241681 � = 24�.f��.
File Na 1733 7
In the Matter of
�-__ _�_ -__ __ _----- ----_ �__ ---- _. _ --__---- _____ - --
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�� Condemn3-�g an8 taking an easenent for the purpose of constructing a:�d mainta�n3ng� ' �'�
�° a public sexer on, under, ricross and through a strip o� la.nd 2C �eet �.n width� tr�� ' I
center oY said easement being as follows;
Beginning at point "A" which is located at a bearin� oP N 89° 32' W, a
distance oP 21�+ feet westerly from the .�";�l corner of' the NEu, SEu of Section
30, T 29 N - R 22 W, t�lon� the center section line of said Section 30.
Thence at a bearina of S 20° 06' E a distance oP 335.76 feet to point "B",
thence at a bearin.3 of S 27° Oo' E a distr�nce o� 300 feet to point "C";
thence at a bearin� oY S �+5° 26' E a distance of 330•35 to point "D" �
on the We�t property line oY State o� Minnesota Trunk Highway 35-E, �
thence continuing at a bearing of S �+5° 26' E, a distance of 7�+.92
feet to point "E" on the centerline o� M�i.nnesota T.H. 35-E right-of-way,
thence continuin�, at a bearin; oY S �5° 26' E, a dista.nce of �+.73 feet to point "F",
thence at a bearing of N 55° 19' E, a distance o� �.52 feet to point "G"
on the East property line o� Pdinnesota T.H. 35-E right-of-way, thence ;
continuing at a bearing of N 55° 19' E, a distance of 206 feet more or less to '
point "H" on the existing easement for the Troutbrook Sewer granted in
1 September 1925 in said City. �
�' , Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on, under, across arui throu�h
�` a etrip oP land 20 feet in width ad�acent to each side oY the sdi.d described peru;anent
'� easement. '
6 �� � ,3 stT� N�- R�22 W, alongrt e�centeresectionner oP the NE�� SEu o��Section i _ : `` {
line of said sectio� 30. ---
�� �. ,�Y��;, Thence at e bearing oY S 20° 06' E:a distance oP 335•76 �eet to point "B", � ,
,„.��M� .�_'_�•�hEnce at a bearing of S 27° Oo� E a distance oP 300 Peet to point °C"; � �
� thence at a bearin� of S �+5° 26' E a distance of 330•35 to point "D"
on the West property line oP State o� Minnesota Trunk Highway 35-E, '
� , thence continuing at a bearing of S �5° 26' E a distance oP �+. 2
� 7 9 �
Peet to point "E" on the centerline o� Minnesota T.H. 35-E ri�ht-oY-way� � '
thence continuing at a bearin� oP S 1+5° 26' E, a distance oP �.73 Peet to poiat "F'",,
thence at a bearing oP N 55° 19' E, a distance oP 1t�+.52 Peet to poiat "G"
, on the East property line oP Minnesota T.H. 35-E right-oP-way� thence , �
continuing at a bearing of N 55° 19' E, a distance of 206 feet more or less �to
' point "H" on the existing easement Por the Troutbrook Sewer granted in ,
September 1925 in said City.
Also 8 temporary easement Por construction purposes on, under, across and through
a strip of land 20 feet in width ad�acent to each side o�' the sQid deseribed per�anent
easement. '
__ i
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Yeas ' Nays : _---_ �
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--- ---- ; .__
Car�son � JAN 1 4 19fi9_ . ------
Dalgllsll Approv
Meredith �
Sp�afke F_In Favor �
TedesCO Mayor
B� PUBUSHE� �AN �-� 1��
�gainat :
s-ss-anc �°� a.i