241551 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '���^� F �1 > CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Nd �""� �" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �` COMMISSIONE � �� DATF 1 ` � � b� RESpLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for turnishing and dela.vering McCarron Station Butterfly and Ball Valves, DHUD Praject �WS-MINN-7, Contract No. 22, to the Board of Water Coumiissioners, F. 0. B. McCarron Station, 1900 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as �ollows; I�em No. 1. T0: B I F, A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL CORP. One (1) Electric Motor Operated and Three (3) Manually operated Rubber-seat type Butterfly Valves, complete - total amount of contract . . . . . . . . . . . $8,344.00 2. T0: HENRY PRATT CO�ANY One (1) Electric Motor Operated Ball Valves, complete - total amount of contract „ . . . . . . . . . . 8,345.00 in accordance with Contract Documents and specifications and Formal Bids �3249 of said contractors, such bids bein� the lowest and said bidders being reasonable and reliable, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid �3249 �,��,� � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays . Carlson � ;�.,r,� ;�� 1969 Dalglish Approved ''` 19—._ Meredith �n Favor Peterson � ' Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne ���� JAN 4 ��' O DUPLICATE TO PRINTSR h '+ �.,y� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa N�.��i'g_� �'.��.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RB�t��ID, Tliat �h� Council hereby �PPrau�s the �wi1�Cd 4f th� CcnC��1cC Camm3t�ee th�ar+�vr +�d hereby s�ard� con�rac�� fa�r furnishing rnd d�i�.vsring McG�trroz� Sts�ion Butterflq and Sell vulvee, AH�1 Fra�ect #W5-MINN-7, Contr�tet No. 2�, tQ th+� Boarsi of Wmter Cc�mcn�,ssion+�r�a, F. 0. B. M�C�rron Stattion, 190U R:icc� Si�r+��, Sa3nt Pau�, M�nne�ot�, a� fal�,ows� It� l. g0: B I F, A tAV�'Cf�' �GB��, SIGNAT►___.�'�s On� �1 j ��.�ctric i�tc�c OperaC�d and Thr�� f 3} Me�nu�lly operetted Ruiabar-s�t type Butterfly Y�t�v�s, compl��a - tatal �wnt of contract • • s • • • • � • • � +�$�3�#�F�� ' � p�� C�� 2� �• ��1 I II�Yrt�Y tk� (1) E1�aCt�iC i�iotO�c �per�ted BAIi V�atvea, com�l�e+� - �A�l�1� �IriDlillt Of COl1�Y�C� • • • • • • p • • • • $i�S,►OO � in acao�rdenc�a ��Ch ConCract Docv�ta end �p�ci€icsti,ans and �'orm+�l Bida l�3249 cf se�d aontractcrs, such bid� being th� 1��C and aa3.d hiddera being re�son�ble az�d re13ab1+�, �nd Che Cc�rporation Counee,l bc� and I�e�r�sby i.s directed Co draft thg px�op+�r �orm of con�trACte thera£ar, and �Ch� prap�r C�ty o�ficiala herelsy �r�a +�uth4risa�d to �xecut� ��t3d cantr�cte an b�lf c�f the City of Seint Paul. Fcrrm�l 83d �3249 ���� �� ���9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council` ° `"' 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved ���� 19__ Meredith �'� Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka } Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O