241796 oRtotN�l.ro errr c�sRK �`-'" L�n�L' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESO I —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .�OMMISSIONE pTF RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be authorized to extend contract number G4507 irith the McGill Graphic Arts Company for an additional 12 months at the same unit prices under Section 291 of the City Charter ir� that McGill Warner is the only eource producing these tiekets irithin the City Limits of the City of St. Paul as is required under Section 95.01 of the Oiir�r-Ciiw�i'.rr. -�. Q�� ��s�-�i� �� CODE: 2400-269 �y+d APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROV�D: ;�. __:�i ASSISTANT CORPORATIOft COUNSEL COMPTROLLER � CHASING AGENT ��N 21 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays �,�,6� 2 �, 1969 Carlaon �.}�}i, Approve� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Feterae� ' Sprafka Mayor � gainst �:;-:--: PUBLISHEO JAN 2 5 1969 €�� � �...�1t::=.::�: ��� p�,� p,reeid�at (Peterson)1/$/69 Sts�1to11/lb �� �� �� , � DUPLICO�E TO PRINTfiR ��� ,(��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO ```� `-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVLD, Z'hat the Purc7aa�ing Agent be authorized to extend contr�,ct number G�507 with t1�e McCrill Graphic Arts Company fc�r a,n additional 12 rnps��hs at the same unit �;rices undex Sectian 291 uP the City C�i�,rter in that McGill Waxner is �he only c�ource producing these tickets witYlin the City Li�►its af �he City of St. Paul as is required under Section 95.O1 of t�e C�r�rke-r.S"�: �C� �`���u''�4'..� �a�'�. t,O�'�: Z�+dO'-G69 AFPROVELI � TO FORI`�: AI'Pk�OV.ED: , ,`�'�-�-� ASSIS'�.'AT3T COF,PORATIO�'1V COUTISEL � C0�'�'TROL ��°R � ' �•�,�r��,���r . �'URCHASING AGI�IT � J A,� ' � ���>� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��;�r;r�,_ CarLson ��`` y � �� � Approved 19—._ Meredith !/ Tn Favor Pp�n Sprafka �.� Mayor A gainst T-e�ease-- M� 1'�r��.,e.,.,�'",�"�3,�:�e r ... � ����r;r. 'vice 1'rt.si�f::xEC ib'��ters�n) 1/�3/69 Stanton/1b 55