241684 � � . 24��84 v- �= INTERMEDlARY ORDER. CoUN��L �LE No . - By File No. 17345 In the Matter of constructing a zeZfe� sewer i� an mas�aent Nith the c�aterline cf aai.� easeaent being dascribed as. follo�s= bagisning at a poist located at a beari�g of A 89' 32' N asd a di:tance of 214 feet fsam th� 1iW cor�er of the 1�15`�, of the SB � of Sectiea' 3�, T 29 2�, R 22 W; thance at a beariag of S 20' 06' � a distaace of 335.76 feet; � theaae at a b�arfag of 8 27' 06' E s d�,a.tance of 380 feet; thenc� at a bearia� of 5-45' 26' E a distance of 450.AD feet; thence at a bearing of N 55' 19' 8 a distsaae of 250°:ie�t 'ore or less to th� eaisting Troutbrook S�er. under Pr�liminary Order 241236 approved� Deceaber 6, 1968 The Couneil of the City of St. PauT`.having received the report of the Commisaioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. 'That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said innprovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the irnprovement which the Council recommends is ta construct a relief sawer i� an easa�aat aith th� centerlina of said easa�a�t beiaffi �escribed ss folle�ra s beginning at a poiat� located at a b�arisig of �i 89' 32' p a�d a distance o! 214 feet fro�s the �T coraer o� the �E �, ef the 9� � ef Sectioa 30, ? 39 N, 8 22 p; th�nce at a bearing of S 20' 06' E s -�istaace •€ 335.76 te�t; thenc� at a ' bsarimg ef S 27' 06' E a distaace of 3�9 feet; thence at a b�aring of 5 45' 26' B a di.stance of 45�.00 fe�t; theace at a beariag �g 8 55' 19' S a di:t�ce o� 250 feet �re cr leas to the existing Troutbrook SeMtr. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $ 12��4�4•�� R,esolved Further, That a public hearing:be had on said improvement on the l,lth day of gebrn�rP, 1969 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A,M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail,Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice af said meeting to the persons and in the max�ner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of < hearing, the nature of the imgrovement and the total east thereof as estimated. �AN 1 4 1�� COUNCILMEN , _ Adopted by the Counci�, Yeas Carls0�1 Nays :1f11Y Dalglish Approve Meredith Petersot� Sprafke n �avor • TedeSCO . Mayor Byr"e �Ag�nat PuB�tsME� JAN 18 1969 s.��.� �� �s :