241508 � ^ /'� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � •/A 1 �i ,� r •� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ��s v I,ICENSE COI�'B'lITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C NCIL RESOLU�N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �--�/' �, December 31 �.96U COMMISSIONE °� �'DATF � RESOI,VIDt That applications for Sunday-On Sale L3.guor Licenses� made by the fcllowing applicants �ho are holders of tAi Sa1e Liquor Zicenses at the addresses stated� be and the same are hereby granted and in compl3.anee to C. �'. No. 235531, Oz�l.inance No. 1375�� which amends Chapter No. 30$.00 of the St. Paul I,egislative Cod.e and Ord�.nances. buoky Lanes, In�c. 21,55 �'ord Parkway ApP. ?3� New Ne� Le>c. Boland�s L�.quor & Food� Snc. 6$5 East �'hird Street " ?6?9 � " p Each Appn. Informa].ly approved by Council As dated on application. DEC 3 � 1�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DEC 31 l�g Carlson Dalglish pproved 19— � Meredith Tn Favor � Peterson i S�rafku �/ Mayor Tedesco A gainat 1969 PUBIISHEi JAN �: Mr. President, Byrne � � � . CITY QF SAI�TT PAUL � � _ Capital of Minnesots �� � � C�•O �y J a �e a�ti�e�t o a��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTEC'FION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammissioner POLICE AND FIAB ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Depnty Commfesionet DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inspector October 2lt, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City �ou�cil Saint Paul, Minnes�ta Gentlemens Currently Lucky Lanes, Inc. are holders of On Sale ?,iquor License No. 7316 and the miscel.laneous licenses of Restaurant � Sa].e rialt Beverage, �igarette� and Bowling Alley at 2155 Ford Parkway. They have held the liquor license since May 1968. Application is made for a Sunda�-On-Sale-L3.quor � license in connection with the above licenses. Attached is a copy of their informal application for such a license. Very truly yours: . ��c0� License Inspector (' 1 ��� � ,, .,`. � -�:.. � � � . ,� , .. „ • � L ' AFF?DAQIfi Ft7R STAQDAY I.IQIIOR I.ICS�SS APPLICATION � � � � �t f4-�Sa�J Resideace Addreee ��-� d� �- �-l•t,� Lic:eneee Lt-r�t �O � �ddreaa of Bneixie�s 2�� I her�by apply for �► ,Spaoial 3�mday Liquor livenae. I have a R�staurant -� (aroes out one) lioense with saat3an� oape►oity Por �� psople. Signed 81�te oP Yix�sieao�ta ...... 8� ; County df �im+�ey _ � .. ._ . _ . . . . � . . �. _ � _ _ .. �si � �fi�a'E_c�t�y +hrtorn, dep�ee� e� qd uptm t e a rea lie �'oi•egoiug a��'ide�v�i� tieetriag his eSgna�uz�e' az� �lnio�ra the�ooritents"thei�o�'; �hat._�i� �se►m�e fa��r�m of hi� c� ]aiv�Iedgey eaoept .ais.�SO tlioee matter� ttiere�n� ���d u�raa iufox�tioa� azid beliet' and aa to those matrber� he be],tevea t�hem �o be 'trua�► t u app i+�a. �beortbsd �►nd a�ira ef �e me ' �his��day of i9�� � � - Ary m, ey Coun , nneaote► My ae�iasian ezpir�e 19 ELSIE G. DOKMd' Notary Public, Ramsey Count�, Mlnrt: My Commission E cpir�s fJov. 13, 1974. r • ti � . � LETTER GRANTII�!G INFOR2�IAL APPRO'lA�, Oct. 2k, 196$ I�on. W�.: E. Cax'1�ori . Comsr. of.Public Salety Publi c 3attty 'Bldg. �- Dear Sir: Attet�tlo . .r'Ftr. i�l t�Letugb in The City Council todey informal� roved lolltx�rit�g epplieatione . � end requeated that you prepare re� tion�vering tl�ese me�tt�ra: Lt�clqr Lau�a, Inc. 3u le� or li cen�e at 2155 Ford pk�r. _ U i� \ Cfi ' CITY O� SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota ��yl,�� �e a�ti�e�t a c�blic �a et p � PoLicE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEIt M. CONWAY, Depnty Commlaadoner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN. Licenee Inepector Plovember 19, 1968 Honor�}ble M�yor and City Counc il Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently Aolands� Liquors 8c Foods, Inc. are holders of � Sale Liquor License No. 7315 and miscellaneous licenses at 685 East Third Street, all expiring on J anuary 31, 1969. They have so been licensed since January 1965. The officers of the corporation are Richard J. and Beverly J. Boland. �rhey are also the only two stockholders. Application is made by Bolands� Liquors and Foods Inc. for a Sunda3�-0�-Sale-Liquor License in connection with this business. Atta dled is their infonnal application for such a license. Very truly yours, � ��� License Inspector � � �.�L ,;�� � � � � ¢� � V � w ` � • AFFIDAVIT FtYR SIINDAY LIt�IIOR ZICENSE APPLICATIOTi �ama HItlH�Rn J_ �p_ Reaideaoe Addroes �8'/ lt�do4a �t. Lioenaee _ ,�, ,�p+8 Ltt�'J�9 A�1D 1rpQD�t IPt3. Addresa of Buainesa 683 E. Third ��. I heraby apply for a $peQial Sunday i,iquor lioenae. I have a Reataurant - I� (aroea out one) lioenae �arith saati.n.g oape�aity for 8!S people. . �~� --�? ,/' �//�,:- f � j' $1�A9 � !�\��� f l���/ $'��",9 O� M].I1I1980tS8� �ss c otmmty of 8e►mesy ) � . /Gh��� �, p /�i�/� being Piret duly ewarn, depo�ea an�says upon oe�th tha he has rea the foregoing` aPfidav3t beariag his aignature an�d �2�o�rs the aon,tents �thereo�; that �he same ie true of his rnrn la�o�ledge, exoept as to tliose mattera thereia stated upon inform�e►tivn and belief and �a to those mattera he bel.ieves them �o be true, �� J/ /I ? � j / :� ��J !' f .� fl. . ' /,.. . .�( , //vL%A,/S _.Y"�� '� ��_ . v r// .�rl��� 3' ture of ap" 'oa ' - . $ub�aribed d axorn to� �b �'ar�e me thie�day of /V v� 1�� b N ota ry� bl io, I�amaey Coiustq, 'nne a uta . E. c��. c'.c^�.R My CEm�mie8ian ezpires •� ��;;;`tya.8'linn. Notarf�1Q� f�a,n��, Commissio�F�P!res Jur�e 30,1971. AAY.- t � LETT�;R GRAP±iIi,G Iiv`FOiZ:�u�L APPRO'!AL . V��S q� Nov. 19, 1968 '_.t# �����: 'n{;�# - '"^iw, - :,' �►. iiil�,lsn :E. Cs�'UoII, _ Coswr. c! Pablic Satety, `� .�� ?enth ard Minnesota 8ta., �, � � 8t. Paul, Minn. Att ..�Mr. n �l P. McLaughliA ' Desr 3ir: ,� � i � "';bpprowd th� applicatian � The City Conncil today i h o! Bolspds' Liquors � !'oods, -Inc•, 1m �of Oa Sale Liquor License �. 7315 szrd misceilariaow; ` st $. Third St., all expiris�g oe Jw. 31, 1969, �or a 1�i►y-0n• e-Li License in connection •riLh this bvsin��s. Thfl � fficers o . he co atio�n are Richard J. and Bererl,y J. Boland. �;T�y +� als� (!the onl.y► two •tockholaers. �ilu ��out p�1ew` �l�,ti.e�$�' custoMary resolution? � �,--__; �._......---' � .. !/`�i� �� '� Very truly yowrs, • . �4 , , � '�., i ��;����/ City Clerk � . �p :,�,_._. ,