04-1202COUNCIL FILE #: O ` I � � � GREEN SHEET #: 3024523 RESOLUTION ' � OF SAINT PAUL, NIIlVNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: 1 VJHEREAS, the 2004 Capital Improvement Bud�et includes capital improvement bond funding in the amount of 5542,000 for 2 the Bmce Vento Nahue Sanctuary Development (Phase p gro}ect; and 4 4VF�REAS, the 2004 funding has been used in conjunction with a grant from the Federal Environmental Pmtecrion Agency, 5 contributions from the Trust for Public Land and the Burlington Northem Santa Fe Railroad, and a cost shaze agreement with 6 the IvIN Deparnnent of Natural Resources; and 8 WHEREAS, Phase I of the Sanctuary Development is nearing complerion and Parks and Recreation anticipates that 9 a$340,000 balance wffi remain within the project budget upon the complefion of Phase I; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolution 03-1064, approved a spending and fmancing plan for a$1,235,960 12 Federal TEA-21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Centiuy) grant, a$100,000 MN DNFt grant, and a$1OQ000 contriburion 13 from the Lower Phalen Creek Project for the construction of the Lower Phalen Creak Trail, which will connect the Bruce 14 Vento Regional Trail to: Swede Hollow Pazk, Indian Mounds Pazk, and Lowertown, and in addition, will provide a trail linking the 15 east side of Saint Paul to the Mississippi River and the Samuel H. Morgan Regional Trail, and 16 17 WHEREAS, the TEA-21 funding requires a local match of ZO¢ per dollaz, and can onlp be used toward appioved construction 18 costs; and 19 20 WHEREAS, the DNR grant and the Lower Phalen Creek Project conhibution are eligible local match dollars, but aze 21 msufficient to fund the required TEA-21 consuucrion match and all non-conshucrion project related costs; and 22 23 WHEREAS, without an adequate match, the federal funding will be lost; and 24 25 WHBREAS, it is the desire of Parks and Recrearion that $335,000 in capital improvement bond funds be reallocated from 26 the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary Development (Phase I) project to the Lower Phalen Creek Trail project; and 27 28 WHEREAS, the Lower Phalen Creek Project has been a proponent of both the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary development, 29 and the Lower Phalen Creek Trail link project and 30 31 WHEREAS, the Lower Phalen Creek Project in their letter attached hereto as Exhibit "A", have expressed their support 32 towards transferring funds from the Bruce Vento Sanchiary Development (Phase I) to the Lower Phalen Creek Trail 33 project; and 34 35 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 36 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Cominittee, that $335,000 is available for appropriarion 37 m the 2004 Capital Impzovement Budget, and that the 2003 and 2004 budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended 38 by Council, aze hareby fiuthec amended as follows: GIFMIQTIWrrkalResolUtiorts, AOs, G�een SheetslReso(utionSlLOwerPhalen C�eek TreilResolu8o� x(s Page: 1 of 2 COUNCIL FILE #: UT — f OZDa�- GREEN SHEET #: 3024523 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MIi�TNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: 39 40 FINANCING PLAN_ 41 C04 - Pazks Capital Projects 42 3D045 - Vento Trafl & Connectors 43 7324 - Transfer from 2004 CIB A4 45 SPENDINC's PLAN: 46 C04 - Pazks Capital Projects 47 3D045 - Vento Trail & Connectors 48 0882 - Improvemenu to the Land 49 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 50 51 FIIVANCTNG PLAN: 52 CO3 - Pazks Capital Projects 53 3D041 - Vento Trail & Connectors 54 732q - TransPer from 2004 CIB 55 56 SPENDING PLAN: 57 W3 - Parks Capital Projects 58 3D041 - Vento Trail & Connectors Comtnittee Date: CiIRRENT AMENDED BUDGET CAANGES BUDGET s�2,000 �3ss,000) zo�,000 542,000 (335,000} 207,000 46Q,�Q0 (305,000) 155,Q00 sz,000 (so,000� s2,000 542,000 (335,000) 207,000 0 335,000 335,000 0 335,000 335,000 59 0882 - Improvements to the Land 1,235,960 290,000 1,525,960 60 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 200,OQ0 45,000 245,D00 61 1,435,960 335,000 1,770,960 Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: ��?�t' oZ.� � a� Division of Pazks and Recreation By: f/� ✓l ^ � � Appxoval Recommended by Financial Seroices Director: BY: �� \ � Foun Apgroved by City Attorney AdopSon Cerrified by Council Secretary � Approved by M,�iyo�f Date: for Submis�x�n to �- f/ i'he 3t. `�aul Lotx,� - Range Gapitai Tm�.� ..,,., t V ��,.�„-' i3udget Cqmptitfee received 4nis zeq;z�;> e� cdatel ! l% t 3 fd �- ,. and zecom*rser.�s aPP���r� ( — �—�-----------__ GlFlvIIQTlWirkalResolutions,AOS,GreenSheetSlResoluGonslLOwerPale CreekTrailR@solution.rJs Page:2of2 ��a: ��� /4t�� � ��{- rao�-� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Shee Green Sheet DepartmeMla�ce/councii: Date fnitiated: I PR - pazksandRzcreafion 03-DEC-04 ; Green Sheet NO: 3024523 Contact Person 8 Phoae: � Jason Wirka i 266-6417 Musf Be on Council F�qenda try (Datej: 22-DEG04 � Assign Number For Routing Order 0 arks and Hecreation � i 1 �arics and Recreation ` Denarkment Director !�� 2 inancial Smices I Office Financial Servi � 3 itvAttomev i 4 � avor's Office � Mavor/Assistant � 5 ouncil �tvCouncil J 6 itv CSerk ! Citv Clerk � Total # of Signature Pages ` (Clip Ail Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing the reallocation of funds from ffie Bruce Vento Nawre Sanctuary (Phase I) pxoject to the Lower Phalen Greek Trail project. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission _,� CIB Committee Civ Service Commission ,1 _. G (�'i.� - .- —KL_ 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Y25 NO 2. Has this persoMfirtn ever been a city employee? , Yes No 3. �oes this persoMfirm possess a skill �ot normally qassessetl by any current ciry employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sFreet Inifiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Lower Phalen Creek Trail project is in need of local funding to provide the required construction match for federal grant funds. Advanffiges IfAparoved: Trail project can proceed, Federal constructions funds will not be lost. frc ,, 1 _ ; Disadvantapes If Approved: None. Ui.li �+ v S.�Y'C + j �, � Disadvantages If Not Approved: Federal construction dollars for the Lower Phaken Creek Trail may be lost. Transaction: Fu�din�t Source: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: y Activitv Number. G04-3D045, CO3-3D041 �. �°�°���� ��"��� Fi nancial Information: � }� (Explain) ��C �, 3 �UQ`P � l "e �,:,. �:�, � � ,. `\..�e ._ ., .� :.��.:' _r �.�.�:. ..." ." ..: . .:. ' �;01�VE�. ��i�E.'II. ��`+�� `�I'��EC�. ,. . - _ . 925 PayneAveniie. S1rite 2CYI; St'Pau{, Minnesota' S51 Qi _ •. �lL�1D1� �d�9if�C : s�t'u'�1rpn'4a«aas�d�s . ssrst�At�mt�ai� - �?i;!r.t�as�t�iw,. 1cCi75Pyne He4n P�iiy ��A�� �' Whi'y W, � . ` � . aie'i�iil�atlpreirGhipa�a} �: �ilr.a �.:. . amt(�:...; -� � ~ E�rfcsiBrr _ < , �.� ; _, . _. :' . ' itcdsaaxe�rhapw: . . 'abAFa1, •". ; . f 7'�itlFa5iiecfrr.pt�r -: ..,�.. -�.�-:. daenl�z,:" 'ru�etSY�tti6�w � :. �... . a Vif t: .,, : �e�Fai.v;�licwoite :�. : _ of3�sf�q[, _"� rimtnta�au " , �- ���,: �. �i4.si I.naa��.r.� �'.C�fT1�T �Rs 4Q�; �oti'Bierscheid` , •`_ . • . �ity Of St. �3i�1 P�r3C9 �360CiL��alli�nex..�:;: ``.; ..;..' , . �t:�P"aul; �e�ota�55IU2 ; . -: `.:.: O�'"' t��.bif ��Ai� `Aeai:Ivlz: Biets�lieid�';� . - As yoil3�ow; �:pweF��haLeu�Cieek pmje�i �e�ing, Eai�imitCee; h�s beau ivortaztg for mbr��ttian'sei��iryeat"s taereate �Ti€Biuc� Ventc3 Na#�e Saa�tuar�:arid �.owez: P�t31en'Greek T�Hillnik. �idth.�t1C s2;ncttiat'y &rid tk� trail v�11 T�-enOTOxt3ii4 aSS�tS .. :. .. . . . . : ... . . ., . for oiir coa�ciuuities:aait.eavirdisa�e�� °�'' ;° . ..: r : . . . , . . We-�ctersgarid ti�at du� tfie. rEeenEa�jiraisat.cpst� To pu'rehase,te�qnii�l hsil` .::. . . . , _•., , . . , . _ . . . �ghts=0f-R for the�,iaw�r.P#�len_�re,.e� Trazi, thete is aptajec�ed.b�icig�t' . sho;rt£alf of�0@ . #e 3690��t?,;.�e a�so und`ersiariil �at t}a.is=shn�i'Fa21"has'�e<1 �,. • . - : , ._ , � . .. .. .___ yo� to gueslicixi �e f�bihty ;of grijce�di€�g nzr.t�a projeet as pYanne�i:� At"tl� .' sa.me �un�, w� are. aware tha4 r�evi ?�O� C3$:€t�g i� aYaiiAlslc .� _b�t i�. ';:`- .. : .. , e�ima�ke� fe:n ie�toratio� �f the aa�esanpttiaty: _ - .. :: ; • � .._ : ; :�. . : : �ecat�se oftlie . .��-. .s. �e5sfui �PA:granf�aud:�iea.snuri;�s dedicate,� tc, fti�:sauctu�: kve t� it "vaotil3 be in,ths�besi infsies� �f iiie projeef � ivave 3� fi�g,to ih"e izaiI i'riitiative:sci=�-may mo�e fqrivaifl as. ° r sche�lute that •ivill�,eusu�e t� no_ grariis�s2znset:; `:� �' .�'; IuYtiuY" . . . . .. . _ ._ . . . _ . . . -. . . . . . . . . ; . i�s� .- " In siiys�aiy; the T.vvver.I'h'ale�. Creek-PrOje� �f�eriiig �omtriittee is stating :our- . sti�.r�m � support•fot speiadi�$40�3;R�E1 in_ 2{f04`CIB �d�g fq� t�e LoQFer �'�iai�n Creek, �� : -. Tr�.: VJe believe thaf=the iaa " of`these�`unds=will iiot• . . �• 7,�e;: . ; ;:', : '�d-. . _........ :. . �: ; _.,_ , �.�.,. �!a�_ . euvironn`t�n� aleaati�x,_u�tlaud�e�cava#ion$3�d`.cutiural��ctfvities�tkaf aze: _ = � , .:. : : .. . _ . .. .. ..: . :: �._ a�t�s� . , iaa�erw2}�: . :. . : .. � - . . . . . : . _ . . . . . . ., . � �. :. c�t-�. -: > :. �.. tcs us�:any;ki�l�nce of ike propo§ed "_. T#ie Lqwer P2taIIea �ieek:Trail: is ez�+einiel� �q'6nir �a��ct; : and`tb'#?i� i�i�tnUrss csf t�ie�� S�a a�'�;vwerto�ti �ntimim�'ties x�t�regiesent _ ntAi a�a m�rnr read�'o,�. ��.. �a�, Exhi6it "A" VJe liave worked very hard tn plan for and raise funds �or this •initiative are- strongly c;ommitted to doing wliatever 3§ necessarp to aciiieveits saccess�iil -. aompletioa: ' . . . - - SiIICedelyyours, , The I,bwei PliaIeff Cre�c Projeof Ste�riBg.Com4nit�: �. - We�,;niug �.u: . • - , , , : �� .- _-----� 8 �. �i f�, .;; ;�, .��375 �3C71TL�CI'