241672 r 24�f�'� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �s CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Nd. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IS�ENSE CC�II'ITEE COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ ��ua� �' ��9 COMMISSIONE DATF WHER�AS= Proper notice has been rece3.�ed as to change of officers 3.n Cc�urteaus�� Inc. I06,� Hudson Road� holders o� Off Sa].e Liqtzor 7�.cense No. 2288� s�3.ring � January 31� 1969; therefore� be it RESQLVID= That Donald H. Cou�cteau� the former Vice-�president� is now President; Raymond J, Courteau� the forraer President� is now Vice-presiderrt� and Rs}ymond L. Courteau� z�etnai.ni.ng as Seeretazg� w ith no chan.ge a.n stockholders, be a,r�d the same is hereby �proved� Off Sale Liquor Establishment Change in Corp. Informatly approve�: by Council Jarnxa�y' 9, 1969 �„d Appn, K806 New Appn. K8305 JAN141969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays JAN 1 4 1�6� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith ��n Favor Peterson ' S�rafku 6 Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE4 JAN 18 196� 0 ,; . ` CITY OF SAIl�'T PAUL � ,�# L C� / G � �. Capital of Minnesota �e a�ti�e�t o ablic �a et p � POLICB Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FI$E PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM . ROGER M. CONWAY, Dcputy Commla�ioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inspeetor January 9s 1969 Honorab3e Ma4Yor and City Council Saint Paul� M�.nnesota (ientlemen: Currently Caurteaus� Ir�. are holders of Off Sa1e Liquor and miscellaneaus licenses at 1065 Hudson Road. The current Off Sale Liquor I3.cense No. 2288� �ill a eapire on Jariu�y 31, 1969. The following change oY offi.cers is=eported. at thiB ti.me. Donald H. Courteau� the fonasr Vi oe-president, is naW President; and Raymond J. Cuurteau, the former President, is now Vice-+president; and Raymond L. Courteau re�arins as Secretary. Attached is their letter of not,ification. Very tru]y yours� .. . .::.-,.,,..:� �y� �� ` � /. License Inspector �-806 KM8305 ��. File 8l�13 �. / � / O • ' r . ' - I,ETTF;R GK Q i�i i I P'G I NFOF�:�fAL APYEIOVAI, Jat�. 9, 19�3 � Co�a. �. E. �aarLomr �'�cmer. o! Pa�.io 8alitr, S'•ibttth and lsiius. 9ts., _ � �t. Psul, Miuti. .`� ur . Daniel P.`�laL�wahlin ' '. Dear Sirt � Ttu Cft�r Co�c�l t p�aram�d the applia�►�ion � of Ce�t�aus' Iaa.! hold,ers oP e uar and �i.acellanuaus � � li�ensrs at 1065 �deon Road fc� a of offieera a�t folloMS t . Dornt3.d H. Co au, t � ce�praaideut, is rx�r Preaide Raymond ovr u, the loa�ser Pr�sident� � � Viae« idea�s an�d R�nd L. Courtesu re�rtins as retary. W��- b� anata�ary re�ol�ti�an! � YeYy tru]y Ycyux's, , � ��� , CiLy Clerk . �