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€:- In the Matter of ��IMwr�� ti� •�M�l�t �1 ttti! M�t'�t 1tl+i1t � '��t l"N. l�+�
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:� under Preliminary Ox�er . �1LiT aPP��� �■�'t �r► 2'!M
. Intermec�iary Order aAProv�
A public hearing having been had upon the above impmvement upon due notice, and the Cauneil
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, an.d having fully corisidered
the same; therefore, be it
ft�SOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paui that the precisE nature, extent and l�ind'af im-
provement to be made by the a�id Gity is :
e� �s�fc�ss tlr: �31t rt e� rwe� r� �' l�t�wrE Iia�s. i�rie �°`�M�sl�Mgr :
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and the Coune� hereby orders said improvement to be made.
R,ESOLVED FURTHER,, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby inatructed and
clirected to prepare plans and speeifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
�1N 2 � i��9
Adopted by the CounciL
Yeas �arlson Naya .
D�� Appro ed
Peterson �
Sprafka �` T„ Favor �
�Q `� Mayor
Byrne �g.ainst pUe�ISHEt �AN 2 5 1969
s_s�.a�c �� �i .
„ � � ' + -�. � Dist. No. 2
� , , �vN/�p �. op �+ �,
N.S. Fairmount Ave. - Lexington Parkway t
t S.S. Fairmount Ave. - Dunlag to Lexington Parkway •�S�
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'�?, �I,��� 0�, Q f,J,f REP�RT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINAiVCE .��1��
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c��- -���,�,,C.
.._w - _ __�. Dec. 9th. 19 68
To the Conauissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uader consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 241147 approved Dec. 3rd. 19 68
relative to reconstructin the sidewalk on the north side of FairuEOUnt Ave. from
�ur� Lq p AS oP�,r tG/
Lexington Farkway t . , . .
-��2 and on the south side of Fairmount Ave. from Dunlap St. to Lexington Parkway
and bq doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im-
and having investigated the matters and things referred to thereia, herebq reportse
la The estimated cost thereof is $3.50 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk S fto
wide and $4>20 per line ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft, wide>
2o A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is t�ereto attached and made a
part thereofo
3o Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X
4o Improvement is asked for upon petition R
Co�issioner of 1 r
I 13 Court Housa,65102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiuioner
LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Depufy Commissionsr Phone:223-4646
a nu r ��� ���
J a y 7, 1969
Mr. Harry Marshall
City Clerk
File No. S8654
Reconstruct sidewalk on the N/S
of Fairmount Ave. from Lexington
Pkwy. to Dunlap St.
Hearing: January 21, 1969
Dear Sir:
Forwarded herewith is a letter, with reference to the above project,
for consideration by the City Council.
�8'i�cerely, ,-�
i j f� ; .
i ; ;;
�-���,G " ,
r�ames J. D glish �v
(� Commission r of F ance
cc: Raymond W. Davis Jr.
, . -
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,L..,.._,y.,,�u.us�...�{I�:�..... .1.....�._.......1............��..�....__�. . _.'_. _.:.. ..� ... . � . ._. _. .. . ,.:.�,._.. _.,_.....:_... ,.�..,. .. ._...........:....._._.... ...,.a....
113 Court House 55102
January 3, 1969
� � � ��,�,:
� ��c��
Raymond W. Jr. and Irene M. Davis `�
1116 Fairmount Avenue
St. Paul, Minneaota 55105
File S8654, Page 3 ,.
;' ;
botice is hereby given that the Council of the City of St. Paal will
`� hold a public hearing in the Council Chambera of the City Hall and +
Court Houae at 10:00 a.m. on Janua�ty 21, 1969 on the advisability o� '�
proceedfn� with Prelfminary Order 241147, approved Decemb�r 3, 1968 L �',
which proposes to reconstruct the sidewalk on the north sid� of
Fairmount Avenue from Lexington Parkwiay to Dunlap Street aa opened »
and on the south side of Fairnwunt Avenue fram Dunlap Street to
Lexington Parkway and by doing all other work which is neceasary
and incidental to complete said ineprovement, except where it is
determined that good and suffciient poured sidewalks exist. �
The estimated cosC thereof is $3.50 per lineal foot for a atandard �
�, sidewalk 5 feeC wide and $4.20 per lineal foot for a aCandard sidewalk ; '�
6 feet wide.
In addition to the above, charges will be made fr�r extra work which
is a particular benefit to the abutting property, such as tree removal,
poured concrete removal, driveways, and additional width of walks, based
on the annual sidewalk eontract pricea on file in the Department of
Public Works.
You are invited to meet with the technical advisors in the Coun dl
Chambers at 9:30 a.m. , on the same day if you wish detailed information
regardinrg the proposed sidewalk construction, or phone the sidewalk
' department prior to the day of the hearing at 223-4255.
� Commissioner of Finance
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