241519 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � /L����� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "' � � � . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4'• COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 24�-c��� PRESENTED BY J COMMISSIONE " DATF -�__ WHEREAS, it is desirable in the interests of public safety that suitable control of traffic 5ignals be available to fire equipment responding to fire calls; and WHEREAS, the Fire Chief and other officials of the Bureau of Fire Protection have investigated and studied the effectiveness, co�t and suitability of those devices on the market; and WHEREAS, it appears in their judgment that the most suitable device in all aspects appears to be that device known as "Opticom" patented, manu�actured and dis�ributed exclusively by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company; and WHEREAS, it appears that advertisement for competitive bid will not be of any cost benefit to the City; novv, therefo�e, be it RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby au- thorized to purehase f�om Minnesota Mining and Manu�acturing Company said Opticom brand traffic gignal components needed for pilot in- stallation of an emergency system as aforesaid at a cost of $26,870.00. CODEa 9168-808-002 ��.Fire Protection APPROV£�s ! �eq. 23584 ��v��.�.,.� r OMPTROLIER E'Uk�Vi F.r'r�r��;�'VED � Asst. Corporat;on Counsel � RCHA5ING AGENT COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit �EC 31 196�9_ Yeas Nays DEC 3 � 1968 Carlson Dalglish Approvecl 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ,l ' Sprafka V Mayor Tedesco - A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne PUBLISNE, JAIV 4 1969 0 f � � �- � �DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . �� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE N�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ��FtEAS, it is desirabl.e in the int�rests af public safety that sui�able control of 4raf�ic signals b� avaa.lable to fire equa.pr:ien�: re�ponding to fir� caLl�; �nc� :^`��.�I21�'�:�, t�z� �'�.r� Chisf ar_c� o�:h�r Q�fa,cia�.� o;C the Bureau �f �'ir� P�c�tec�ion ?�ave 3.nv���a,g��ed �nd studi.ed �:� e�fectiven�ss, �o�t and :ua.��bility o� �ho�� d�vic�� on. the mar�et� an� ;°���;�;t i.� a�pear� in tYaoa,r �udgr:len� that tl�e nl��t suital�le d�v3.ce i.n a�.l aspeeis �pp��r� �o �e t�aat c�evic� �.nc��ar� a� "'O��icom" �a�Qn�cc�, rtaY�����.c�:tz:�� anc� c�i��a�ibut�r� �;�cwu�i�r�=wl�r �y t?innErsc�t� �ini���r ��zc� �Iar�u�a�tur�.nc� Gc�mc�any; and ��?ERE.2-�5, i.t appears tha� �c�vertz�em.e�t �cax° cart�ctitiv� bic� w�.11 nat 1a� �� arx;� cc�s� ?:��Y.�e�i� tv t��ae �Ca.�y; ra.o�r�B ��,x�ra:�=�x�e, 1�� .i�i: 2'�;,,CiI.�Vza��, `�?.�a�. �i�E 3?urcl�<���.nc,r �c�an.t be an� �ze i� i`��r�:Iay a�a— thori�ec� �o �urch�s� �rom ��zn����ata l�in,�.nc� an.c? I✓�.nia�a�ti���.ng C�mpan� �aid Op�ic�� �x�nd tra��3.c �:Cc�n�.1 components r�ee��:c� �or p�.lat �.ra— s�alla�ion �af �n em�rc�encrr �y��em as a�Qx�said at a c�gt o£ ;26,870.0?. c�o�: 9���•�o�-�v2 APPROV�Os Fi r� Protecti c�n F�eq. 235��t Ct3MP�TR4�E.L�.Fi �� l,r"(_�'l'�C%���.'�• .r� �i/ i�rL c" c � l F' I�'d:H��4"u�t�a'�a �1iit#V1" i/` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council De�• 3�-� 19 6�' Yeas Nays Carlson Dal lish Approvec� ��� 31 ' 19�� g � . Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 55