241797 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ^ Y����."��.� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL L TION-G L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE be t t rson Tp RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Yaul are hereby authoriz�d to pay to Hurley Construction Co�pany on Partial Estimate No. 5, Contract No. L-7057, for the construction of the LEXINGTON-STINSOIV RELIEF SEWER, said estimate being paid for the period of Dece�ber lst to December 31st, I968, and such other partial estimates on said contract that may be presented subsequently by said Contractor and approved by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Council that sueh partiel payment or payments on • partial esti�ete or estf�ates on said Contract in no way are to be constrt�Qd as an act by the City or any of its agents, �ervants or e�aployees extendin� the time �pecified for the completion or in any way c�ianging the terms of said contract, plans or apecificetions thereof, nor in anq wey nor by any � � means shall this resolution or payment, or payments made nnder anthority of � � this resolution be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said city under said contract, and provided that prior to pay�ent of any of the afore- said partial estimate or estimates, said contractor by its duly authoriaed agents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Comptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of pay- ment as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FURTH�R RESOLV�D, That in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no payoent or pay�aents as aforesaid shall be made. JAN 2 1 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���� � Carison ���9 �—. Approved 19—_ Meredith ��n Favor . Fet�rse�- n , Sprafka �i ' Mayor A gainst � PU�LISHEO JAN 2 5 1969 ;^�'"" ���`:. �;��:��::_� Mr. Vic� PreeidtYt (Peterson) O +��'-'q: �:v;� �� DUPLICATB TO PRINTBR �,�•' I�'�� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. ,�-���_ *, ,�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER R�t►�T� 1"' . F�terBOn DATF RESt3LWEA, Tha�t the proper ofi'icer� o� the Ci�y of Saink Yaul are h�r�by autha�iate+d to pay to �iurley Constx�uction Campe�y or► Barti�a2 Eatimate No. S� Contrgct �iQ. L-7057, for the conatrucCion af the LB�I�iG'I'iJ�t•STINSON RELI�F' SEWER, said estimate being paid for Che pexie�d of Deceiaber tst to December 31et, 1968, and euch other �part�.al eaCimatea 'on eaid �ontract that may be presented �ubs�quently by seid Contractor and �ppzoved by tihe City Enginaer, �t b�ling the anderstanding vf thi.s Counci�. thet �uch partial pay�nent or gayment,� on partisl estime�e ar as�i�a�es an +aaid ConCract in no way are to be constru�d as an act by the City o� any o� ite �gents, cervants or employees e�t�endi�g the tione apec3fied for the cc�nnplatiore or i.n any aay etu�gi.ng the ter�s a� snid contract, pi�n� ar specifi�ea�ions thereoi, nar in anq way nar by �ny means sball this r�soluticr� r►r pay�aet�t, ar payment� made und�r ae�thori�y oE this reaolutivn b� cc�n�tr�ed es � �ai.ver of any of the rights caf aaid city under 8aid contrac�, a�ad �rovided tlutt prior to payment of any of tha a�'ore- seid partiel est�mete er e�timates� said contractor by it� duly► authorized ag�n�s or corpvrate officer�, si�pll file with the City Cc�►mgt'toller in a form approved by the Gasporatlon Counsel an aaceptance af the candition� of p�y m�nt as heireinb�fo� eet forth, and SL IT �VRTBER RESOLVED, Thet in the ebse�n�� n€ eaid accsptance being f iled with the City Comptroller, ao payment or pa�men�s a� aforesaid ehall be m�de. ��� � � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �i�' "`w ,� oii` Cc1TL90I1 �h. Approver� 19—_ Meredith n Favor P-e�e�se� Sprafka 'C� Mayor ��_ 'AgafriBt Mr. Preside�t��Byxne ti'�.•-. a .�es �'.�r. 1'ir.e �'resiuezit (i'eie.sun)+ �