241735 ORI6INA�TO CITY CL6RK ��� � �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC S LUTION ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. �eterson �/ COMMISSIONE DATF WH�A.S, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improve�ent described as Grading and Paving VANDALIA STRLET from I.S. 94 to University Avenue and VANDALIA STREET from University Avenue to Charles Avenue, Comptrol- ler's Contract L-7040, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specif ications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to n�ake the following Additions because of the necessity of constructing Type 4-A catch basins in lieu of Type 3-A catchbasins to accommodate existing underground utilities ADDITIONS Type 4-A catch basin 1 each @ $225.OU $225.00 This ite� to be charged against P-491 and financed from M.S.A. suspense fund, 1968 Type 4-A catch basin 1 eaeh @ $225.00 225.00 This ite� to be charged against �-390 and financed from County Aid Fund, 1968 L/ TOTAL ADDITIONS $450.OU � x , and ,i � � WHEREAS, The total addition is $45A.OU and the Com�issioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the affiount of $450.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract; therefore be it RESOLVSD, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoiflg additions �ade in accor�ance with the Specffications in the suu of' $450.00, said a�ount to be added to the lump su� consideration na�ed in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7040, and which eaount is to be financed by M.S.A. Suspense Fund ($225.00) and County Aid Fund ($225.00), 1968. �pN 15 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,jA�ij 1 � 1g69 , Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith _jn Favor �� Sprafka � �'ll!/ Mayor Tedesco A gainst `" ' �'�'�:::i: P_UBLISHE, JAN � 8 196'9 �✓�r. �'ice PreaideYt (retersea} _ � ��� ��`,�5� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 'ti ""���� � a r� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL N�,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER R�bBrt P'. Peterson DATF WAERI�AS, Additions which ,ight prowe to be n�cessary in kbe I�pmwe�ant deacribed as Gradi.t�g and Fav3ng VANAALIA STRB�T �zoa t.S. 94 ta t?nivarsitq Avenue and VAtrDALIA �TREET fro� C�niversity Avenu� to Charle� Aventse, Comptrnl- ler�s Contract L-7Q�►0+ Ashbach Construction Co�panq, Contrectos, have been prowid�d for iA the Sp�►ci,fications, and WgEREAS, It has baen found necessary to toaike the following Additiot�s because of the nece�sity of constru�eting Type 4-A catCh bas�ns i� li�u of Type 3-A catchbasins ta accadeodate a�siati�g und,ergrouad utiliti�s � ADDITIO�'S Type 4-A cateh besin 1 each � �225.00 $225.� This itea� �o be charged a�aixest Y•491 �nd �inanced froa M.S.A. saspen�e fund, 19bA Type 4-A catch basit� 1 each Q� $22S.001 225.00 This ites to be charged e�gainst Y-�►� and f inancad f roo Countp Aid Fund, 1968 �,__�,___ TQ?�il. ADDITIf1NS $4SO.Q0 and W�EREAS, This tatal addition is �430.00 and the Co�issianer of Public Works t�s �greed rrith tbe Cantrector that the asount of $450.00 is the correct sum to be added to seid contract, Cherefore ba iti RBSOLV�D, �haC the Gity of St. Pautl through its City Grncucil appx^oves the foregoing additions sede in accostil�ince with the Speeif icetions in the suM to $450.00. said �unt to be added to th�a larap stu� consideration n�ed ia the contract, known as CoaptrulTex's Goatr+�ct L-��40, a�nd which amount is ta b� f inanced by M.S.A. Suspense FuAd t$225.t1�) and County Aid Fund t$�25.00). 1968. Jl�l� 1 ':� 1��9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson .��?��� ; , ',r°;, n Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith n Favor �g�^ Mayor Sprafka �� A gainst Tedesco �',;P��:���;�� ,. rv'�T, �iiti"t �'�'5'i:.:9_�€i.'v'T'rt ��°L'tQ:iSOil�i . �