241549 ORI6INAL•�'�6'CITY CLERK ' ��—�.� � a��
COM M I551 ON E '-� DATF
RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that
in accordance with the letter of December 13, 1968, directed
to Mr. John S. Haider, Director, Givil Service , over the sig-
na.ture of Maurice J. McKay, General Manager of Group Health
Plan, Inc. , a copy of which is hereto attached, marked "Exhibit
A" and made a part hereof by reference, the premiums for the
City employees group health program shall be in the following
amounts for 1969:
Employee �11. 15
Dependents 26.90
Combined Member and �38. �5
with City payment to be in the full amount for the employee
coverage and in the amount of �7.65 for the City-pay portion
of the dependents coverage ; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED� That the agreement between said Group
Health Plan, Inc. and the City of Saint Paul shall be amended
so as to reflect the aforesaid modification; be it
FINALLY RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby directed
to forthwith transmit a copy of this Resolution to Group Health
Plan� Inc.
sst. Corporation Counsel
:l�N 21969
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays Jr��� � 19��
Dalglish � Approvec_l 19�_
Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafka p
Tedesco ASainst
Mr. President, Byrne �'���� JAN � 1969
. • , T
2500 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108
December 26, 1968 � a
Mr Thomas Anderson
Civil Service Commission
City of Saint Paul
City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear Mr Anderson
This is to advise you that Group Health Plan, Inc. concurs
with St Paul City Council resolution 240 797 within the
pravisions of Mr Joseph M Nemo's letter to you dated
October 17, 1968, relating to terms and condi.tions of
extended care benefits for City of Ssint Faul employees
and eligible dependents.
Sincerely yours
� � �
� ��;;JJ �
�� - ,..-
General nager
MJM/j o
Enclosure: Copy of Mr Nemo's letter of October 17, 1968 attached
. . , ,
. . .
. �
� . � OCrOber 17� 1968
� ,
, , ,
. � � •
� Mr Thomas Az�derson . � '
� � Civil Servico Conznissioa • � .
C:Lty of Saiat Paul ' , • ,
, City Ha11� � ' " ��
' ' Saint Pau1., Minnesota 55101 � , �
• , _ �\
Dear Mr ?.nderson , � '
�� ;
� . Croup Aealth Plan, Iac., will Oii(°Z r.on-acu�e estiended care beneti�s to
t'he Ci�q of St Paul gro�:p as u pL��a�.d he23.tlz serv�ce as talloc•rs:
� Non-acute care services (c�hei� �i�a� zcr cu;��odial c�re) arran�e3
� • * �l •r' ; ,y �^� �+- ''1° �C�If.' IT1C7Z1'tiEY 3.S uiiGGY.
for by tho �roup �c4�...:� I�.ea�cal. �....2.:� c•�h.. ..
� . � the order and care of a G�.? p'r�qsici:., fLr��shed durfr,� ccn��ae.-�ent -
' SS 8 �ef2 �78�y:�;:.C1'� �3�OV�Cic�.u� �2j .°'.i 3 �-G'::i�..�,iC'..Y CJ.�...�3 �iCv3.0i.i.u�.y CDi;.i2cZCC1
' in ra. hospital tox �o� less �:�ar.� tlirce c�r.yceu�ive days ta� 4I:c sa�c
injury oz sickn��s �ecu�:.i�� �ua�-�.cu�e Care, as�d (b) ca������e�� :.n
• rho Non-A�ute Carc �acili�� '�e�;�.::s wi�:zi� fourwe�n days af�er such
member's dischar�e cror� �hs �:ospica3.
Por purposes of this beneLi�, Dtor.-Acu�e C�re Services stz�ll mea:� seni-
. pr3.V8L`A 1'OOIII and boa-rd� j.:1Cs.u'�a''ii1�,�-' �'Cfii:l'c^s�. Y'.�ii:S3.ao £OYViC2 y OY' �.^a:l .^�..Z�OW�
ance up to �he I�'acil3.ty's 4vera�e sem3.-pr:�vat4 roo:n ra�c if eoniinc� i:� -.
othar than a semi-pzivate �o��, u� t� �l�e ��-�'�e:. oi days of •ro��. a�� .
board a�ecified in tha �3eulth �enefits A�r4��en�; a�d a�.l o�her scrv�ce� -
end aupp].ice (except pa�sonaT cou.�or�: i�em�) �u�isized durin�, each day .
for which room and board bene��.�s aro p:ov�.ded. Z'h� Me3icsre xepulaLioas
purauaAt to extsnded cara f�ci3i�ies shall �o used by�Group �:eal�h �'laa
as the standGrd in detc�rnin�.n� whether any narticular facil3ty wiZl qual.-
, igy f ar benef it�.
� Non-acute extended care ber.efi�� would, of caarso, ba sub�ect �o the
sume nxcl.usions and J.imi�ations as tho o�her benafits providcd,under tlia
HealCh Bana�its �roem�nt. ,
Wa �rill provide such oxteuded c�ra ber.eF3t� without ad�us�tmenr i�a th� moa-
, „
thly rate. . , � -
;� SincQraly ,
� �
� J'oseph M Namo, 3r
� Director,
' , � Underwritin� and Claim Diviaion
I ,TrN/3o ! �
, y
� ' ;��
. • ' . ,
, • � • 2500 Como Avenue �L�� �'�Q
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 t���� v
December 13, 1968
Mr. John S. Haider �
Director .
Civil Service
City of St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Haider:
In order that the cities administrative work relative to its insurance
program may be minimized, Group Health Plan will effective January l,
1969,. revise its monthly premium to coincide with Blue Cross and St.
Paul Fire Marine. Group Health Plan's new rate would then be as
Employee $11.15
Dependents 26.90
Combined Member & Dependents $38.05
In most groups where a choice of programs is offered, it is the usual
practice for the carriers to reopen on the anniversary date of the
contract, so that all eligible persons may make a new election without
evidence of insurability. A reopening which usually runs two to three
weeks keeps both programs sensitive to the needs and preferences of the
membership. It also forestalls any family from being locked in or out
of any given program for any considerable time.
Experience has demonstrated that there is no demonstrable flow of adverse
risk from one program to another on these reopenings. However, the �
reopening annually tends to preserve both the free choice of plans and the
free choice of physicians. - - .
Though, I presume Group Health Plan could for a limited period unilaterally
wawe evidence of insurability for persons who may wish to transfer into it�
this does not resolve the problem of other persons who may have elected
Group Health and would now like to transfer to Blue Cross and St. Paul
Fire Marine. If a reopening is provided, I w.ould like to suggest that it
should be announced well in advance so that approximately a month would be .
allowed after the closing period for the administrative changes. •
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
�� . �
i�� ��
�lL-tL.tJ 'f�� !
au ice• J :�Me ay
MJM/mk General vManager •
`�"`�a EXHIBIT A
. � GROUP HEAL7- H PLAN , I �1C.
. � 2500 Como Avenuc ��� C'; �
` Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 -�--���9
December 13, 1968
Mr. John S. Haider
Civil Service
City of St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota ,
Dear Mr. Haider:
In order that the cities administrative work relative to its insurance
program may be minimized, Group Health Plan will effective January 1,
. 1969,. revise its monthly premium to coincide with Blue Cross and St.
Paul Fire Marine. Group Health Plan's new rate would then be as
Employee $11.15 •
Dependents 26.90
Combined Member & Dependents $38.05
In most groups where a choice of programs is offered, it is the usual
practice for the carriers to reopen on the anniversary date of the
contract, so that all eligible persons may make a new election without
evidence of insurability. A reopening which usually runs two to three
weeks keeps both programs sensitive to the needs and preferences of the
�embership. It also forestalls any family from being locked in or out
of any given program for any considerable time.
Experience has demonstrated that there is no demonstrable flow of adverse
risk from one program to another on these reopenings. However, the �
reopening annually tends to preserve both the free choice of plans and the
free choice of physicians. • • .
Though, I presume Group Health Plan could for a limited period unilaterally
wa�ve evidence of insurability for persons who may wish to transfer into it,
this does not resolve the problem of other persons who may have elected
Group Health and would now like to transfer to Blue Cross and St. Paul
' Fire Marine. If a reopening is provided, I would like to suggest that it
should be announced well in advance so that approximately a month would be
allowed after the closing period for the administrative changes. -
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Sincerely,,- �
`y� �
//, ��--�;1� �`�/.1s�/,�
�/ _��,C.�t-cr< •!/ /��`
aurice J.�Mc ay -
MJM/mk General vManager
��8 .
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. '=`-�`'��'''�
It�,SU�V�:il� 13y 1:aac� rJatincil of ttae Cit� o� �raint �':���_:. � i����,t
i��:� �ccr�rcl<�z�e� crith t��e letter of �)ece�i�er i3, i9E,�3, d�,re;ct�d
to !�'�r. �Joh� :�. �I�,ider, Direc�or, Civil Servioe, ovar the sig–
r�� ture o� �1Liux�ice J. �Zcl��.y� General P�Ianaber ot Grau� EIQt�1th
I��.an, Inc. , s� eo,jy o� �a��iei� is .Zureto �,tt�crzed� arn�.rl�ed �'Exhibit
A" and �nacle a ��Lrt her�oi' i�y re�'erence, tli�; �,.r�,�na.uans �or the
City e�nployee� �rou� xzealtii �►rogra�� siial3. aa iaz the �ollowing
�,:�ounts� �or 29��:
'";�����.a�ee L�>11, i�
l3e j��nc:ie�i�.; 2b. �3
Cot�a'rJi�aec� �ic;r������ ��3.ca ;�3g.0�
<<�it�i �;it,;r ���=c�Tl�ici���-L- to ��� i�i "t>ae �ull aliial�nt �oa ttii� e��s3r:�y�:�>
:�ov�.rzz��;c; �4ixci ila �tt.ac, a,t�aacaia.t o�.' ;�7.G� �or Vhe t;�.ty--pay �ortion
�� tlae c.tepenc�erite� co�rearage ; i�� it
P'UF;.'1'iI:l:;?� i4�JSULV�ll, Tl�lat tY�e r�greement between r�uid Group
Health �'larz, Inc. a�d the City of Saint I?aul ���all A�c� amended
re �� �o reflc:et t��e �:�,�are�aid r�odi�ica�ion; be it
F'�:l��f.�tr�i�Y t�,��;�OI,VI:;ll, That the �ity Clerk ie hereT�y direated
to �ox�tfiwii;ii tr�r�s.�►�t �x +:a�y o� thie kesolution to Group I�ealth
I'laii, Inc.
��� � ���s
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson �,r;
;�t,+�� s-' ��1 E��3
Dalglish � Approved 19—_
Meredith _sn Favor
Sprafka Mayor
�' Against
Mr. President, Byrne
Jan. 2, 196�. ,
;-----_.___ 'i
"r�u� I�:ralth Pla,n, Inc. , ���--����\\
� ��t� ('.�ma 1�.v�. � . \'�����7
St. Paul, I'�i:tn. j�'��.� '�,
� . P�r , '�`!Laurice J. McKa�,
' Cze�i�a.l ;�fa.nager.
Der�r Si�°: \ f
T2iC1.0.^>E?C3 ��yY 'y'':.ilzr" l.i�.i'C7X"CIL�,�;�c n1 .,S/'c�. C�E?��r ✓i� Fi r�S�J�_11�1011
�� t.,i�xE. ;�,:�nt I'aul Cf.t:y Cr��c� . �'.�' 1 ��;�j, a.c3.���ed Jantx�,r�r ?,
l�'6�?, a�ienr33.n� t,he ��-��e ���t bet� ra tI1 i��,Y �,rtc�. "rat.z� Frer�,7_th
Plan, �nc. , per�,ain;in,r� .<� the :pxem' s fo� 1.9;;y.
J '
\ ' / Very tru?.;� ,y��ar.a,
___,.�. \ �.'/
- /
%� City Clerk
F�J�hp I
\ ,
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