04-1201Council File # V�f � ��a� RESOLUT40N Green Sheet � z06283 CtTY OF SAfi�T PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To % Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ga ai 22 23 24 zs 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 43 50 51 52 58 b4 55 WI�EREAB, the Department of Public Works awazded a contract for the EdgcumbelNiles Sewer Relining pruject as pazt of the 2005 Sewer Rehabilitation program, adopted 6y City Council Resotution 021161, and WHERF.AS, there is a need for additiunal funding to complete this contract, and WI�HEAS, there is sia8'i.cieut sewer fund financing available in We 1998,1999 & 2000 Major Sewer Repair pmjecks to cover this need, and Wf3EREA5, the City of Saint Paul was able to collect Federal and State Emergency monies for storm dama3e repairs done under the 1998 Major Sewer Repair program, so THEREFORE BE iT RE50LVED, by the Couocil of the City of Saint Paul, npon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $159,46120 is avai]able £or appropriation in the 2003 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be Sereby fvrther amended 3n the Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repair Program C9S-2T632 Fed. Emergency Mgmt Adm. State Emergency Fund Sewer Service �ad SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repair Program C9S-2T632 Construction FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repair Prugram C99-2T633 Sewer Service Fund SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repa➢r Program C99•2T633 Construction FIIVANCING PI,AN Major Sewer Aepair Program C00-2T634 Sewer 5ervice Fund 20,�00.00 20,700.00 4,140.OQ 4,140.00 1,143,364.12 -54.037.89 1,089,32623 1,143,364.12 -28,187.59 1,1Y4,166.23 1,143,364.12 -29 197.89 1,114,16623 1,143,364.12 -29,197.89 1,114,166.23 3.S8S,300.77 -6783220 3,618,468.57 3,686,800.77 -G7,S32.20 3,618,468.57 3,686,300.77 -67,532.20 3 618,468.57 3,656,300.77 -67,53220 3,818,468.57 613,343.40 -37,591.11 575 752.29 613,343.40 -37,591.11 57b,7b229 56 SPENDING PLAN 57 Major Sewer Repair Program b8 CDO-2T634 59 60 Constmction 61 62 63 FIIVANCINGPLAN 64 SewerRehabilitationProgam 65 CO3-2T687 66 67 Sewer Serviee Fnnd 6S 69 70 SPENDING PLAN 71 Sewer Rehabilitation Piogram 72 CO3-2T687 73 74 Constzuction 75 D�-l�l 613,343.40 37,591.11 575,75229 613,343.40 -37,591.17 575,75229 6,352,000.00 159,46120 6,511,46120 6,352,000.00 159,46120 6,511,461.20 6,352,000.00 159,46120 6,511,461.20 6,352,OOQ.00 159,46120 6,511,46120 :he 5t. Paul Loug-1lange E:apitaP Impmveeze�e Budget Comwittee teceive3 this reqLLest or. �datej � 7 ' f 3 D'� - ,._ and reeanam�ads a�p����.-f signed:.�t-� /, �� _ _ Yeas � � � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ by c i�f/[LSl04 1t By: � . _ _ . �� Approval Recommended by Office of Financial ervices Di ector: .�d0�-By: Absent 'j O G dopted by Council: Date (,��i�v�.f'�.Q,� � ioption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney: DEPARTMENPOFFIGE/COUNQL Public works , CANiACT PERSON & PHONE ' � Paui Kiatz- 266-62A3 MUST BE ON COUNqLAGENDA BY (DA'fE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION REQUESTEO . Approval of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plan of the 2003 Sewe�9�§�ion pro�am by transferring funding from the 1998, 1999 and 2000 Major Sewer Repair programs. ft 6E� 1 � Z��� PECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Fe�ect (R) PLANNING COMMISSION _ pBCAMMITIEE � QWLSEflVICECOMMIS51pN A contract has been awazded for the Hdgcumbe/Niles Sewez Relining pro}ect as part of the 2003 Sewer Rehabilitation prograzn. There is a need for addi6ona] funding to complete this contract. There is sufficient sewer fund financing in the 1998, 1999 and 2000 Major Sewer Repair progams to cover this need. The City of Saint Paul was able to collec[ Federal and State Emergency monies for storm damage repairs done under the 1998 Major Sewer Repair prograrn, necessitating an increase in the spending and financing budget for that program. o� - rao� OATEINITIATED GREEI�i �,o. 206 83 11/1512004 � - - Irb6a� /� {� ] p mi�avoeie ^ 1 � 11FP�IFFlT� " o Cm�V�'1C1� .. �� � crrrarroaN� � � cmci.eaK NUNBERFOH ���' ❑ FlNANCIALSERVECESDIR lo FlNANCIALSEMlACCT � ORUER /f ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTANf) ❑ &� ��/L� /I /� ❑ 3 Q � r �8 Bnn:eBsese PadKUrtz 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE) 7. Has this perso�rm everworked under a contract for tbis departmen[? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any arrent ciry employes? YES NO 4. Is ihis personRittn a targeted vendo(� YES NO I�AYOR'S OF�ICE ADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: ' The Federal and State Emergency funding for storm damages done under the 1998 Major Sewer Repair Fund wiii be reflected in the budget. There will be sufficient funding to complete the Edgcumbe/Niles Sewer Relining project The 1998, 1999 and 2000 Major Sewer Repair pzogeazns will be elosed out. — ' �°9 ������� DISMVAMAGES IFAPPROVED: None. � �pe€±�mh DECa��o� OEC 10 20�4 ' � #, � DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPHOVED: ' There will not be sufficient budget to pay the contractor to compiete the work on the EdgcumbeJNiles Sewer Re3ining project. The Federal and State Emergency funding will not be reflected in the budget for the 1998 Major Sewer Repair program. OTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION $ 159,461.1A 17NUING SaURCE Sewer Service Funding INANCIAL IIdFORMATION (EXPLAIN) ' COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) yES No acnvm Nuraeee C98-2T632, C99-2T633, C00-2T634, CO3-2T687