241590 , � OR161NAL T�CITY CLHRK ��� � ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENEt�AL FORM PRESENTED BY ^/ � � �/ COMMISSIONER /Z �'�'�� �" `�' �� L� DATF RESOLVED That the proper City officials axe hereby au- thorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of th� City of Saint Paul, anag�plication to the Land Commissioner of Ramseg County for the conveyance of certain tax-forfeited lands for use by the City of St. Pa.ul for a public libraxy site; a description of the tax-forfeited land being more f'uU.y de- scribed in the attached copy ot' said application. JAN 7 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J�N 71969 Carlson Dalglish � Approverl 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor '°Petex�ao�-- ' Mayor Sprafka U Againat Tedesco - - � ,�aH 11 196� �.�����:�:�`•.:::€:�:e PtfBLISHE� �Mr. Vice Pre�ident (Yeterson) � � �, � �� ���De�artment oi Taxation Form No. 92 a� �'��/ APPLICATION QY GOVERNt•1ENTAL SU�3D1111 `. � (�N F0� GONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFEITED LANDS Under Minnesota Statutcs, ;;��ction 282. 01, Subdivision I. In the Matter of the Applir�at.ion �f City of St. Pa.ul a Governmentxl SYibdivision, for a Conve,yance of Certain I.Rnds. comes now The Cit.y of St._ Paul, a municipal corporation I\ame ��f ;ubdivisiuo) Kn�l alleges: . 1. Thgt �ppii�a�t is ft (��) munici al_ corporation, in RamseV County, State of Minr�esota z. Tr,at (b) attached hereto is a resolution of the City Council of the Cit.y of St. Paul for acquisition of the land�hereinafter described 3. That there is situated in the Count.v of__�?a.I11SP.V__ , certain t��x-f�,rfei.te�i land descr•ibed as follows: (c) The south 295.5 feet of the north 685 .67 feet of the west 404.00 feet of the E;a.st � of the Northwest �, of the Southeast �1 of Section 35, Tawnship 29 North, Range 2 West, _subject to easemen�ts in vacated Pedersen Street and s,�bject to Wilson Avenue. �. 7m�t s�ia ia�as Hre rt�� necessaxy and desirable for development of a public ___ library site 5. That applic.�nt desires to obtain said lrind for the following pi�rp�ses and re+�sons: (e) development and construction of a public library Wt�erefore ap��licanY, �rays that said l+�nds be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. By i r.5`�M yor �'�� and _ -?9�� /f �� its Cit�Clerk szAT� oF ntixNr:sorn ) � S S. COUNTY f)F RamSey � Thomas R. Byrne and H�rry E. Marshall each being f'irs� �iulp ��w��rn, �le�iose ++n�i say, e;�ch 1'ur himself� ths�t they are respectively the _ ._. Ma,yor __ ;,,,,� _City Clerk _ �,f thc___ City of St. Pa.ul . thr�t, t;hey hr�ve r����d tl��r ('<�re�oi�i�:, a�E�ltcation �nd know the ntents thereof; an�i that ttie matter5 tit��t��ri therein are true. � ,��—�-.... " � � ����G � � �� � � ti>>bticrih���il��rt swurn to bef�rre tne th[5 ����` V ' G �lrtv �f'---�-�� ` - , 1� � ' i `+�t:''� . ✓-t�'i-� --- - -- --f — — -- h��tnr�' Y��`�] (d,y-- � C��unly, !Ninn. �11� Cunimis�ion l�;X��i['eti /� � �� � (�) titat�• P�.ctr; r i,titive .. ��..�,nl r��a[iizntiun. fb) State facts �;h �win,; ��u 1:��: , i ,.� i�,r� �f ;�r,lui5iti��n ��f lan�l h��rFin�tiftet �ies<'ribed, by resolution uf guv�>rniu�,� t„� ;y or by vvters, ns 'h�� � ;is�- n,;�y i��•��iiit°e, n[tachin�; c�i��iFS ,�f r:�vnluttun:, iY aoy. Icl 5how nrime oC !�rwr�rnrnrn�,�l ;�ub�livisinn in uhich land is si �u;.*E��i. (d) Uescrib� ❑a[ure of ]�_nds, use nf surr��undio� pri�j�erty nn�j �,th��: sirriilar facts. (el Give statement as t�� the 5pe�ifi<� use to be ;nade of such lancis. i � ,