241540 9RIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2����0 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC O UTION— N L FORM PRESENTED BY gobert F. eterson COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS� Comptroller�s Contract L-6978, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractors for the Grading and Faving of the RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL FROJECT� has been substantially completed, and WHEREAS� Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 10% retained under the contract from estimates for work done� be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, and WHBREAS� The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public +�lorks approve the payment at this time of $50,400.00 of the $63,000.00 retained; therefore be it ��� R1'sSOLVED, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby � authorized to pay an estimate in the amount of $50,400.00 f rom the retained �� percentage of $63,000.00 to said Contractor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractores bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller. aAN 2 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays :��� � 1969 Carlson Dalglish pproved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson ` � ' Sprafka V Mayor A gainst Tedeaco PUBIISHE� ,1AN 4 �9� Mr. President, Byrne O OUPLICATE TO PRINTER ^ �`�t��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt Robert F, pr+ter�nc�n DAT� WHEREAS, Comptroller's Contract L-6978, A�hbech Canetrt�ction �ampany, Coatractors for the Grading and Fa�ring of the RNERVIEW INDUSTRIAI. PROJEGT hea been subatantially compl�ted, and WHEEREA5, Said Cantractar requests that a por�ion of the 10� retained under the con�ract fmm astimat�� �'or work done. be paid in advance of the f inal completion of the aontract, and WHER�AS, The Commiasioner and Chief En�ineer nf the Depgrtment c€ Public Works approve the ppyment 8t this time of $50,400.00 of the $63,0OO.OU ret+ained; therafa�e be it RESOLVED, That the proper Gi.ty Off icisl� be end they are hereby euthorized to pay an eetimate tn th� �mount of $S0,4p0.00 from the retained percentage of $63,OOQ.aO to ssid Contractor; and be it FVRTHER RESdLVED, '�hdt this rsgolution shall have nu farce or effect unless the suretiee an the Contrectorss bond consent thereto in writing and f ile su�h cunsent with the Gity Comptrc�l�er. '��.:�� � . ..., � �� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays "���?!���' ' ��r����� Carlson Dalglish Approvec� 19__ Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 66