241809 - ,� � . 2���C.�g CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� �� NO. R�olution App�oving A�sesament By— and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon y�= In the matter of the asseasment of benefits, costs and eape�uea for constrnctic�a or re- coastructiaa of side�►alks and work incideatal thereto; Coatraet 68-M-433, District I�o. 2, Levy Pio. 5 ; � _ � �'.0. � 8602 - Baaell 3t., both �ides fros S�lbq Ave. to Dayton Ave. P.O. #236594 - Ho7re11 Street, both sideo fror Marah:ll Ave. to Daytcm Av�. F.O. f236506 - xiverMOOd Place, both aides fro� Bxeter Place to Cretin Awo. ! 1�.0. #236695 - Cleveland Ave., bath sidea fra�n Selby Avs. to Daytoa Ave. � ?.0. #236601 + pheeler St., both aidta �rco Lineoln Ave. to Qoodrich Ava. P.O. #238901 - �yton Ave. , both aides iroti Fairvi�w A�e. to De�rey 3t. 1 ' l.0. #236510 - iih��ler 8t., both sides fro� Aague Av�. to I.aurel Ave. and on the iiest side of Wheeler 3t. fro� Laurel 4ve. to Aihlamd eve. � B.0. �238902 - Wilder 8 t., both s ides fros I!l,arshal�l Ave•. to Dayton.�ve.,.. ..._ .. . _ _..._� _ .._. . . �.��., !:'�.�.#��1�9��'��A°s��and Ave., both sides fra�'�r�rcal St. [o Albert �t. _ _ 1�.0. �236509 - Fry St., buth sides froa Selb�* Ave. to Ha�ne Ave. _. , ... _, _ .,- ,. , �,.. .. ,. _ ,,. ,. _,., _. . !�.'�:'".��'f'9'�'�"�'�yndfcste Et., ��t aide lroe� 1�r�1'ind A�►e. south appro�c:� I8'L ft. and oa ths •outh sid� af lortlaud �v:.. frua iq,sdicate $t., �s,t . ,. . _.. . . ...�.�. , +.��y x,p...... ... - . � �. . . . . . . . . . ... ... � .. . . _ ___ip�ZO�. �'� �4�t. �, : ' � . ` � . _, _ _ .. , - ,,, ::, . . , T : _. . ., -....i, ,.. .,. ._ c. ;.,�..�..• , .: -.. - - .,-�� �_ .;.z- '` -- -- . , _. . .. . # _,. . N �T- S�SS s : . , . . !. : -':1�c�I1�``�c:; `'�otb�iki'dei} fr`oi�'S�eibji Ave. 'to`D�ytoa-eve,. '3 . , . F.Q., #:�,36594. .�ar+e�1. St,r�ast,� b+o�h; side�.,,frew„Marshall Ave. to Daytc,n Ave. �{.0. ����6�5tlb -�R�var�ood Place, bot.� eidai frc� Ezet�r Place to Cretin Ave. 1�.0. :��6'A43: +�:C'�e�neiasd �lva,, �o�kh aidu���c�a �a�l�ji ilAra.� to: H1�� 1��r+s:. ,� �. F`�0. �236b01 • i�theeler St., both �ides fro� Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich Ave. F.O. #�3d'�El�1'�♦ �aytoe�A+re.;��bath�i�ides°' f�a 'l�s�rvfan �ve.� �b-'!le�ey' St. !'.Q. �236510 Wheal�a�^ St., both sida fra�a Hagu� Av�. to La�rel t�va. asd � : . .�:_ ,:> , , .„ �� neat side of 6Ried�.etr"�t. �re�a Lsur�l Ave: to Ashia�°'��ra. _ l.0. ,#23�'�;Q2 • iiildez St., both,aidaa f,roa l�arshall Ave. Lo Dt,�ts�n Ave. , . ,, . ,: , l.�. '#1�6SC�9` -� !'iry �t`.`, '$oth 'ilidei fro� Selbq Av�. to Haguie A��. :. I�,�}. �238198 - Ash].and.Ave�., .bot�►;��.des �r,�a.�}�cal S,t. :to Alize�t,S(�: . ; ; . . ;:., , !'.0. 2�9197 - $�►ndicat'e�St.� �reat aide �raa�Fc�rtYand Av�. ao�th spprau.� i$l ft. ;.,. �..�: . �.., �u1; Par:th+e,;�p�►tp,.aid*; a�;.�ort�t �y;,; fraa :S7rai�te 86. ��� . . . approx. 62 ft. . . owner to wno�-tine nvi,i� �a ui��:... _ _ _ coLrxcn..�Ex JAN 2 � 1969 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Carisr� MerD�h JAN � � 1969 �n Ap oved � Sprafka -.,:,:a,:� �j �•:::�• Favor 3:5�::::���r�.���i��ea�E � �Mt. Vics Pres6d�at (��t�ra�n) /� aypp l. Against PllBLISHE' JAN 2 5 t969 Fo� a.z z� ie-sa s��