241713 . � ����a,�� J
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Theuadereigaedherebyprop0eeethemaldngofthefolYowingpubliaimprovementbytheCityoi8aint_Psul.vls ,,,,:,. �-
' �,�, .�f.�.n.an�ext�rtd K 11�..B 1�. �ini�i_ ��:�`�i�::�`�����toti�'�-����: - _
� � Ave. by ca►de�miag and tsking tt�at, �r : of Ful lers. �ub. of BTk. . .�, -
,., �9a�r���nd.:.�fwi�asg�M�._��a�a • :,,,. : . :,rai .Park,d.����� _
of the f�ilvwtrtg' ��estr i bed l i ne:
Beg.inning at a point on the westeriy line of Kellogg Blvd. distant
23 feet southerly of the center line of Mulberry St. produced westerly,
�° tih+en�e nort�►wes�er.ly to a-poi-nt distant 12 fee.t westerly :�nd ]20 feet
northerly of the point of beginning; thence northwesterly distant 12
ft. westerly and parallel to the westerly line af Ket�ogg Blvd�. to the
south line of Dayton Ave.
of BIklS87cDadton�andalavine•�,�i�ecessary, for slopes,pcuts and fills,
an easement on that art of Fuller s Sub. 1
rema i nde r the reof occas i oned y'excariat i on` the reof or cons t ruct i on o f
s:lo�es, i� tk�e _greding and pavi.ng of, the widened Kellogg Blvd. from ;
College Ave. to Surrnnit Ave. � " �
... ..._ . _. aPe�, wtds�r-ana•-e�tt�lle�i-logg Blvd. frc�..����.��...[� Daytdn ....._..�.. `i
Ave. by condemning snd takin�. that �art of Fullers Sub. of Btk._87
� ,� ......_......._'D�y�on'arifi�l"'r'v i ne''s'`�Cii�;..il�so �ri. .. �..... . . . .. _. _.. __. ..�..�....-�..
`� '' Orm a'�s�ithedral Park, lying easteri
Qf..�..�Q�.1�+.�nS..�es:c��.l�ed_} i ne: ._ . . __.�.. .......... ...._._.�.... ._ . . .._.. -- .. �
8eginning at a poiRt on the westerty line of Keltogg 81vd, distant '
. 2� feet �o�th�,rl-� of :the .G��ter. l;i,ne of,, Mulberry St. produced wes_terly� '
�thence northwesterly to a point distant 12 feet westerly and 120 feet �
- ' �no'rt�herly of the point of beginning; thence northwesteriy distant 12 '
' ' '��t�. �stec�#:y :and parai le:� to.� �th��wes�riy #-i ne of Kel logg �B?�d. to- the '
sout,h ,,�.i ns .of Aayzs�n Ave. . '•
__ , , _ _ �
'" l��tt� coitde�rning arid t�aicl���n easement on that par't of Ful ler�s Sub. +
c�f-61k, 87., �D�ytr�n and 1rvt�es� ruaces5ar�y for slopes, cuts and fills, ?
in�luding the right of rempv�l of l:atera-1 suppoct f�rom, subjact iand flr: 1
rema�inder thereof occasioned by ,excavation thereof 0r�construction of �
slopes in' the grading and p�v`ing of the widened Kellogg B1vd. from
College Ave. to Summit Ave.
, . . ; , ;
. ;t _
Councilman Carlson JA N 1 4 1969
Da 1 g 1 i s h APPmved.................................................•--.........._.....
Tedesce -- ---•-- •- --•--••-
Mr. President B�ttTre M83'or•
�oou �-ac ,
? C, RtlBL1SHE� JAN 3� 1969