241625 ORIGIN�IL TO CITY CLERK ���/_� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �„„ '" • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. yIC�iSS Cor�rrTE� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J3t3t181'y 7� 1969 CO M M I551 ON E DATF T�fiE1�EA�Sa Proper notice has been receiued as to change of st,c�ekholders �.n Gannon�s� Inc.�hoiders of th Sale Liquor L3�ense No. 7227, ex��ir3.ng January 31, 1969, a� 272$ �est Seventh Street� therefore, be it RESCiLVS�s That due to the rede�nption and retirement of t�ie s�ack held by the Estate of David Kr3.nsky, one of the stockholders with Eugene B. McDonough� A,aron Lipachultz arid Jaseph Lipschultz, leaeing -the z�nai.nin� three sstockholders as the on].y stoclsholders, be and the same is hereby appro�ed. On Sale Liquor Establishment Change Of Stockholder� in Corporation Inf crmal.ly �proved by Counc il December 31, 1968 .1AN 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson JA� * �.� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith , Tn Favor Peterson � S�,rafk�, � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PU�LISHE� �AN 11 196� 0 � ( �� � t CITY OF SAINT'PAUL � �/� ry � . Capital of Minnesots � l� �e a�t�ce�t o ab`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIxE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Devaty CommLsioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN. Lleenee Inapeetor December 31� 1968 Honorable M�yor and City Co�uncil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen= Currentl,q Gazmon's, Inc. are holders of ()n Sale Liquor License No. 7227, and miscellaneous lieenses, all expirir►� Jarruary 31, 1969, at 2T28 West Seventh Street. They have been licensed as a carporation at this lc�cation since 1955. The current stockholders are �ugene �. McDoncugh, Estate of David Kri.nsky, Aaron Lipschultti, and Joseph Lipschultz. Due to t�he redemption arxi retirement of the stock held by the Estate of David Krinsky� &�gene B. McDonough� Aaroa I.ipschultz and Joseph I.ipschultz are the orily stc�ckholders. Attached is a copy of letter o� notification of this transaction� submi.tted by their attorney, Milton H. A1.t,man. 9ery truly yours� . o ��� J.i.eense Inspector �' � / ti i r �� \ � � ^ � � � ALTMAN, GERAGHTY, LEONARD & MULALLY SAMUEI LIPSCNULTZ . (1894-1960) ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW MILTON N. A�TntAN � 707 OEOREE OF NONOR OUILDINO JAMES H. GERAGHTY , itICMARD J. LEONARD ST. PAUL,MINNE80TA 58101 JUDO 5. MUTALLY NONNEN 5.WE155 22�-6�71 KENNETN M. SCMADECK JAMES M.CORUM TERENCE J.O�LOU6MLIN SVONEV C,BERDE ' ' �o�NSE� December 20, 1968 ' OG��� � The City Council pN0 . City of Saint Paul - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: Gannon's, Inc. Gentlemen: As attorneys for Gannon's, Inc. , holder of an on sale liquor li- cense at 2728 West Seventh Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, consent is hereby requested, pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 308.16 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul, � for the redemption and retirement of the stock of David Krinsky, deceased. If such consent is granted, the remafning stockholders will be Messrs. Eugene B. McDonough, joseph Lipschultz and Aaron Lipschultz. Very truly yours, •---- �— Milton H. Altman for ALTMAN, GERAGHTY, I.EONARD & MUI.P�LLY �,�2�222324�5�6 �� � �� mha:msw �� DEC 1��� `J� � n RECEIVED ��°, ¢ LICENSE.DIV. �' ��y Dept. of Public Safety �°� ��Q` �y��U 6 8 `9 � , . - � LFTT�;R GRAi�I'�II�'G INFOR:��1L APPRO'JA?, Dea. 31, 1968 Hon. iiill.iam E. O��lson, . � ` Go�sr. of Public Safety, _ _ Ten�h and Minnesota Sts., �\� St. Paul, Minn. � : � Dear Sir: - The City Council today�, or ,approved the application � of Gennon's. Inc., holders of On S�t e r License No. 7227, and miscellaneous licenses, al ring., a ry 31, 1969, at 2728 W. Seventh Street� for a c " ckho rs. Due to the redemption and retirement of the k held� ; the ate of David Krinsl�}r, Fugerye B. McDonough, on Lipsch and Joseph Lipechultz are the only stockholders. Will�y le repar e customary resolution? i _ Very truly yours, i � � ` \ � City Clerk �p . . ,