241657 � ^
i CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ''�' -" �i���� .
C MM SS�IONE � � � ' `dATF
i e
RESOLVED, by the Council of t e City of Saint Paul, that
the flousing and Redevelopment Anthority of the City of Saiat Paul,
Minnesota, having determined that the thereby proposed Redevelopment
Project should be undertaken on the Ninth day of January, 1969, filed
with the Cit� Clerk of the City of Saint Paul and presented to this
Council with its Application for said Council's approval of the same,
its Redevelopment Plan for that certain area within the City of
Saint Paul, County of Ra.aisey and State of Minne�ota, eomnnonly desig-
nated as the Auditorinm Renewal Project, Minn. R-53, dated September 9,
1968, consisting of twelve (12) pages and two (2) maps, the boundar�
line description of said Auditoriwn Renewal Project Area Minn. R-53,
is as follows:
Beginaing at the point of intersection of the northe=ly
right-of-way line of W. Fifth Street with the easterly
right-of-way line of Washington Street, then southerly
along said line of Wasbington Street (projected) to the
point of intersection with the soutbeasterly right-of-way
line (projected) of Hill Street, then southwesterly along
said line to the point of intersection with the southwesterly
right-of-way line (projected) of Eagle Street, then
northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection
with the northwesterly right-of-way line (projected) of
� y West Seventh Street, then northeasterly along said line
� to the point of intersection with the northerly right-of-way
o c� line of West Fifth Street, then easterly along said line to
� g the point of intersection with the easterly right-of-way
� � line of Washington Street which is the point of beginning,
a Q
� together with the statement for the method proposed for the financing
� of said Redevelopment Project and the relocating of the individuals,
p families and businesses to be displaced and the written opinion
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19—_
Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst � �
Mr. President, Byrne
T � � ���
�_ ,�.'` `�,j.�.
. 2
thereon and approval of the same by the Planning Board of the
City of Saint Paul, and other pertinent data, said Redevelopment
Plan and maps, and accompanying data being on file in the office
of said City Clerk and in the office of the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject to
inspection during regular business hours, the same, by refere�ce,
hereby are incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof with
the same intent, purpose and effect as if said documents and all
of the same were fully set forth herein;
RESOLVED, That pnrsuant to Section 462.521, Minnesota Statutes
Annotated, this Council hereby determines and provides that it shall
hold a public hearing on said proposed Redevelopment Plan and said
proposed Redevelopment Project for said Auditorium Renewal Project,
Minn. R-53, presented by said Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as aforesaid, and that said
public hearing thereon shall be held before this Council in the
Council chambers in the Court House of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota on the 23rd day of January, 1969, at 10:00 o'clock a.nt. ;
RESOLVED, That upon said public hearing, this Council shall
consider the Redevelopment Plan for Auditorium Renewal Area, Minn.
R-53, the Redevelopment Project thereby proposed, and shall, among
other things, determine whether or not this Council' s Resolution at
said hearing to be considered shall be adopted approving said Re-
development Plan and Project, permitting the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to undertake an urban
renewal redevelopment project under State and local law with Federal
financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as
amended, and local financial assistance under Chapter 459, Laws of -
1967, and the Municipal Housing and Redevelop��nt Act: to acquire
substandar;g and blighted properties in the Project Area to demolish
and remove buildings and improvements; to install improvements and
to make the land available for redevelopment by the City for the
Civic Center Complex and among other things in connection with the
said Resolution to be considered by this Council at the public
hearing as aforesaid, to determine and make findings upon the
questions whether or not (1) the financial aid to be provided in
the Federal loan contract is necessary to enable the project, in-
cluding the acquisition of land in the project area, to be undertaken
in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) the ��development Plan
will afford m�imum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of
the community as a whole, for redevelopment of such area by private
enterprise; (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan
for the development of the locality as a whole; and (4) the Re-
development Plan gives due consideration of the provision of adequate
park and recreational areas and facilities as may be desirable for a
. . � [•'�J A�
OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK /"�^� �,7iL7 �
neighborhood improvement and cornmunity development with special
consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children
aad the public as a v�rhole residing in the general vicinity of
the site and the community as a whole covered by the Plan;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That not less than ten (10) da�prior
to the date of said pnblic hearing, the City Clerk shall cause
published notice of the same to be ginen in a newspaper of general
circulation in said City of Saint Paul at least once not less than
ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�lQ� � Q 19� 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson ',�A� 1 �7 1�6�
Dalglish � pproved 19�_
Meredith � Tn Favor
Peterson ,*�� '
Sprafka V Mayor
Tedesco A Sainst
Mr. President, Byrne pUBUSHEt .�AN 3. 8 1969
: . � . �. � _ � 2���:�'�
• . , �
. �
thereon and approval of the 'same by the Planning Board of the
� City of Saint Paul, and other pertinent data, said Redeve�.opment �
Plan and maps, and accompanying data bezng on £ile in the o�'fi.ce
of said City Clerk and in the office of the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Autharity of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject to
inspection during r�gular business hours, the same, by reference,
hereby are incorporat�d herein and made part and parcel hereof with
the same intent, puxpose and eff.ect as if sai.d documents and all
of the same were �ully set forth herein;
RESOLVED; Tha� pursuant to Section 462.521, Minnesota St�tutes
Annotated, this Council here;�� determines and provides that it shall
� hold a public hearing on said proposed Redevelopment Plan and said
proposed Redevelopm�nt Proj�ct for said I�uditoriurn Fene�,�al Project,
� I�inn. R-53, presen�:ed by said Hous�.ng and Red�velopmdnt Authority
� of the City o� Saint Paul, P�innesota, as �.foresaid, and that ,aid
public hearing thereon sha11 be hela befor� this Counca.l in the
Council ch�mbi�s in the Court House of. �he City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota on th� 23rd day of January, 1969, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. ;
RESOLVED, That upon said public hearing, this Council shall
consider the Redevelopment Plan for Auditorium Rene��al Area, Minn.
R-53, the Redevelopment Project thereby proposed, and �hall, among
other things, determine whether or not this Council' s Resolution at
said hearing to be considerEd shall be adopted approving �aid Re-�
development Plan and Projec�, permitting the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint paul, Minnesota, to undertake an urban
renewal redevelopment p�oject under State and local law ��aith Federal
financial assistance under Title I of the Hous�.ng Act of 1949, as
amended, and local financial assist�nce unaer Chapter 459, Laws of -
1967, and the Municipal Housa.ng, and Redevelop�:ent Act: to acquire
substandar� and blighted properties in the Project Area to demolish
and remove buildings and improvements; to install improvements and
to make the land available �or redevelopment by the City tor the
Civic Center Complex and among other .things in conn�cti.on with the
said Resolution to be consider.ed by this Council at the public
hearing as aforesaid, to determine and make findings upon the
questions wheth�r or not (1) the financial aid to be provided in
the Federal loan contract is necessary to enable the project, in-
cluding the acquisition of l.and in the project area, to be undertalsen
in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) the redevelopment Plan
� will afford maximtun opportunity, consister�t with the sound ne�ds of
the com�nunity a� a whole, for redevelopment of such area by private
enterpris�; (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to the genexal plan
for the developm�nt of the ].ocality as a whole; and (4) the Re-
deve�.opm�nt Plan gives due consideration of th� provision ot ad�quate
park and recreational areas and facilities as may be desirable for a
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. �_�" :�;�,�
PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco James J. Dalglish
R�SOLVTD, by the Council of the City ot Saint Paul, that
the Housinq �nd Redevelopment �1u�l�ority af the �ity of �ain.t Paul,
Minn�s�ta, hav�.ng d�t�rma.n�d that the thezeby pxo�ac����d ;fiedevelopment
T�roject should be undex°�a1�en on tk�e Ninth day o� �'anuary, 1969, filed
witPu b?�e City C?erl: of t��e Ca�ty ��: 5aint Paul ar�r� pre�Pnte�. to t�is
urauncil wi��h i.ts Applicat3.on for �ai+d C�unci�.' s approvai of the same,
its 2ed�v�:�.r�pm�nt Plan for that c�rta3n area within the City of
�aint Pau1, Coura�y of Ramsey and atate ot A�i�:n��o��, �ommonly desig-
nated as tl�� �auditoriw°n Ren���a1. Project, i�inn. x-�;, dated ;eptember 9,
1�6�, con�isting c�f tw�lve: (1.2) paqes and two (2) maps, th� boundary
23ne degcriptic�n o� said Auditori�tm Rc�newal. �roj�ct Area Minn. �-53,
is a� �'a�.lows:
L3�ginning at the point of inter�ection of the no�tlzerly
right-of-w�y lin� of W: Fifth Street wi.t3� the ��.sterl�
right-Q�-way 3.in� d� ��a��?�ington Str�et, then �c�u�I�erly
along saic� aine of ��ashington �treet (pro joc�ted} to tlie
�ain� of �.xztersection with the sou�heasterly ra.gh�-of-w�y
line (projc�cted) of Hil1 �treet, theri scau�hwestar3.y along
said xine to tha point of inters�ction wi��► the southwesterly
right-of-�vay �.i.n� (proj�c�ed) nf Eagl� Street, then
northwesterly along saicl line to the point of fnter�ection
with the northwest�rly right-o�-w�,y line (pro�ected) of
WQSt S�venth Street� then northeasterly a�.ong �aid la.ne
to the point of inter�ection with the noa�theacly right-of-way
line o� �I�at l�ifth Stre�t, then easterl� Along said line to
the paint of intersec�ion wi�h the easter].y ri.ght-o£-way
line of washington ��reet which f.s the point o£ beginning,
together with the atatement for tl�� m�thc>d proposed for the financing
of eaid Red�velopment Project and the rgloCatir�g of the individuals,
f�milies and businesse� to be r�i$placed and the written opinion
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approver� 19—_
Meredith _�n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. Preaident, Byrne