04-1206�o���.F�E#: o`�-lao� GREEN SHEET #: ---� AUL,NIINNESOTA Presented $y: Refened to: � 1 VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolutions CF-00-242 and CF-00-523 accepted donations from 2 Mr. Clifford Timm totaling $8,400 to be used towards making improvements to Pickerel Lake; and 3 4 WHEREAS, this $8,000 was deposited in Pazks and Recreation's Private Donation Activity to be held until the Pickerel 5 Lake improvement project could be developed; and 7 VJ�IEREAS, an improvement project for Pickerel Lake has been developed to increase the ability of the lake to be 8 fished, and will include the installation of a walk in boat ramp, running of electricity to the site, and aeration of the 9 lake; and 10 11 WHEREAS, Mr. Timm has recently donated an additional $24,000 towards this project, and 12 13 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation is willing to provide canstrucrian management and implementation services upon the 14 amendment of the 2004 Capital Improvement budget; and IS 16 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, recommends the 17 followang transfer of appropriations between funds; and 18 19 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 20 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Tmprovement Budget Committee, that $32,000 is available for 21 appropriation in the Capital Improvement Budget, and that the 2004 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by 22 Council, is hereby further amended as follows: 23 CURRENT AMENDED 24 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 25 729 - Parks Opportunity Fund 26 53102 - Private Donations 27 9830 - Use ofFund Balance 28 24 SPENDING PLAN: 30 729 - Parks Opportunity Fund 31 531Q2 - Private Donations 32 0565 - Transfer to Capital Project Fund 33 34 FINANCING PLAN: 35 C04 - Parks Capital Projects Fund 36 3I015 - Plckerel Lake Improvements 37 6905 - Conkibutions & Donarions 38 7305 - Transfer From Special Revenue Fund 39 10 SPENDING PLAN: 41 C04 - Parks Capital Projects Fund '2 3I015 - Pickerel Lake Improvements 3 0894 - Construction - Other 4 0 8,000 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 5,000 8,000 0 24,000 24,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 i AND BE IT FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks Mr. Clifford Timm � for his generous donations. G:1FMiQTIWrrkalReso/ufions, AOs, Green Sheets4ResolutionslPickere/ Lake Resofution.xls Page: i of 2 COUNCII, FILE #: V�' IOwcp GREEN SHEET #: 3024528 RE30LUTION CITY OR SAINT PAUL, bIINNESOTA Presented By: Refesed to: Committee Date: Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation ,� BY� ' � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: Date: �CP.inh-2f'�,�a�-By: � � �. Adoption Certified by Council Secxetary Form Approved by City Mayor far T'�:e St. �aui La�3� - �an� :;���:�, :�vzc�w�a : �«t ��gei ��mittee :eesive3 tns recuee� �� fdaYaD l L� P O� „� a�rl xs�cx��r°��n�± � , � p���t�k l •,,.@.�....._ � ���: ��� � �� Pickerel Lake Resolution.xis Page: 2 of 2 Adopted by Council: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � . 1l�1- /.�D� pR - Pazks and Recreation Contact Person & Phone: Jason Wirica 266-64U MUSt Be on 22-DEG04 (Date): Date InRiated: 03DEC-04 � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Shee# NO: 3024528 Deoartment Sent To Person 4nitiaUDafe 0 arks and Recreation � � 1 IP k- ndRecreation 1 DeuarimentDireMOr ��—� 2 �'inancisl Services ' Oifice Financial Servi 3 �iN Attornev i � 4 a r' �ce � Ma r/Assi tant I 5 , ouncil � Citv Council i 6 i CI rk C' Ierk Tota! # of Signature Pages �(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Approval oP aztached resolution accepting donations received for making improvements to Pickerel Lake. � Recommendations: Appmve (A) or Reject (K): . Planning Commiss+on I �_ CIB Committee - ` Clvl Service Commission � s ' I rersonai service concracus 1. Has Mis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city empfoyee? Yes No 3. Does this perso�lfinn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Clifford Tixnm has made significant contriburions to make nnprovements to Pickerel Lake. Advantages If Approved: Donarions will be put to use making nnprovements to Pickerel Lake. Disadvantapes If Approved: None. DEC C� � 2004 DisadvantageslfNOtApDroved: � ..i- - Donations wIl not be accepted or used. DEC 14 � 'oWl Amount of ��000 Transaction: Fundinq Source: DOnationS CostlRevenue Budgeted: rJ ActiviN Number. C04-31015 Financial Information: $8,000 was received in 2000 from Mr. Timm and has been held until the project cost estunate could be (Explain) completed.