241654 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 2��'��'��S'4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NQ. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C C RESOLUT GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE � DATE RESOLVED, That the Couric3l hereby coneurs in the award of the Pnrchas3:ng Conanittee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and del�vering Two Chevrolet Truck Chassis to the C3.ty of Saint Paul, D�partment of Public Works to GHAMPION C�fTROLTsT COi��.'ANY in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Farmal B3.a �3323 �f said Champion Chevrol.et Compa,ny for the ecantrac� price of $12,24�+.10 (price is less $2,�+00.00 trade-in allawance �on two 1962 Ford Chassis), sueh bid bein� the lawest a.nd said Champion Chevrolet Compar�y being a reasonabl.e and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counse3. i�e �,nd hereby is direct�d t� draw up the proper form of ecmtraet therefor, ar�d the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #33�3 JAN 10 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JI�N 1 O 1969 Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith —;sn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka C� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEa JAN 18 1969 O