hotel Co. (Hote1 St. Paul) 363 St. Peter �t.Hote1 '+ 8010 p James F. O�Gara 16l� AT. Snelling �ve. Restaurant M 801�9 " Chris Christensen 1567 University Ave. Restaurant " 8055 " aot� ,r. & �,aei a. �z��o � 760 Payne Ave. Restaura�nt " 8060 u Mr. T�s, Inc. 160 W. Larpenteur Ave. Restaurant „ 8087 " Art,hur W. Miller 289 Como Ave. R.estaurant " $11�. '� Inn of the Black Rnight� Inc. 1975 University Ave. (12) Restaurarrt n 8131t " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson � S�,rafku Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne O � ?�:���� ORIGAVAL TO CITY CLERK , ' ClTY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. �c�usE cor�r2�r� � � OFFIC� OF THE CITY CLERK ,.�„�..� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CROMM�15�51 NEa DAT� J�lUAI'y 21� 1969 PAGE N0. � (On Sale Lfquor) g, I� 0. A,, Inc. lbl St. �nthor�}• Ave. Hotel �.pp• 8162 Renewal Tiffany I,ounge, Inc. 2051 Ford Pky. Restaurant " 8195 N d. B.>Inc. 77 �. 9� S�. R�staurant p 821.li f' Park Recreation Parlors, Inc. 188 N. Snelling �ve. Restaurant �� g226 n (�eno's Cafe� Inc. 668-670 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 8231 " S. P. H. Hotel Co, 11 E. Kellogg Blvd. Hotel " 82I�1 " Ehard Nelson 1080 Payne �ve. Restaa�rant ►+ 82�5 " Ch�.ckett Bar, Inc. 171 W. ?th St. Restaurant " 8247 " Leo R. Bouttell l�69 N. Snelling Ave. Restaurant " 82�6 " Andrew Kappas� Inc. 2l�7. E. 7th St. Restarant " 8260 " Viaduct Inn, Inc. 105b E. 7th St. Restaurant " 8267 " Plaza �.quors, Inc. 2l�31 w. 7th St. Restaurant �� 8669 " Ben A. Rosemark 136 �. sth �t. Restaurant n 8276 " Joseph J. Perkov3.ch 299 Maria Ave. Restaurant " 8280 " Ted�s Recreation� Inc. 108l� W. Laxpenteur Ave, Restaeirant " 8283 " (16� Joseph W. Pitzl 870 Payne Ave. ftestaurant n 8293 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORIGMAL TO CITY CLERK ��"���1;��,� . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. LICII�ISE Cc�LTTEE � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 21� 19�9 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE N0. On ale 'quor Larry Brennan's Liquors, Inc. 13 Leech St. ftestaurant App. 836l� Renewal Mrs. Clara & Frnest A. �ackson & W'sn. K. Conter 3�1t••6 St. Peter �t. Restaurant " 8366 �� Marcella T.Fre�lach 893-.9 �ayne Ave. Resta�xrant " 8369 " Host, Inc. 117l�-6 Arcade St. Res-taurant n g3?2 u � St. Paul �'�n 3t. C�. ( A Minn. Corp.� 221 E. 7th S�. Hestau rant " g376 " Winkel's� Inc. l�29 S. Robert �t.Restaurant " 8393 " M�ttheta J. Luby 1171� �►. 7th St. Restaurant �+ 8l�02 " Susan H. ?�avell 609 University AZ*e. Restaurant +� 8�.0li " Staxlite Bar, Inc, 1112-].!c Arcade St. Restauxant " 81�06 " I,andreville, Ine. 1�35••7 St.Peter st. Restaurant " 8l.a.2 " �1�].ter J. Kubitschek 11lt1.-3 Ra.ce 3t. :�est�rant " 8la1.5 n Armand k. DelMonte 1199 Rice St. Restaurant " 81�22 �� Hafner, Inc. 1560 White Bear Ave. Restaurant " 8426 " Case Resta�zrant �c Liquor, Inc. 951•3-5-9 Arcacie St. Restaurant n g�.3p n �1��COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�rafkw Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �� ORIGI�JAL TO CITY CLERK ^0�•����� . ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. I�C�NSE CoMN�T`r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER DATF J8Tlua�''Y 21� 1�9 ' PAGT N0. 5 (On �ale Liquor) Albert �aisi. � Lawrence Lehner 457 Wabasr�a St. Restaurant App. 8l�31 Renewal The Frend Bax� Inc. 1537 Uni.versity Ave. Restauz�nt �' 81�33 " Joseph J. Monsour & Virginia H. Monsaur��dmx. Estate of John J. Monsour 121 S.Wabasha �t. � Restaurant " 8l�3� " Herges� Inc. 981 University Ave. P.estaurant " 81�39 " Richard B. & Steve L. Schwietz 956 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 8l.�ly� " Robert C.Koehnen, Inc. 859 Randolph �ve. Restaourant n 8l455 " Albert L. Mullenbach �88-92 St. Peter St. -- - xestaurant " $1�.60 " FPo�n & C�ntry �lub� Inc. 2279 MarghallAve. Club '� 8l�61� " St. Paul Athletic Ci ub 3l�0 Cedar St. Club " 81�67 " Village Bax� Inc. 230 Front Ave. Restaurant �� 8l�.72 " Glaser-PScDonough, Inc. 317-1.9 St. Peter St. Restaurant n g476 �� Hotel Commodore� Inc. 75-?9 N. Western Ave. Hotel " 8t�78 " Mancini�s Bax, Inc. 531 W. 7th S t. Restaurant t� 8485 " (13} COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafku Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. Preaident, Byrne O ORIGIAAL TO CITY CLERK ,(.II,� ��;T� . - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � - -- I.ICE�tsE Co14�2T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�ONER DATF J�TIU$I'y 2�.� 1969 . PAGE P10. On ale Liquor Lambs �ipper Club� Inc. 927 E. 7th St. �esta�rant App. 8?�90 Renewal The University �lub of St. Paul� Minn. 1.�20 Summit Ave. Club " 8l�9l� '� Mathew A. Morelli l�21 E. 7�h St. Restaurant " Sl�9? " Ja�r Jay, Inc. 2�,9 W. 7th �t. Restaurant ti 8502 " ftichard E. Jones, Inc, 899 Ra.ce St. ftestaurant n 851�t '� Joseph R. Nemo 156 �,�. 7th St. Restax rant " $52p " Stephen & Victor's Bar, Inc. lt72 I�abasha �G. Kestairant u g523 n Melvin L. Lipschultz 1209 �. ?th St. F.estarant n s525 " Charles Dennis� Inc. 605 �'ront Av� Restaurant n 8530 " Phalen Park Liquors, Inc. 1199 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 8536 " Prom Gatering �o., Inc. 1170 Una.versity A�e. F_estaurant " 8�40 " Maynard H. Moenke 567 Stry-ker Ave. Restaurant n g5�7 " Ace Service� Tnc. 106b E. 7th St. llestaurant �' 8�5� " Archie P. S chwietz 1882-�1� Arcade St. Restaurant " 8559 '� Loucas N. Arvanitis !�!1-�l.�$ St. Peter St. Restaurant �� g562 `i Ma.chael Marchek, Inc. 326 (�rove St. Restaa rant " 8565 " H. N. Ivey, Inc. 3�1-3 University Ave. �17� R.@Sti3U3"3I1't �� g572 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�rafk�, Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /��`'� f ,�_ r , . C I T Y O F S T. P A U L c o u N C i� `•'' �c��sE co��r� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J$�j�,j�T Zl� ]�9 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE N0. 3 �� Sa].e Liquor) DeGidio� Tnc. 1t25 �+1. 7th St. Restaurant App. 8296 Renewal. David A,� Ernest F. & Joseph �'. Yarusso 635-�7 Payne �ve. Restaurant �� 8300 " Al.bert 0. Unise 380 Jackson St. Restaurant f� 8302 p Minnehaha Bow7.ing eenter� rnc. 955 S�� AVe• Restaurant �' 8309 � Carl A. Braham ?55 Jackson St. Restaurant " $318 u Ace �ox �ar, Inc. 2162 University A�e. Restaurant " 8322 " J. J. White� Inc. 719 N. Dale �. Restaurant " 832�. " �ounds Park Tavern, Tnc. 1067 Hudson Rd. Restaurant " 8331 " The Hazel �orporation 19� S�illwater Ave. N Restaurant " 8339 � St. Panl Lodge No. �9, B.P. 0, E.� Tnc. 72 Concord St. Club " �31�1�. � � �Bob & Gene�s Bar, Inc. 82 8 �. 7� St. Restai rant '" 83lt8 p The Minnesota Club 31? N. Waahington St. Club " 831�9 " Dahl�s 620 Club� Inc. 620 W. 7th St. Restaurant �� 8352 " Luig3.'s �ar of St. Paul, Minn. I�8 E, l�t.h st. �estaurant " 835? " (1!�) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafku Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �� ORIGMAL TO^CITY CLERK �A������5�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �c�rsE co�z�T� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY tT1TIL12,Y'y Z1,� 1969 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE N0. 7 (On Sale I,iquor} Trio Lounge, Inc. 86lt-,6 University Ave. Restaurant .App. $57� Renewal Bolands' Liquor & Fo ods, Inc, 685 E, 3rd St. Restaurant « 8579 i1 Edwar3 J.Kasprzyrk 501-3 University Ave. Resta�rant n 8583 �' Little Dipper �ar, Inc. 10lt5 Hudson Rd. Restaarant p 85�5 �� Harold Lang 3?9 University gve. Rest,aa rant " 8�86 " �IcCann Bros. Chatterbox, Inc. 393 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 8589 " Mayville� Inc. 1355 University Ave. Restaurant " 8593 " .Russe�A.Boudin 1192 N. Dale St. Restaurant " 8�97 " Thomas L. �C �uy Ri.ce 96 N.Dale St. Restairant tr 8600 " George 0. Kohls ?38 Thomas �ve. Re�taaxra�t .,. � 8601� �' Jaqies �. MeKel�ey 737 Selby �ve. Restaurant " 867.li. !� Eiger�nan Enterprises, Inc. 519 w. ?th St. Restaurant " 861? �' Esquire Bar, Inc. 821-3 University Ave. Restaurant '� 8623 " Frank J. Grumatz & Herman K. Meyers 581�-6 Rice St. Restaurant �� 8629 " C1�, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_. Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O , ������ \ ORIGTNAL TO CITY CLERK � � �''-� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I,ICEi�SE CQ�IITT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 21� 1959 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE N0. $ (OnSa1e Liquor) The Cro�nwell Inc. 2511 University Ave. Restaurant .App. $633 Renewal Howard J. McNamara 721 Jackson St. Restaurant � 8635 " The Harp� Iric. 175 N.WesternAve. Re staurant " 863? " O�Shaughnessey� Inc. 573 W. 7th St. Restaurant n 8638 a Pedro's�Inc. 782� Grand Ave. Restaurarrt " 86lal�. p / Bowl-�ite� Inc. 151�8 University Ave. Re staurant �� 861�6 n Angus Hotel, Corp. 165-?1 N. Western Ave. xote7. � 8651 " Lenahan's� Inc. 601.-3 N. Western Ave. Restaurant « 8b57 '� Sun-Ray Lo�nge, Inc. 221�jHudson Rd. Restaurant � 8662 " Rowe, Inc. 995 '�• 7� St. Restaurant " 8665 n Sonny's Bar� Tnc, 886 PayneAve. Restaurant " 8b66 a Mikate, Inc. l�75 Wabasha St. Restauraart '� 8672 " John Shomion & Cecilia Shorr�ion� Admac.of Estate of Armir�Shom�.on 120 s. Wabasha St. Restaurant " 8673 n Lawrence A. & Virgl.nia H. Venaglia 2l�1 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant " 8677 „ C l�,COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�rafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � � ORIGSNAL TO CITY CLERK ^O���;�q� , � . , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. �C�� ��3„T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FaRM C MM SS�IONER DATF �anUal`.Y 21: �69 PAGE N0. 9 (On Sa1e Liguor� John J. Wos�:ks � Raymon.d G. Opitz ?31 Randolph Ave. Restaurant App. 8682 Renewal Arline M. 9'iner & I,ibb3.e 5abes 201-5 �. ltth st. Restaurant " 8681� " Bourbon Bax & �afe �orp. 691 N. Dale St.. Kestaurant N 8685 �' Munzen�s Bar� Inc. 2526 W. 7th St. Restaurant �� 8b90 " Paul T, Arend 917-39 Randolph �ve. Kestaurant " 8693 " �lbex�t C. Tschida 616 Como �ve. Restaurant n 8698 " Eddleston Enterprises, Inc. 2251 University Ave. Restavrant " 8700 " R. H. S�Inc. 368 Jackson St. Restaurant " 8753 " Robert L. 8oss 992 Arcade St, R,estaurant n 8706 n Arcade Bar, Inc. 932.,� Arcade St, Restaurant n 8710 " A. S. A. Corp. 665 University Ave. Restaurant " 8716 " Tin Cups, Inc. 1220 Rice St. Restaurant tt 872:8 " Moren Koury 1180 E. 7th St. Restaurant " 8731 " Peter Jay� Inc. l�80 S. Snelling Restaurant " �73�t " Wallace �ax� Tnc. 67l� Dodd �d. Restaurant fl 8737 " (15) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafkw Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O ORICs�INAL TO^CITY CLERK �y���;�V� , , . , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LIC�tSE �TT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JS1U32'� 21.� 1969 COMMISSIONER DATF PAsE N0. 10 (ON SALE LIQUO�L) Mrs. Elsi.e C. Johnsen 13�7 Burns Ave. Restai rant App. 87la1 Rene�al Jflseph G.&_ Robert G.Tschida l�97 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 8753 " Mathias J. Weiss 109�. Rice St. Restai rant " 876,� � Fanl J. Doherty 173 W. 6th St. Restaurant " 8767 � S & J� Inc, 9It7-9 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 8776 " Herbert L. Howe 202 Concord 3t. Restaurant " 8778 " George Gekas 460 St. Peter �t. Restazzrant � 8780 'r Cusick�s)Inc. 816 Payne �ve. Restaurant " 8785 " Ragogna�Inc. l�7.3 Robert St. Restaurant " 8790 n MohaWk �ax, Inc. 107 Concord St. Restaurant " 8793 " Samec Liquorss Inc. 733 �. ?�h ��. Restaurant " 879? " I�ar�y Dee�s Bar� Yna. 315 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 8800 �� Tom's �ar, Inc. 1�7.7 University ave. Restaurant " 8802 " 7.'he Patio� Inc. 1J.�20 W� 7th St. Restaurant �� $810 " Henry J. Scheibel !�2$ S. Wabasha St. Re staurant " 8815 ,+ Robert J. G�livan 354 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 881? " (16j COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafkw Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O . 1 '^)/@'� •/�� ORIGSNAL TO CITY CLERK /'4-!-�'�'j"� . . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ''� ' �`' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. r�c�rs� c�n��r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONEa DATF J�2�IUST3T Z�.� �.�9 PAGE N0. 11 (ON SALE LTG�iTOR) Jockey Lounge� Inc. 2�17 W. 7th St. �estaurant App. 8819 Renewal. Marie Capece & Cami.11e Paul 225 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 882l� " Dizzy�s,?.c�a. 256-8 �1. ?th St• . Rest�urant � 8827 �' Miltts Clay Fipe Tavern� Inc. � 1531t �. Minnehaha Ave. Restaurant " 8829 E' G & T� Inc. 738 Universit�T 9ve. Restaurant �� 8$32 p McTeague�s Bar, Inc. 628 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 883? " y & S I;i.qnors� Inc. 1638 Rice St. Restaurant '� gg�.5 r' Gentile�s/Inc. lt97-9 P�yne Ave. Restaurant �� 8851 " Marvin Flaherty 1179—�1 E. Tt� St. Restaurant " 8855 " Highland Terrace, Inc. 2239 Forfl Pky. Restairant " 8859 " McLean�sl Inc. 1096 Grar�d. �ve. Restaparant '� 8$6� " Petit,Incorporated 1.373 �.Magnolia Ave. Restaurant " 8863 „ Prime, Inc. & Joey�s Inc. � ?-9 W. 7th St, xestaourant p h8885 " St. Paul Aerie No. 33, F. 0. E. 113 W• IIn3.versity Ave• (1!�� Club "' $891 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson S�,rafk�, Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, Byrne O . ORIfo�.NAL TO CITY CLERK I►���E ri�� � , , � _ , , CITY OF ST. PAUL �COENCIL NO. ����� ��TT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY eTc'�1U.8.I'31' Z�.� 1969 COMMISSIONErt DATF PA4E N0. 12 ( �N SALE LI�tTOR) Stanley J. Fiorito 23l� W. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant App. 8895 Renexal Grace-�Jackson, Inc. l�ll�. Jackson St. Restaurant " 8898 � Paul J. Triviski 756 Jackson St. Restauraxxt n g900 " C & C Bax� Irbc, 57l� Rice St. Restaurant p 8902 n The Arlington C�,fe, Inc. 721 Payne �ve. Restan�rant " $906 n Celebrity Lounge, Inc. 655 se�by Ave. Restaurant " 8917. " (6) JAN 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JAN � 1 1969 Carlson - �i�� pprove _ 19— Meredith n Favor �� , Mayor S�rafkw � A gainst '����SCn� Mr��'���,�;$ �;:: � PUBLISHE� JAN 2 5 1g�9 iac:::c w�.,:.�t .�r�.x..::��ieefe Mr. Vic� Preaid�t (Petarsan) �