241730 _ � _ , _ . ,Y ., - 1 '' M � _ � . � 2���'��0 COUN�IL FILE NO.- �` CITY O�F ST. PAUL = R�so�l'u�ian Ratifying A�e�sment By— -� � i In the matter of the assessment of 1►�tf�ts� �Mts a�i �Npt #'�rt ���1s!l+�11 �' ri1o�� ' ala�+etio� �! sii�wllcs wi r�k la��i�tal �eo� �ttsast f�4�►4„ li��arirt �t. �, Lt�r� �o. 1 ; s + 1�.0�.���31 • s. Cssaytir Ava., both a idu !`�o� Js�kspwt i t. to t� 8 t. ,, 1.4. #237506 - Ca � � �� s�•, iot� a i�as �sm. sulcava �t. t� yat1� a t. t.0. f2374�4! • �. �elc�r St., S�mwth •i�� lra� J�kson St. to Cs+rtUuu! Tl�tce. ' +r l.C. �?.3663Q - iiratit� St., So�tls •id� lran Saflala 8t. ta► �,'O�ciast Aw. s.0. f334bGx - G�wr� �tr�t, bstb •ida� frew iutla2o ftrut t� L'OriaoE =tsut. l.A. #Z37113 - =iprtoa it., �t aid� #roa Ca+�a ��n. to sias Ave. l.4. i2370l0 - Ddvco Et., both rides frow iihftali St. te Cas� Aw. �.4. f23 7114 - =d�rtoe� S t., be►tb a 31e� froa �tiaash�b�t Avf. to 1st�oat S t. , .,,.,;.:: �rQ,�,,#+�.3�,�].�.�,td�tM�._at.•,��./�It_ ll�it`:.[t� '�Iift!"!C`:A1'�Ir:,.'R:O'1p1��"t�. � O�t tlti. .. Wut •ids ot Sdserton 3t. frc�t yas�t wn. to ii41ta11 St. ;-, :..�.. �.:w#.-,.�r:, , .. .. .,._ �.:<.. .,-,,._ . .. ,.. . .. ,. . . . ,.,,. , ... . . _. . ., .,, . ... . .. ..... . ... .. : -..... . :�.�.". . � ,_. �.:.t�.� . .r� - . ._. . � _ : . ���R�,,.. �3�1 .- ;.��iiesasi�rs-�rs.,..��-�#i�a���tw��3utsos�st: �c�►...���i.Bt: _.. .. .. . �_ i►.�, �337346 - Cs�p it•. lotti •ide� fro� Jaskso� =t. to Apt� 8t. �'.Q., #�663p - �Rz�i,�4.:�?�.,j �_i�tw�tlt;�a3Aa:-�� suttalQ s�: t���•ortart���Ew. : _ l.0. lZ36�02 - ti�as�u Strs�t, both sidu irp� aultale gt. ta L,'Q�1aEot Bts��t.. :. �_ . .l.0. �)N!!a »�D�i�tl�► 1�ti�., �ith��fd�r'`lrvl��iih�t��l �$t. tm Caii� �iri.: . _ _ . �'.O. �237114 • Edprtoa St., both sid�s fro�e Mi�ubaha A��. to �at�pat St. .'�'.4:"1��3'711� • sd�ertoa st., �ast sida fra� loslc Aw. to W��a�t. a�d od tht iT��t sid� of tiaertc�►� 8t. traa Tosk A�e. to W'hltall St. . , , , .. ---- , . _ - �-- --- -------- -- - _ _ . , same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for co�nfirmation. BE IT FURTHER RIESQLVE�D, That the said assesament be and it is hereby determined to be pa.yable �n � equal installments. Cf?UNCILMEN Yeas Na�$ ,�AN 1 � 1969 C.�r�son Adopted by the Couneil Dalglish Meredith ��� 1 � 196� ,P�er� Approvecl Sprafka .... .n..^Y.Tedesco � tM4 . ........ Tn Favor �g� �C.,,, � ��� Mayor •`loit. 'Vi�e`YresiiY t � ���ii) � Far,r, x-z an� io-sa a� Against pUBLISHE� �pjN I � ]�� , - CITY O�F ST. PAUL ����� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIO'NER OF FINANGE � , Report of Completion of Ass�essme�nt ����►,� � In the matter of the assessment of ���t�� +IM�i#f a�li ll�i� l�II� �!l�MSt#�w �i �M�Mw tM�!'�Rt� � �li�i N� � ��1 ��_ �IMI11a�Me�t N�Il�4, D�s#a�t �. !* t�r�r xil►. i essass�zE: F.O. #236631 - E. Geraaiu� Ave., both sides frc� JacksoII gt, to Agat� St. F.O. #2375�6 - Cayuga St., both aide' �roa Ja¢icsoa St. to Agate St. F•�• #237fN�9 - B. Acker St., So�th side fre� Jacksoa St. to Cortlaad place. F.O. #236630 - Cranite �t., South side froa E�sffalo �t. to L�Ori�at Ave, I F•�• #2356�2 - Geaas�a Strest, buth aides from Euffalo 3treet to L'Orient Street. F•�. #237113 - Edgerton St., Bast sidd froa► Cas� Ave. to Sies Ave. F.O. #237090 - DeScto St., both aides frc� Whitall St. to Case Ave. F.O. #237114 - Bdgerton St., both sides fro� Kit�nehaha �i,��t, �p g�,t.,8�. :. ,. -��t .?,�7,�,1�� .a�,� ,5�,.,,; �-��-'f�e ��' �`c�r1c Avs. to '�1e11a tt. and oa the � West aide of` Edgerton St � ;, ��, , �, ,_.�._� ��.._ , ..» . _: . a . from .. .. ..q. �..: 11., L�,. . York ... . . r,.. . �,_.. .. ,. , �, :.s V�. to �,t� S .. _ . .. , � �Gl�f-AS3 , .. __. � . . ffiS',�I.E: .;:,,,,. �•0.,.��Z3 b�631. -:g. :Cera :.w<. .. .�. :,: , .. . ,, . +�wr �ire:=:�b1�A' 1r�I�''��`�es JsCksbn1St. to Agate St. � � ' F•0. #237506 - Cayuga St., beath sides �ro� .Tackaon St. to Agata St. , F.O. #236¢30 - �r,ay�#t� g�:�;�South sid� frc� Bu�'falo St. to L'prient Ave. , . �.d.� #2�660� - Geaeeee Straet, both side� fros Euf,��1Q, 8,�. to I,t4�isat Stac���. ° F,O.. ��3.7fl9� -,�S�ts ��.,���h`i�tdla fro� i�iiEall St: to Case Ave. F.0. #23 7114 .: $d,�e�toa S t..r 1�P;tb?.a.fd�s fse� M3nt�eha�ta� Ave. to EeYu�on E $t; ' �•�• ����`YI� = �dgerton 3t., east aid e t rar Yor k Ave. to Wess St. aad on the i�Test side of Edgertan St. fron York Ave. to iihit+r;�l �°t. •. ..< . :., , � . . , Engineering_, and.Inspection.. . . . � _ �- Inspection . .. .. .. . . .. . ... . . ..... .... .... .... .. . $ Postalcaxds . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. ....... .. . . .. .. .. . . . $ 16 0� Publicationa . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. ... ... .. . . . $ 160 5Q_ Collection costs . . . .... . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . $ 320 �� Court co ts for canfirmation . .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. . $ 16 �_ Comptro�ler cost 160 20 TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . .. . . .... . ..... ...... . $ 20,209 3�_ Charge ta . .. . . 0920-701.. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . $ 3,265 $Z_ . .. .. . ... . . .. .. . �'[48'4$���s�4hl�..... .. . . . .. . . . .. $ 544 59— NetAssessment . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . $ Said Commiasioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of � 16,383.86 , upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accorda,nce with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asaeasment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the aignature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com�leted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Date� Decetiber 17, 1968 Commis ner o nce. Fo� x-z zn� iass a�