241651 ORI'GINAL TO CITY CLBRK �`�1 ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �-T DATF RESOLVED by the Council o� the City of Saint Paul, that this Council does hereby concur in each and all of the terms and provisions of Resolution No. 52�#, adopted by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , dated January 9, 196g, entitled "Resolution Awarding Sale of �2,500,000.00 General Improvement Bonds, Series G-2 , Fixing the Interest Rates and Other Terms There- of, and Levying and Appropriating Taxes for the Payment of Principal and Interest Thereon, " a copy of which has been certified to the Council by the Secretary of the Port Authority and is now on file in the office of the City Clerk and by reference , incorporated herein and made part hereof, and the Council specifically, but without limitation, concurs in the award of sale of bonds, interest rates, data, denominations, place of payment, form and details of _ the Port Authority� s General Improvement Bonds, Series G-2 in the amount of �2, 500,000.00 dated February 1 , 196g, as specified in said resolution, and in the years and amounts specified for the taxes levied for the payment of said bonds, and does hereby find, determine and declare that all such provisions are in accordance with Ordinance No. 1372g of the City of Saint Paul , adopted October 17, 1967, and are hereby approved, ratified and con.firmed. F�RM APPROVED X `���.� �-� _-�= ° !pN 101969 Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �#��'V 1 0 196� Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith n Favor Peterson � Sprafka O Mayor Tedesco A gainst 1 � �9� Mr. President, Byrne p�g1.1SNE'� JAN O � Area Code 612 C1TY oF PAUL J. KELLY 223�111 ��`���� THOMAS J. STEARNS o � JON R. DUCKSTAD • �6 __�'Y" ,,� ARTHUR M. NELSON �s "°' ' �� JEROME J.SEGAL THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL JAMES W. KENNEY �"',�`'`'a"t CITY OF SAINT PAUL AUL FT McCLOSKEYRI�CK DANIEL A. KLAS LOUIS E.TORINUS Special Auistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOSEPH E.CARTWRIGHT 316 City Hall, St. Parl, Mineesota 55102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Corporation Counsel January 9 � 1969 ��,`�_���M�1 _: Commissioner Robert F. Peterson Department of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Commissioner Peterson: Enclosed is the resolution, ratifying the actions of the Port Authority at this morning ' s meeting, for introduction into Council on Friday, January 10 , 196g. Very truly yours, � .�w�.. � .� ��.-� Kenneth J. Fitzpatrick Assistant Corporation Counsel & Counsel for Port Authority KJF: er Enc . Resolution �� � ��'.��-���� CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of resolution No. j�y of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul with the orig- inal of said resolution, which is on file in the office of the Port Authority, and that the same is a true and correct copy thereof. WITNESS MY HAND and the Seal of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, January 9, Zg69. Ge d . Isaacs Secretary �SEAL� ��i��'O�S��P�:i�J �1�.}J ��� �f� ti� �� G i �'�'��' 031►.� ► Resolutiori Na 524 � January g, 1969 RESOLUTION OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF $2,500 ,000 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS � SERIES G-2 FIXING THE INTEREST RATES AND OTHER TERMS THEREOF, AND LEVYING AND APPROPRIATING TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON RESOLVED, by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, as follows : 1. Under and pursuant to Resolution Nos . 414 and 517 adopted respectively by the Port Authority on September 19 , 1g67, and December 17 , 1968 , and Ordinar.ce No. 1372g of the City of Saint Paul adopted by the City Council on October 17 , 1967 , and the pertinent provisions of Minnesota Statutes , as amended, including Section 458 .193 and Chapter 475 , the Port Authority has provided for public sale of $2 ,500 ,000 General Tmprovement Bonds , Series G-2 , and has caused notice of the time and the place for the . receiving of bids to be published not less than two weeks before the date of receiving bids . The Treasurer reported that sealed bids had been received in accordance with the official advertisement up to g : 30 A.PQ. this date , and were then opened and tabulated, and he presented the bids so received and his tabulation thereof, which tabula- tion is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Authority has considered all bids received pursuant to the p�rlished notice and does hereby find and determ.ine that the bid of and Associates to purchase the $2 ,500 ,000 General Improve- ment Bonds , Series G-2 , in accordance with the Notice qf Bond Sale at a price of par plus accr. ued interest to the date of delivery thereof (plus a premium of $ ) , and bearing interest at the respective rates stated below, and subject to the furtrier terms and conditions stated in this resolution and in said Ordinance is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid re- ceived. The sale of the bonds is hereby awarded �o sa�.d bidder, provided that the Secretary shall forthrrrith px�esent this resolution to the C�ty Council of the City of Saint Paul, for approval of the remaining provisions of the bonds herein stated which require such approval . under law, other than those established by said ordinance , and after such approval the President and Secretary shall make and execute on the part of the Port Authority a con- tract for the sale of the bonds upon these terms . The good faith check furnished by the successful bidder shall be � retained by the Treasurer of the Port Authority until the bonds have been delivered and payment has been made in full , and the Treasurer shall return the checks of other bidders . 2 . Said General Improvement Bonds , Series G-2 , shall be issued and delivered in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500 ,000 in the denomination of $5 ,000 each, payable to bearer, shall be 500 in number and numbered from 1 to 500 , inclusive , shall be dated as of February l, 1g69 , and shall mature serially, lowest numbers first , on February 1 in the years and amounts as follows , bearing intere5t at the respective annual rates stated opposite their maturity years and amounts : Year Principal Interest Amount Rate (�) 1971 � 75 ,000 1972 75 ,000 . 1973 75 ,000 1974 75 ,000 1g75 75 ,000 1975 75 ,000 1977 75 ,000 1978 75 ,000. 1979 75 ,000 1980 75 ,000 1981 _ 75 ,000 1982 75 ,000 1g83 75 ,000 1984 75 ,000 1985 75 ,000 198.6 75 ,000 1987 100 ,000 1988 100 ,000 • 1989 100 ,000 lg90 loo ,000 19g1 � 100 ,000 1gg2 l00 ,000 � 1993 l00 ,000 1994 loo ,000 1995 l00 ,000 1996 100 ,000 . 1997 loo ,000 1998 loo ,000 i999 loo ,000 _2_ w _ Bonds maturing aftPr May l, 1g80 shall be sub- �ect to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Authority in inverse order of serial numbers on February 1, 1980 and on any interest payment date thereafter �.t par and accrued interest , plus a premium of 2% , if cal.led prior to February l, 1985 ; ar�d plus a premium of 1% if called on or after February l, 1985 , but prior to February 1 , 1990; and plus a premium of 1/2 of 1% if called on or after February 1, 1990 . Notice of such redemption will be given by mail to the paying agent and each known holder and by � suitable publication as required by law at least 30 days in advance of the redemptian date . Not less than 30 days � prior' to the date specified for the redemption of said bonds , the Treasurer will mail notice of �he call thereof to the holder, if known, and to the bank at which principal and � interest are payable . The Treasurer shali maintain a record of the serial numbers of prepayable borids •and the names and addresses of the holders thereof, so far as such information is made available to him for the purpose of mailing such notices . The interest on the bonds shall be payable August 1, 1969, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 in each year, and both principal and interest shall be payable at (or, at the option of the holder, at ) and the Port Authority hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of the paying agents for the receipt and disbursement of the principal and interest . 3 . The bonds shall be prepared for execution under the direction of �he Secretary, in substantially the form set forth in Ordinance No . 13729 , and when so prepared shall be executed b5r the lithographed facsimile signatures of the President of the Port Authority, countersigned by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Treasurer, attested by the manual signature of the Secretary, and sealed with a lithographed facsimile of the official seal of the Port Authority, and each of the interest coupons annexed to the bor.ds shall be executed and authenticated by the lithographed facsimile signatures of the President and Secretary, and a true and correct copy of the opinion ren- dered at the time of delivery thereof, shall be printed on the reverse side of each bond. When the bonds and coupons have been so prepared and executed, they shall� be delivered by the Treasurer of the Port Authority to the Purchaser, upon payment of the purchase price above stated, and the purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application of the purchase price . However, the proceeds of the bonds , -3- after payment to The First National Bank of Saint Paul of the pr�.ncipal amount and accrued .interest to the date in payment of that certain Temporary Loan Note, dated October 2 , 1968, in the amount of $1,0�00 ,000 , bearing interest at the rate of 2 . 48% per annum, shall be segregated by the Treasurer in a separate and special fund of the Port Authority, and shall be used solely far the purpose for which the bonds were authorized as stated in Ordinance No. 13729 . 4 . In accordance with said ordinance and laws , � there is hereby levied for each year, until the princi�al and interest of the bonds are paid in full, a direct , � annual ad valorem tax on all the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, not less than five per cent in excess of the sums required to pay tihe principal� and interest thereon when and as such principal and interest mature . Such tax shall be extended upon the tax rolls prepared in the following respective years , in the amounts stated for such years : Year of Tax Year of Tax Amount Levy Collection � 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 1974 197�+ 1975 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1978 . 1978 1979 1979 1980 198� 1981 1g81 1982 1982 1.983 1g83 1g84 198�+ 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1g87 1988 _ 1988 1989 � 1989 1990 1990 1g91 1991 1992 1992 1993 -4- Year of Tax Year of Tax Amount Levy Collection 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 �-998 1999 Said tax shall be collected in the respective succeeding years together with other general taxes levied in the City of Saint Paul . After the delivery of the bonds , such tax shall be irrepealable until all such indebtedness is paid, except that such levies may be reduced in accordance with Subdivision 5 of MSA 458 .193. After the issuance of the bonds no further action by the Port Authority shall be necessary to authorize the extension, assessment and collection of such tax. The Secretary shall forthwith furnish to the County Auditor of Ramsey County a certified copy of this resolution and of the resolution of the City Council of Saint Paul concurring herein, together with full information regarding the bonds for which the tax is levied, and the tax shall be extended and assessed and the proceeds thereof accounted for as provided in said Ordinance No . 13729 . 5 . The President , Secretary, Treasurer and other officers of the Port Authority and the officers of the City of Saint Paul are authorized and requested to furnish to the purchaser of the bonds , and to the attorneys approving the legality thereof, certified copies of all ordinances , resolutions and other actions and proceedings taken by the City and Port Authority with reference to the authorization, issuance , sale and delivery of the bonds , and such certificates or affidavits as to other matters appearing in their official records or otherwise known to them, as may reasonably be required to evidence the valid- ity ar�d marketability of' the bonds ; �.nd all certified copies , certificates and affidavits so furnished, including any heretofore furnished, sha11 be deemed representations of the Port Authority as to the correctness of- all 'facts - - -• and the taking of all actions stated or recited therein. 6 . Pursuant to the specific authorization con- tained in said Ordinance No . 13729 of the City of Saint Paul, the full faith, credit and resources of said City, as well as those of the Port Authority of �he City of • _5_ . .. �. . . . .. � . . . . A..�... .a� Saint Paul , are hereby pledgzd for the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds • herein authorized as such principal and interest become due , In the event that the collectio�s of ,the tax herein authorized should at any time be insufficient for the payment of such principal or interest , the Port Authority is authorized and obligated under Minnesota Statutes , Sections 475 .61 to 475 .74 to levy additional taxes upon all the taxable property within the City to make good such deficiency, which levies may be made without limitation as to rate or amount . Adopted : Januar.y 9, 1g69 </ s' r/� � /%1 �,�:..� � ���:�. President , Port .Authority� ���--- Att st : � � .� . ,�--- _� ecretary - (Seal) � -6- . , � _ _ �.- • "'.�' . . L�:�J `,� �i � . , , . (Kindly deliver two signed copies , of the bid, If accepted, one capy . • will be signed and returned) . 3anuary 9, 1969 Honorable Commissioners of tne ' , . Port Authority of the City of . ' �. Saint Paul Gentlemen : � We offer herewith tq purcnase �all , but not less • than all., of your General Improvement Bonds , Ser�es G-2 ; • in the amount of $2,500,000 , to be dated Febsuary 1 , 196g , � to be issued legally and as described in your official notice of sale�, dated December 1? , 1958, �o�eth�r v�:itn . the legal opinion �.nd non-litigation certificate therein specii'ied, and to be delivered to us within �40 days from � the date hereof, or thereaft�r at our option . We_ wi;ll� � � pay �you �the .par -value thereof plus a prenium of Five �Hundred • Ninety� Six �and No/100 DOLLARS ($ 59G.00 � - - ) , on cond�.ti,on that the bonds bear interest at the fallowing rates : Matur�.ty Princ�,pal Interest � . . . Date�s : . . .Amourit � �ate� '(�) (February 1) � • 1971 $75�,000 4.80� . 1972 75 ,000 �� 1973 �. 75 ,000 ,. 1974 75,000 .. . „ 1975 75 ,000 . � '� � � 1976 75 ,000 �� 1977 75,000. " 197$ 75 ,000 - �� 1979 75 ,o00 ►, 1980 75 ,000 „ 1981 75 ,000 " �9E2 75 ,000 " � . 1983 75 ,000 �. " . . �98� 75 ,000 '' � 1985 75 ,000 . .. . 1986 75 ,000 " 1987 100,000 �� 1988 100 ,00.0. . " � 1989 l00,000. . " , � 1990 ioo,000 . ' " 1991 100.,00.0 ��. z992 l00,000. " � 1993 �.00;.000 , a.9o� 1994 100;000. . . „ � 1995 100,00.0 . �� � 1996 � ?oo,�00.0 . ,► . 1997 � 100,000 . _, „ �.99� loo,000. „ i999 l00,000 . . . - : � � We enclose a good faith check in the amount of Forty-^_'wo "'housand Fi:re Hundred Dollars ($42 ,500) , payable to the ord�r o�' �i�e "Treasurer of the �ort Autho�ity of � the City of Saint Paul" , which may be a�plied as part pay- . ment for tr.e bonds at the� time they are delivered, if th.is. bid is accepted, or may be forfe�.ted as liquidated damages ' if Nre fail to comply therewith , zf this bid is not accepted, � said check is to be promptly returned to us . Res ectiv_ely s.ubmitted, L '� � � � $y �,-�--��c,-- � C-r�c-.��,:�; Assistant Cas�ier ' The -First- National Bank of icago � Manager o�' bidding account , tfie� members of whicFi are listed oelow- . We compute �tne. net interest cost. (total interest from February 1, 1969, to. the above maturity �dates , less prem3,um� according to the above bid as� �2� 063 104 00 and the average het in�erest ' rate as� �_Q;892967 � � � � per annum. . � ��� . �,�,� : �;�� The foxe�oing offer is hereby accepted by the Port Authority of the City� o#' Saint Paul, and receipt of said od faith check is acknowledged. _. . �. �. _ - — � � � Cha rman � Att t : � ecreta y . - Members of Biddirig Ac�count ' The First National Bank of Chicago . Account P�anage-r Continen�al Illinois National Bank ' _ and Trust Company of Chicago W.H.Morton & Go. Division� af American Express Company _r.J..lttns.,_1`24�r.�:_�troua &_�:o. Rober� W. Baird & Co. , Incorpora�ed Ama rir.a��lat�t.QnaJ�.�an.k.�_Tr��_S's.tm��r�t.�_5�.�._�aul Hutchinaon,. Shockey, Erley & Co. . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ��_� �'rf�{��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson Victor J. Tedesco COMMISSIONER DATF R.�SOLV�D by the Cauncil o� the City o� Saint I'auZ., �that this Cou.�cil c�oe� lier�by concua iu ��ac�� ariii �,11 0�: tlze ter�zs and provisio�as of Tt.esolution No. 52?� , �,c�opted by t�,e Part �luthorit� of the City o� S�.int Paul , c�ated Ja,nuary 9, 1g69, er�titled "Iie�c;lutic�i� .���,r�rula.�g ���,1e of ��2,�OO,OUO.UO Gener�l I�apravement B()13(�Sy ;�erie� G—`?, ��.�ir�; tlae Interest T�ates ancd �3thar Teraus There— of, �x�. Levy-in�; �.d 1'�`���ra�ri`�.timg �'a�:es for tlze Payment o� Pri.neipal. axid Interest Tlieren�, °� �, copy of w�z�.c:� �ias Ueen certa.fied to the Cou�.cil �y ti�e �eea�t�ry of the Port Autharity and as �ao�c�r on �ile i� tYie o�fice �af tl�c City Cler�� a.x�d i�y re:��;rence, incorpo�-ated herei.n �nd n�ad� part hereof, and tl�e �oun.cil sspecifically, but without li�itation, eflncurs in the award of s�.le of bonc�s, intereet r�.tes, da.ta, denQr€iinations, place of p€�..yment, forr� ra,rici cl�tails o:t the: �'ort 1�utlior�.ty� � Gen.er��l ��;prover�t�xz�; �ar�d;;, �erie� C�—?� in �ti�� ��:aot�i�t of :;�", >UU ,OG0.00 da.tecl ��e��ua.ry 1 , l�fiy, �.s apeci.�ied in s�.id ;�•eSOlilt3.0Y�, 4����. �.ri t�c ;�e�:�r� �.Y2Ci airsouxit� speci�ie�3 fo� tiz� t�.�e� Y�v��d �:'o.r �I:�e �ia;�aaent o�: ��,a.d �:)OY1tCIb� a�c3 c�c�e:� he;rei�y �iud, determine ��,iic� dec].��,re tizat all �ucl� ��•c��is�.or�s �,re zri ��ecordailea witli i3rciia�ane�; Tdo. 137�9 0� the City of Saia.lt ��.tzl , �,clopted Oetober 17, 1967, a.nd a,r� PiQrc�by �,rproved, rati�'iec: ani! confiru�ec�. .���� � �;� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Nays ,, , r!sr Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_._ Meredith 7 Tn Favor Peterson Thornas R. Byrne Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O