241591 ORIGJNAL TO CITY CLBRK 241591 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY l � COMMISSIONER � C • - p� t�������,,.�� DAT� . ..\f RESOLYID, That the proper City officials are hereby au- thorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Pau1, an application to the I,and Gon�issioner of Ramsey County fcr the conveyance of certain tax-forfeited lands for use by the City of St. Paul for playground purposes; a descrip- tion of the tax-forfeited land bein� more ful.ly described in the att�.ched copy of said application. JAN 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� � I��� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor �– Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco ASainst PU�CISHE� ��(�( �:] ��`�` A�S�`.. .. . -� .,{�Kti:tC'I1: �rcns�L:::C; :3::7 �.v�� rx�d�t cr�e�a� O ,. _ _____ _ .__ _--_-='`�-..y ` . . �� Department o1 Taxatiou Form No. 92, ~ ��� r � APPL I CATI ON DY GOVERN��fENTAL SUE3i�I 'd I �! isN FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFE I TED LANDS Under Minnesctz� St:,�tutr�,, ��*ian 2H2. 0�, Subdivision I. In the Matter of' the A(�plication of_City of St. Paul a Governmental S�bdi visi on, fo r a Conve}�ance of Certain Lan�3s. comes now— The Citv of St. Paul. a mu::icipal corporation an�i nll.eges: �Name ��P �ubdivieion) 1. T}�Rt apPlic�nt is a (�l�__nunicipal corQoration, in Ramsev Caunty, State of Minnesota 2. Tnat (t�) Attached hereto is a resolution of the City Council of the City of St. Pa �� for �4L; c;t;on of h 1 �,d hPrPinafter described 3. That there is situated in the C��unty of _____�ap1SeV � certain tax-t'urfeited lan�] described as follows: (c) Subject to Ruth Street, Conway Street, and Wilson Avenue and (except the south 295•5 feet of the north 685.67 feet of. the west 404.00 feet of the East ; of the Northwest u of the Southeast �� of Section 35, Township 29 North, R�.nge 22 West) the fo1loY�ing: The north 685.67 feet of the west 930 feet of the South- east �, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range ?2 �rlest, and all that property ly- ing within the fo1loT�in�; described lines: Beginning on the north line of the Southeast 4, Section 35, ��wnship 29 North, Ran�e 22 West, 930 feet easterly of the west line of said ;� section; thence southeasterly a distance of 6�5.6; feet on a line parallel to the west line of said 1 section; thence easterly a distance of �+�35 feet on a 1i.ne parallel to the northerly line of said 4 section; thence or. a line 9_n a northea�rly d:irection �. distance of 586.05 feet to a point which is 305 feet southerly of the northerly line of said 1 section and 1863. 57 feet easterly of the west line af said u section; thence in a northerly directi.on a distance of 305 feet to a point on the northerly line of the sa.id t section 1863.57 fPet easterl,y of the west �ine of' said 1 sectior.; thence in a t,resterly d�.rection a distance of �33.57 feet measured on the northerly line of the s�.id Southeas� 1 of Section 35, Township 29 Alorth, Range 22 GTest, to the point of beginning, �Y � � ' — i t,s "�, ayor �.---�-� ' �. �=-, and .. .�� Its Ci� Clerk � STATE OF AiINNF:SOTA ) j s�. COUNTY (1F Rc�I17S2y ) `�homas R. Byrne and Harry E. Marshall each bein� f'i r,* ���ily sworn, depi�se +�n�l sxy, e<ich f'ur himself, that they r�re respectively Lhe __ Ma,yor _ ,,r,�j City Clerk oe tn�� City of St. Paul _ that they hnv��� r•e<��i tli�� for?};oin� �JiC,lic�i�ion an�i knuw the contents thereof; �id that the m+iCirra st+�t�•�1 therein xre true. __.___ _ / � / 7 � ;�,. /� / �� w S>>bscribe�l xpd sworn to bef'ore mP t,h15 �= •� \� ---: / � �iav �iY �_!�� ��—. , 1',1� �7� r / . ?:-V'�— _ ------ —� �ul,try P�ihlic�__ • --Cuunlv, Ninr�. f '�Iv C�;tmr�i�si�m Fr��ires �/!� ���-�-- (al Stdtr_ t:ir:s�, rel;�tiv� t�, I����,�1 ��rpnnlr,,iti��n. Ib) Statr- f.ir�5 shuwin�; ��utlin��ic,,� i��n ��f acyuisitiun ��F i.�nd hFreinnf,e; �iescribed, �y resolution of k;��v��n�inti or by v��terr;, ;�s th�� c+�t;�� in:��� re� ;uir�e, attachir�p r�������es nf rEs�'�!ut�nns, 'tY aoy. Icl �how n;�me ��f t���v��rum��nt,�l .liL�llcisinn in which lau�1 i=: �;icuuted. (dl Uescribe u,iturr� ��f lan�ls, us�r �,f surruundin4, ��rop�-rty .in�'� ��ther :�iniil��r tacts. (el Give statemt�nt ns t *_hE� `���t'�=ific u�e tci be r'�a�le of tiurh l,inds.