241748 ORIOIN�TO CITY CLSRK 241'74� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL RES ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF WI�REAS, an error was made on Couneil File No. 2�+1536 dated January 2, 1969; be it hereby amended to read: RESOLVED, That the Purchasiag Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the coBSent of the Comptroller to purchase fram Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company for the Department of Public Works, Bureau oP Traffic Engineering, Scotchlite Faees at a cost of $8,966.50 and Scotchlite Roll Goods at a cost of $4,39�+•25 for a total cost of $13,36U.75, �rithout advertisement or competitive bids pvrsuant to Section 290 oP the Chaxter of the Cit�r of Saint Paul as this is patented equi.pment (the only source of supply): and the proper City o�ficials hereby are directed to execute same. CODE: 0203-307 - �d Reqn. -35�. & 3521+ APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROYED: ASSISTANT CO ORATION COUPTSEL COMPTROLLER 7 i � �� ��/"L ING AGENT .lAN 16 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeag Nays Carlaon ��ij � � 196� Dalgliah r Approved 19—_ Meredith �O �� —_In Favor �� Sprafka D �Q�e� Mayor Tedeaco ASainat a��pe��AC� �i�'�` ;9:4"7H�:}': itq�w�,��� 3�•q/�aaa.::{�L�.�."��.: Mr. �ice Preaideat (Peterson) PtJ$LtSNE1 �� 1 � � 1/3/69 Rafter/lb �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTBR CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL cooNC�� ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF tidli��EAS, an errar was mad.e on Council Fil� No. 21+1536 dated January 2, 196g be i't hereby �nended to read: P,LSnI,VEU, '1'hat the Purchasin� Agent be and he is here�y authorized w3.th the consent of the Co�troll.er to purchase from T�iinnesota �Jiining �,nd Nianufacturing Company for the Department of Public Works, Iiureau of Tra�'fie �n�ineering, �cotchlite Faces a.t a cost of �8,966.50 and Scotchlit� Roll Goods at a cost of ��y39�+.25 for a total cost of �13,360.759 without adver'tisement or compet�Ltive bids pur�uant to uection 2q0 nf th� Clza,rter o£ the City of Saint Paul as this is patented eq�xipment (the only saurce of su.ppl.y): Fznd the proper City officials hereby are directed to execute same. CODE: 0203-307 Feqn. 352� & 352�+ APPR�VE� AS TO FpRl�i: .l�'PROV�;D: � �.,_„ .._._...�._._._.. _._..�..._. �_.�.._ __ __ ' _ � .. � �� ASSIST.�,t11�T CUP,POSiATTO1V COUNSEI, G01�'TROLLE�i �` /!-�` ;J i+ 7 � ��S /s/-� ,Z 'i�n ....��.�%�_....___._ _ .....�!� }.�U' CHASING AGErdT ��� 1 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ;J al ,;.f °� , .;�v� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor �e�e�se� Sprafka CJ Mayor A gainst Tedesco ,� .��K Mr.-F�e�+�e�s"�;�yrrie ,... ._ J�ir. 4'ic� 1'a•e�id��i��t �Yet���,au�n) 1/3/6y Raft�r/lb O