241634 ORIGINAL-- . CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK � ' � � . .. COUNCIL N° 3483 COUNCIL F�ESOLUTION F��� No.�� FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IM�ROVEMENT PROJECTS � ,�/�� PRESENTED BY HON. + `� �-s�' DATF 19__ • RESOI,VBD, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, tools, materials and equipment and all services necessary for the Grading and paving MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULEVARD fram approximately 600 feet south of Dayton Avenue to approximately 225 feet north of Pelham Boulevard, DAFPON AUBNUE from Mississippi River Boulevard to approximately 185 feet east, and Pelham Boulevard from Mississippi River Boulevard to approximately 235 feet north (P-194A), and constructing a bridge on Marshall Avenue at Mississippi River Boulevard (M-290), Saint Paul, Minnesota to ASHBACH CONSTRUCTION COMPAIdYY for the contract price of $1,372,728.03 (P2us Charges as per attached list} in accordance with pla�s and specificationsZand Formal Bid #3265 of said Ashbach Gonstructian C�apany, such bid being the lowest and said Ashbach Construction Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Cou�esel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper forua of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract o�n behal€ of the a _ _._ .. , ��---��--- r4t+c? . .'.�,�fi:. y�"r+�;�� ;ra i w:.;�:.�. ,..,._ _ �- � " Estirnated Cnnstructic�n Cast M�ar�.lis�I 1 Mi sr�, Rvw. � � � � (ttr+' I . M.7;)O) ��'"'��1��'�� �I��at�'l�., � yli �i t��3r c.on�k.r�t U�;r �1��"r!,} ��.J��,,�liy. 10 `,�1 , 1d�7«7(��.`�3 � $�l a�l:z.lt�,�.t��� t�ngineering �Cify) ��,E�j-�&.(74 �1 ,�'�25.�3 ��,�Ji .97 Enyin��erinq (GonsultG�rtit 13.�a%,) 3�.�77.>� 15�,9�+a.7� 1F3�,�18.28 tdater Dept, lEa';/, 1 , 120.DU y,8F30.Ot7 7,�Qq.00 - Finance Dept. 16°l� 8.Q0 42.00 5�.a9 �i rafific Bureau 16% ...__,_.__l�2_.00 ___.�_.1.:00$_ Ofi 1 ,2Uf�.�.iCi Totai Est. Const. Gost $261 ,3�2.72 �� ,35t ,40S.56 $1 ,612,76�.Z� tstial.�t�e f in��nc_inc� �'1rwr��:�:tnrnT -0� ���t�ti.0� `�)' ,�Sf3t�,��C) N��i�ds t' Ilt � 7tial ,3t��.72 5��� 1`.>3.71 � � � �3OI ��sl/�,�1.5 M5A 'f��� —t3— 2�;�,F�1+'�.(l0 ��`�,E�1.1'j»41�1 MSA 'fi� ' .._._.��:�����.�_•�� v4.M a��'�.x�U.�,_�F��' _ _ ... _. �.'_...______. Total Est. Financiny $261 ,362.72 $1 ,351 ,405.5� $1 ,�i1z,768.28 � ...._._ .._.. ...,,.�r�rvp�v�cve�c�rtYnarrEo I COMPTROLLER � � I BY COUNCILMEN J/11Y 8 1969 �� YEAS NAYS � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� • Da� Sj�L'SfICB �N FAVOR � �� � JAN 81�69 Meredifh APPROYED AGAINST �x Carlson � � „�_.�.�a '0 � .t Ot LC:::f: �;;- .:3 g:::93 Ivir. V'scs Preeideat (��erson) MAYQR �„ 2_eg � PUBLISHE� JAN 11 1969 Aeting