244535 ,Ori�inal to Ctty Clerk . ' . , ,
An ordinance amending the Zoning
Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per-
taining to Use Districts, Height Districts
and Rezoning of certain properties in the
City of Saint Paul, as amended.
Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
` inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per�aining to
Vse Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro-
perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following
described property on the terms and conditions expressed
herein from "A" Residence District to Commercial property,
Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey' s
Subdivision "A" ;
situate on the south side of Montana Avenue 120 feet west of
White Bear Avenue in the City •f Saint Paul.
Section 2. The property described above is subject to
the following terms and conditions :
l. That, subject to any further reclassification of the
- hereinabove described real estate by virtue of proceedings there--
for hereinafter instituted, conducted and completed according to
the applicable provisions� of said Zoning Code, effective as of
the date of said petition for reclassification and the applicable
provisions of the statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby, the
employment of said real estate henceforth is restricted and
limited to the following specified use, to-wit:
Commercial District for the con-
struction of a parking lot only
by the petitioner and property
owner, subject to all applicable
statutes, ordinances , rules and
regulations prescribed and pro-
mulgated by governmental agencies
having cognizance.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci�
Dalgliah In Favor
Peterson Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk --���-�G
�O �
Form approved Corporation Counsel By��1
�OriQinll to City Clerk • , .
.r • •
� �-Y� ,,T ORDINANCE ����
2. That the owner of said real estate, within the period
of sixty (60) days next succeeding the publication of this
ordinance, shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully
executed counterparts , said owner' s written acceptance of this
ordinance, incorporating, among other things, said owner� s
grant unto said City of Saint Paul of a negative easement
affecting said real estate, for the imposition, maintenance
and enforcement of the aforesaid conditions, restrictions
and limitations �pon the employment and use of the property
described herein, approved as to form and execution by the
Corporation Counsel and recordable in the office of the Register
of Deeds and said negative easement and restrictive conveyance
shall be drawn to exclude all uses permitted in Commercial Dis—
3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, said
own.erts written acceptance and grant of negative easement shall
incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance, and immediately
upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publica—
JUL � 1969
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Carlson j
Dalglish � �O 7n Favor
S�� � Againat
Mr. President ,grne) au� � ��&�
App d:
A est:
- - �
Ci Cler Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counael By -
ru�t�t J�'L 12 196g
DaplIeate b Printer
An ordinance amending the Zoning
Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of
the Saint Paul Legislati.ve Cod�, per-
t�in�.ng to Use Districts, Height Distriete
and Rezoning o� certain propertiea in the
City oY Saint Paul, as amended.
Seetion 1. That the �oning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclueive, o� the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Distriets, Height �istricts an.d Rezoning of certain pro-
perties in the City oY �aint Paul, as amended, be and the same
is hereby �urther amended sa as to rezone the following
deseribed property on the termg and conditions expressed
herein from "A" Residence District to Commercial property,
Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey' s
Subdivision "A" ;
situate on the �outh side of rSontana Avenue 120 feet west af
White Hear Ave�nue in the City of Saint Paul.
Section 2. The property deacribed above is sub�ect to
the �ollowing terms and conditions:
1. That, �ubject to any further reclasaification o� the
hereinabove des�aribed real estate by virtuE of proceedings there-
for herein��ter instituted, conducted and completed aecording to
the applicable praviaions of said Zoning Code, effeetive as of
tY�e date of said petition for reclae�ifieat3on and the applic�,ble
provisions o� the statutee of the State of Minnesota, hereby, the
employment of said real eetate henesYorth is restricted and
limited to the following speeiYied use, to-wit:
Commercial Distrfet Yor the con-
struetfon of a parkin� lot os�Iy
by the petitioner an�3 property
own.er, subject to all applicabie
etatutes, ordinaneea, rules and
regulations prescribed and pro-
mulgated by �overnmental agenciea
' having; co�nizance.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalgliah Tn Favor
Peterson Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
DaD��iate to Printer
2. That the owwner of said real estate, within the period
of sixty (60) days next sueceeding the publication o�' this
ordinance, shall �ile with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully
executed counterparts, said owner' e written acceptance of this
ordinance, incorporating, among other things, said owner' s
grant unto said City o� Saint Pau1 of a ne�ative easement
a��ecting said �ea1 estate, for the impoaitian, maintenance
and enforcement o:P the a�orQ�aid eonditions, restrictions
and limitatinns upon the amploym�nt a,nd use of the property
d�;seribed herein, approved as to �orm and execution by the
Corporation Counsel and recordable in the of�ice of the Register
of Deeds and said n.egative easement and restrietive conveyance
shall be drawn to exelude �11 uses permitted in Commercial Dis-
3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, said
owner' s written aeceptance and �ra,nt o� negative easement shall
incorporate a certiffed aopy of this ordinance, and immediately
upon the aforesaid Piling o�' the same t�e City C1erk shall cause
one of �uch counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the
o��ice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey Caunty, Minnesota.
Section 3. This ordinance shali take effect and be in foree
thirty (30) days from and a�ter its passage, approval and publica-
,Ut: a ]9��
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Carlson 6
Dalglish In Favor
Meredith �
n � A ainst
Sprafka � ����
Tedesco ���
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
` . , � � . ,.
K ..3
` � Q
� . �
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses pormitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
' rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
, (Please type or print) �
' Date: J� 20, 1968
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall . �
City of Sair.t Paul, blinnesota
, .
pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of •
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�, or more of
the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
► Lot �+, Block 2,�JA Humphrey's Subdivision "A" to the City of St. Paul. S�
_ . �� �.
from "p" Residence District to Commercial Dis�rict, for the "'( � °'
purpose of installing, constrvcting and/or operating the following; �
(describe briefly the proposed facility) � �
Off-street parking lot in con,junction �rith existing filling station. �
Subject property: •
�,�� JA Humphrey's .
� " -�,�� -�L't-�-=, Subdivision "A"
. �
� --
;�i�/J � 1�2�3 �
Fred Herri L�.v�-;�y �6 2 „
�g 2�+,25
Ben Gleeman • �"��-s/' _�.P,>�� 26 2 "
28,29 �
Ben Gleeman „f,���,,,,�.,,.,/ � „
Gus 1�'elson 2b'25 I . „
� _ /' 28,29
Fred Herri /L�����L-�- ` p 1 "
4' •
�Late of �tillnnesota ( ' � � '� "
County of i�K��'y( ( ss _ ,_ � '' .
i� . �..,
Hennepin . � "
iCeith G. Holvenstot being first duly s�sorn, deposes and states that he
is Lhe person who circUlated the within petition consistirig of ` �ne pages;
that the parti�es described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed
ir:;.,ediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
awners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true
3nd correct signatures. of each and All of the parties so described.
Subscrft,ed and sworn to before me
' this -� � � � �/
_� `�=,;,�day of ��t , �G ��' ��� ,.�J � �, �'
,,..� _ "► . �/ � ddress; "-' -' c v�✓� ��.-
, � � „�; ,.�, A �So7 W.78th St. Bloomin�ton,Minn.
h.,ta.•P�blic ' . t--- •-�--r� Telephonc .lo. 920-7020 ,
f:y cor.:,ission �X�_rr i�ountY, Minn.
Approved a� to form 1/4/65
I :'GI ti 5/��� HQRRY H. KNAPP Office of the Cor�oration Counse� ,..�.�
No�ary p„blic, NonnepSn County, MFnn.
/ �^�.- /
A',� Comiali�iaa Expiros Apidl 24, 1949. �/ J %//� ( ���f C. l.;S O /1/ �L I^� �� . /
�- ' /..---- i -�� ��` f , W , ���= �}� �
� �
r . �
. �� � ' . . , �
•;;� ,:.,�� - • ' �
. w �
._ _ ,, ,. _ _ _ � �..� :�
,, �_ _ , _
� ' ' � �`3
� O
. . �
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- .
fication before signing this petition. Fpr further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print) �
�ate: June 20, 1968
� c/o the City Clerk, F{oom 386 City Hall .
City O$ Sail^it Pa41� bSi;�nesota
Pursuant to Section 64�,06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet'°of �°
. the real estate affected, hereby acc}uiesce; and we, the owners of 50� or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property: (Legal de�scription and street address)
� Lot 4 Block 2 �JA H ' �� „ sl(,J �
, , umphrey s Subdivision A to the City of St. Paul. �
from "A" Residence District to CommerCial District, for the "'! �'
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following; �k`�„
(describe briefly the proposed facility) "`�+�
Off'-�tr�et parking lot in ec�uncticn �rith existing fil.lf.ng station. � °;
Subject Property; • �
JA Humphrey s �
Subdivision "A"
,. -
Fred Aerri � 1'6'3 2 rr
Ben Gleeman . �r�� 6 „
Bea Gleeman 28,29 r� !
Gus Nelson � 2 '�5
26 2 "
: 28��
Fred Herri /Le , , � 1 �� _.
, �
I : '
. � - . . � c r�� �.
. _ � . � . � � .�i..�" , .
. . ...;�..'�' .. .
. `, . . � - ' � , .�..�
� ��• . . . . . � �:J
a�af.e �i �vtinnesota ( �' �._` • �1 : �
County of�C ( ss �;' �; � .,�,
� Hennepin . , • :'.,
Keith G. Holvenstot being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he ' �'�� �+,
is the person who cixcuiated the within petition consisting of � one Page=; �
that the parties described above are'the owners respective?y of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said � ,
ou�ner: in the presence of this affiant, and that the sig�tures above� are the true -"
and carrect signatures. of each and �ili of the parties sa:,�scribed.
Subscribed and sworn to before me ��
this �'l-� day of i 6 d .c� � �r�',.,� �.,� . /
��"�` , Address: �567 W.78th St. Bloomir�gton�l�`inn.
�� =�'��'�� � =' Telephone No, 92a7o2o
N..�ary �u�l c, , ixiounty, Minn.
ls:v con:mission Cxp_r Approved as to form 1/4/65
HARitY H. KNAPP offi�^e of the Corporation Counsel
?GT 1�S�o5 Notary M'bik. H�an�pin Cow�tY. Mim►
� c.w.w�.. ��+u. �+w� /`/a T//=`r' ��l c.K S o ni ��T. c.-,° .
- °�` ��'b w . ��� .
. _ '� 1��NR�Al a `- .
, �
� .� C- , —
D:.�';� G:' I'�C:r'T'I;� �.AS�t�i 1 !?ND �iCG�PI.'AIv'Cr.
2'3�S I�E"�.'�:,�, ma3c; anc�. exec.�ted thi� ��� day of� ,
19�, b�r an� b��wr�e� Fr.ed S. Herring �c� F?orence M. Iierring, husband and
wife, of the Coun�;y of Ra.�sey, State of P•iinnesot�., hereinaftc�r designmted "the
first parties", a.nd CITY OF SAINT P�UL, herein�fter designated "the second
p�,x~t;3*"� 41IT1`E:SETH:
WHE�,EAS, the first parties, on and �'or a considerable period of t�!e
nex� precsc�ir�s i:he 12th day o� July, 196g, were s.�..nd ever since, said date h�.ve
be�n the o��mers in fae sim:,�le, of aL7. of the following described real estate
situate in the City of' S:�int Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-s-rit:
I.ot Four (4), Block Two (2), J. A. Humphrey's
Suodivision A to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey
County, State of Minnesota, situate an the Sou�h
Side o:f Montana Avenue, 120 fPet W�si; of White
73ear Avenue in the City of S�.int Pau]L.
WHER�AS, said real. estate on said date and for a co�siderable period o�
tine next preceding tne sames was zoned and classified in "A" Residence l�i:�tra.c-t
under and by virtue of Ch�.pters 60 to 64, inclusive, Zoning Code, Saint ��a�,al
Le�isl�tive Code, as �.mended, and pursuant to the petition of' the first ��.�ies
the Council of the seeand pa:°ty, aecording to th� provisions of said 2oning Cod.e,
as �,mended, and the Statu°L•es of the State of Minnesots, in such cases m�de and
provided�, with the �•ri�ten acquiescenc� of the owners of two-thirds of the severa?
descripta.ons of rea1 estate situa.ted within 100 feet of said real estate, duly
enac�ed City of Saint Pa.u1 Ordinance No. 14221, approved July 8�h, 1969, �,i�.
published in the Officiel Newspaper of the second party on the 12th of J�al.y, 19b9,
amending said Zoning Code, as a.mende�, so th�,t said hereinabove described real
estate w�as thereby �nd thex�evnder rezoned and reclassified from "A" Resid�nce
Da.stxict ta Conmercia.]., sub ject to �sneci.P.1 exceptio�s and consiitions in the
nat:;x�: of especial restri�tlans upon the use of th� �a�.� whercby the u�� �nc1
e�^.�:.�;��r_er': ��f ��.id ii�rtiri�Uo�e descr�.bed rea3. cs�tr�.�e �ras restr�ct�d #,� �.:�e
fo�..I 7w�.n�r uses and CTII�3�Uy�l�:ills�:i 1 SU�/.��C� lIO iu��cl�ei r•e�onin� r�sxci reclaesi�'icaiio�
of the sa�ne by rirtue of proczed�:�s th�r+�for thereafter instituted, conciucted
�d co�leted, according to applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, as
P.mended, and of statutes oi' the State of Minnesota, to-�rit:
Com�ercial Distriet for the construction oP a parking lot only
by the petitioner and property owner, sub�ect to all applicable
statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations prescribed and pro-
mulgated by governmental agencies hsving cognizance.
W"HEREAS, the first parties, for themselves, their he3rs, administr�tors,
exzcutors and e,ssigns, intend hereby to accept said Ordinance No. 1�+221, a.nd to
provide for the imposition, maintenance, and enforcement of such espe¢3.a7.
restri.ctions upon the use oa said hereinabov�e described real estate to run with
the ].anci �ncl to grant unto the second party, in further compliance with the
cond�.tions of said Ordinance No. 1�+221, a negative easement therefor; �
N�T, THEREFORE, the first paxties, as such aWn,ers of said hereinabov�
described reE1 estat�, for themselves, their heirs, adminictraturs, executors,
and �,ssigns, do hereby covena.nt a.nd bind themselves� their heirs, administra.tors,
execu�ars, and assigns, unto the second party that, in accordance with said
Zoning Cod.e, as amended, particularly �s the same has been amended by said
Ordinance No. 1�+221, said real estate Y�.as been effectively restricted and li�i.t�:d
in respect of its use and erapl.oyment and sha11 henceforth be restricted and
limi.ted in such particulars as follo�rs, to-wit:
Thr�t� subject to ar�y further reclassifica,tion of the hereinabove
described real estate by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinafter
ins�Lituted, conducted and completed according to the applica.ble
provisions of said Zoning Code, effective as of the date of said
pei:ition for reclassi�ication and the applicable provisions oY
the statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby, the employment of
said real estate henceforth is restra.cted and limited to the
follo•rring specified use, to-wit:
Cornrnercial Distr�.ct for the con.struction of a parking lot only
by �he petitioner and property owner, �ub�ect to all applicable
�f���ute�, ordinances, r�il.e:� and regulAtians preacribed a.nd
a;o�ulgated by goverur.-��ta1 agencies �ving cognizance.
_ 2 -
and the said pa±rties, for the�e�.ves, their �eirs, e,dmtnistrators, executors,
and assi�ns hereby grant, convey �aa warra.nt un�:,o the second party, said City o�
Sai.nt Paul, as such munic;pal corporation, �n trust for the bene�'it of the public,
a perpetual negative easeneut i� and to said hereinabove !iescribed real7. estate
and al]. thezeoP, for �he imposition, ma.intenance �,n�d enforcement byr the secand � -
part;�, as such municip�l. corporation, of' the aforesaid restrictions and limi.ta-
tion� upori the use a.nd employment of said hereinabove describea real estate, to
run frith the land, and for �ood and value considera.tion, the receipt and
sufficiency whereof by the first parties hereby axe acknawledged,
FURTHER, the first p�rties make reference to said Zoning Co3e, as amend.ed,
and by rcf erence incorparate the same herein; as part hereof, �rith the $ame intent�
purpose and effect as if said Zoning Code, as anended, Were fully set forth herein;
and make further reference to said anendatory Ordina.nce I�o. 1�+221 to the duly
certified copy of the same hezeto attached and hereby incorporated Y.�rei�a by
reference as part hereof; a.nd said first parties, for themselves, their heirs,
administrators, executors an.d assigns, hereby accept said amendatory Ord3nance
No. 1�221, and every provision, term, and condition of the same without reservation
or excep-tion. _
IN TESTIMOIVY WI�REOF, said firsi: parties, Fred. S. Herrin� an.d Florenee M.
Herri�g, Y�usban.d. r�,nd, wa.fe, have set their hands to this instrument as of thc day
a.nd year f3�rst above written. •
In sence Of:
�� ; � •�
L�G�� � - . �'}''
Fre S. Herring
��=� � �.����� ,
� Florer_ce �. Herri
On this ��ay of , 19�, before
me, a notary public with�.nand for said County, personally appeaxed Fred S. Hexring
�nd Florence M. Herring, to me known to be the persons described in, and who
execu�ed the foregoing instrument, end ack�owlec�ged that they executed �he same
as their free �,ct and deed.
� � �
.EORM APPROVED Notr�ry Pu�Iic, Hen:P;��ri Cn�S AS:,.�n.
t015 E. HORSCH,
� commission expire� �Otiry�°bi'�,Honne�ihiCqunty,Minn.
Asst. Corporation Counsel �--M°fcsmnn:s9an-e��rx�E z3, 1976.
Narry E. Marshall Mbert B. Olson
City Clerk and �`T'' �F Council Recorder
Commisioner of Registration a��' y�
� �-� � ..
a �
V'y� ' �1 � ..
, ... . M^` t�l�,�_
�86 City Ha.11
St.Paul,Minnesota 5510,°L o _, '
.� .
y , ,
�� � . �
Sept. 13, 1968
, ;, ;� , : , �
� . .
� �r" �,
, �
e j . � . � :�
, ,_..
y � � , ,
t _ � � . _ __
Mr. F�ederick S. Herring, , , � ,
1716 E. Hyacinth St., �� ,�
St. Pat11, Minn. '�• k °�.
Deax Sir:
The Commissioner of Finance today reported to the City
Council that your petition to rezone Lot �+, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey's
Subdvn. "A", located approximately 120 ft. west of the southwest
corner of White Bear Ave. and Montana Ave., to Commercial District,
is insufficient.
For this reason, the Council cannot act further in this
Very truly yours,
City Clerk �,�
113 Court House 55102
December 20, 1968
City Clerk
FiZe X585, Page
You are hereby noCified that a public hearing will be he2d in the
Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on January 3, 1964, on the petition of
Frederick S. Herring to rezone from a "A" Residence District to a
"Commercial" District Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey's Subdivision
"A" St. Paul, Minn. The property is located approxianately 120 feet
west of the southwest corner of White Bear and Montana Avenues. .
For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Coaenerce
Building or phone 223-4151.
CoBmnissioner of Finanee
Januax'Y 3, 1969
Mr. President, and Co�unissioners '
• City Council
City of St. Paul
St. Paul, Mina. File %625
Gentlemen: �
Our Compar�y, having a vested inte:�est in the land aWned by Mr. Fred
Eerring and being the same paxcel under considera.tion, speak to the issue
O� R@�ZOII1IIg. '
We f eel the action of the Zoning Board in reco�mmending denial of this
petition wa.s ill-considered because:
. (1) The use of the additional land axea as off-street parking is a
compatible use for the existing filling station and store which fronts on
� White Beax Avenue and has the approval of the traffic engineer.
(2) The rear line of the Commercial Zoning (xest of White Bear Avenue)
is not Btrai�ht. The rezoning of the parcel under consideration would not
extend the Commercial Zoning generally but would tend to make the rear line
� of the zoning district more uniform. As a matter of �'act, even with the
rezoning the commercial distr3ct oP the ad.3acent land would still extend
Yurther to the west.
(3) The total depth of the proposed Commercial Zone would be 160'
(1,20�presently zoned and �0' under petition) a.nd is in agreement with the
recommendations of the Comprehensive Rezoning Plan of the City.
(4) The neighbors and ad3acent land owners who appeared at the Zoning
board public hearing had no specific ob�ections to the establishmerrt o�' off-
street parking at this location, but did seem to have serious problems of
drainage in the entire axea. Pictures exhibiting winter and spring conditions
. were shown a.nd these people were even told by Board Members: "You have a v�ery
serious problem but it is not �rith the petitioners, it is �tith the Public
Works Dept." and. comments were made that indicated storm sewer entrances were
higher in elevation than surrounding areas. The land oWners present were ,
advised to seek correction directly �rorn Public Works Department.
In sumivasy, we feel the Council should grant this peti�ion for rezoning
because such action would seem to Pol1oW the principles of good planning;
because greater deve2opment and en�oyment would accrue to the land owner and
tenants; . and because no adverse eff ects have been demonstrated.
� �� � �������
Keith G. Holvenstoty Agent
� I�GH:ms
aanuarr 3, 19�'9
Mr. President, and Coamnissioners
City Council
City o� St. Paui
St. Paul, Minn. FYle %625
Our Company, ha.v3ng a vested interest in the lend oWned by Mr. Fred
Herring and being the same parcel under considerati.on, speak to the issue
of Re-zoning. .
We feel the sction of the Zoning Board in recomm�ending denial of this
' petition was ill-considered because:
(1) The use of the additional land area as off'-street parking is a
compatible use �or the existing �illing station and store vhich fronts on
� White Bear Avenue and has the approval of the traffic engineer.
(2) The rear line of the Coannercial Zoning (Wes�t of White Beax Avenue)
� is not stra.ight. The rezoning of the paxcel under consideration would not
extend the Cammercial Zoning generally but `+rould tend to ma�e the reax line
of the zoning district more uniform. As a aaatter of Yact, evea with the
rezonin� the commercial district of the ad�acent land would still. extend
further to the west.
(3) The total depth of the proposed Commercial Zone woul.d be 16�'
(120'Presently zoned arid �0' under petition) and. is j.n agreement with the
recommendations of the Comprehensive Rezoning Plan of the City.
(4) The neighbors a.nd. adjacent la,nd owners who appeared at the Zoning
board public hearing had no specific ob�ections to the establishment of o�f'-
street pa,rking at this loca.tion, but did seem to have serious problems of
drainage in the entire area. Pictures exhibiting winter and spring cond.itions
. were shown and these people were even told by Board Members: "You have a very :
serious problem but it is not With the petitioners, it is with the Public
Works Dept." and comments were made tha.t indicated storm sewer entrances were
higher in elevation than surrnunding axeas. The land o�rners present were
advised to seek correction directly from Public Works Department.
In summary, we feel the Counc�.l should grant this petition for rezoning
because such action would seem to follow the principles of good planning;
beca.use greater developmient and en3oyment would accrue to the land owner and
tenants; and, because no adverse effects have been dem,�nstrated.
� ��� � �������
- . Keith G. Holvenstot, Agent . � �
danuary 3, 19�'9
Mr. President, and Commissioners
City Council
City of St. Paul
St. Paul, Minn. File X-625
Oar Compar�y, having a vested interest in the land oKned by Mr. F'red
Herring and being the same paxcel under consideration, speak to the isswe
oP Re-zoning.
We feel the action of the Zoning Board in recommending denial of this
petition was ill-considered because:
' (1) The use of the additional land area as off-street pe�rking is a
compatible use; for the existing filling station and, store which fronts on :
� White Beax Avenue and has the approval of the traff'ic engineer.
(2) The rear line of the Co�ercial Zoning (xest of White Bear Avenue)
is not straight. The rezoning of the parcel under consideration would not
e�cteud the Cammercial Zoning generslly but would tend to make the rear line
� the zoning district more uniPorm. As a matter of fact, even with the
rezoning the c�aanercial district of' the ad�acent land `rould still extend
further to the;west.
(3) The total depth of the proposed Cammercial Zone would be 160'
(��presently zoned and �+0' under petition) and is in agreeanent with the
recommendationi of the Comprehensive Aezoning Plan of the City.
(�) The neighbors and ad�acent land owners who appeared at the Zoning
board public heaxing had no specific ob�ections to the establishment of o�f-
street parking at this location, but did seem to have serious problems of
drainage in the entire axea. Pict�ares exhibiting winter and spring conditions
were shown and these people were even told by Board Members: "You have a very
serious problem but it is not kith the petitioners, it is with the Public
Works Dept." and comments were ma.de that indicated storm sewer entrances were
higher in elevation than surrounding areas. The land oWners present were
ad.vised to seek correction directly from P�zblic Works Depart�nt.
In s�unm�ary, we �eel the Council should grant this petition for rezoning
because such action would seem to fbllow the principles of good pla.nning;
beca.use greater development and en3oyment would accrue to the land owner and
tenants; and because no adverse effects have been demonstrated.
_ Sincerely,
, ,�.r1 � ,��-��� �
Keith G. Holvenstot, Agent
�GH:ms - .
January 3, 1969
Mr. President, and Ca�n3.ssioners '
City Cauncil
City of St. Paul . ,
St. Pa,ul, Minn. Fi1e X-625 '
• Our Compaay, having a vested inte:rest in the land o�ned by Mr. Fred
Herring and being the same parcel under consideration, speak to the issue
of Re-zoning. .
We feel the action of the Zoning Board in recomm�ending denial of this
petition was il].-considered because:
(1) The use of the additional land area as off-street parking is a
compatible use for the existing filling station and store which fronts on
White Bear Avenue and has the approval of the traffic eagineer.
(2) The rear line of the Coamiercial Zoning (west of White Beax Avenue)
is not strai�ht. The rezoning of the paxcel under conside�tion would not
�zt,end_ the Coaam�ercial Zoning generally but would tend to make the rear line
of the zoning district more unit'orm. As a matter of �'act, even with the
rezoning the commercial district of the ad�acent land w�uld still extend.
feirther to the west.
(3) The total depth of the proposed Commercial Zone would be 160'
(].20�presently zoned and �+0' under petition) and is in agreem�ent with the
recommendations of the Comprehensive Rezoning Plan of the City.
(4) The neighbors and ad�acent land owners who appeared st the Zoning
board public heaxing had no specific ob�ections to the establishment of off-
street parking� at this location, but did seem to ha.ve serious problems of
drainage in the ent3xe axea. Pi.ctures exhibiting winter and spring conditions
. were shown and these people w�ere even told by Board Members: "You have a very
serious problem but it is not With the petitioners, it is with the Public
Works Dept." and co�une�ts were made that indicated storm sewer entrances were
higher in elevation than surrounding areas. The land oWners prese�t were ,
advised to seek correction directly from Public Works Department.
In summaxy, we feel the Counc3l should grant this petition for rezonin�
because such action would seem to follow the principles of good pla.n.ning;
because greater development and en3oyment would accrue to the land owner and
tenants; .and because no adverse effects ha.ve been dem,�nstrated.
� ' � ' � •C./L'L�s'V � N C��r��(�C//�� . . .
� Keith G. Holvenstot, Agent
. �GH:ms
113 Court House 55102
March 21, 1969
City Clerk
File X585, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on April 3, 1969 on the petition of Frederick
S. Herring to rezone from a "A" Residence District to a "Commercial"
District, Lot 4, $lock 2, J. A. Humphrey's Subdivision "A" St. Paul,
Minn. The property is located approximately 120 feet west of the
southwest corner of White Bear and Montana Avenues.
For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce
Building or phone 223-4151.
Commissioner of Finance
� t1
� ' � V •
BOA1tD OF 7ANING RBPORT AND ACTiON Novasbsr 21, 1968 Piat Map 34
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No.
passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6603
_ , Also
1. APPLICANr'S NA1� : Frederick S. Herring � 6640
2. CLAS3IFICATION � � Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other �
3. PURP03E � Rezoae "A" Residence to Commarcial district to allow off-strsat
parking lot
4. LOC,ATION � South siil� of Nantana Aveaue, 120 feat wsst of White Bear Avenw
�. I.BGAL DE3CRIPTION � Lot 4, Block 2� J. A.Hu�phrey's Subdivision "A"
8. PRESENT ZONINE4� . ; �,nAn R�i�dOD�"
7. PURSiTAH'P .TO �aqi,p� Coc�e Cbap�e�, -64.O�i Section: Paragraph:
�s ' �
. 8. 3TAFF' I�1Y�8'FT�fi�l'�'�����t�; ;��e:. Zlt/12/68 By: CLS
$ �
A, SU_ F_ F��E�•"Y,;� • : ��,'�:�`�;����I �ufficisnt by th� Commissiaaner of Financa
,�� it� t "t't�c' d�d S�g'�sr�lr �E+�, �68 wGith 13 of a possible 17 owaers having
siga�d -tl���#�ti t78'°.��).
B. HI_STORY^ An appsal under Chapt�r 64.03, Sectioa (1), Paragraph (2) for a 17-unit
apartm�nt buildiag was graated for Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 on February 1, 1964. `
(Apartments in "A" Rssid�tnoa adjoining a Conmercial district) A permit for a
17-unit building r�as approvsd on the site. Th� buildfng, ho�+ever, was not
� coastructed. The app�al has lapaed and this procedurs is no longer valid.
� C. PROP06ED USE: It is propossd to dsvalop th� site with a parking lot for tbe :
�:, a��ng filliag s�tation and retail store adjoining� to the east. '
" D. AREA AND FRONTAGE: The sitt has a frontmge of 4fl faet aloag Moaitana Avenue and
ank arsa o , 60 sq�ar� f��t.
E. AREA ZQNINGs Franta�p along the west sid� of White 8ear Avenue is zan�d Co�rcial. ;�
The srsa to ths �st is sonsd "A" Rssideac�.
F. COMPREHE�iSIYE PLAN: Recorads tbe cow�rcial dawlopaisnt alang Wl'iite Bsar Avenue °
t to a fraatage dspth of approximat�ly 125 to 150 feet and ths area to
the �+�ast b� classifi�d R-+�, on�s and txo family. �
G. SITE CONDITZONS: Sit• is at atrset grsds and l�vsl but bigher than adj�cent propsrC.�.
to th� i+sst. Ths sita has no carb or sideralic.
, H. AREA CONDITIONS: To tlk north is a��s�ac�ntly canatruet�d 23-uait apartmsat buildfng ;_
and to ths east and aouth is coaMSrcial dsv�lopn�nt. Qn ths ti+sat is aingl.m fa�i�.y
; ,'*
_� j
9. BQARD AGTIONt To Re�oa�end ❑ APProval Q Deniai Council Lt.
Yoved by: Dated
!lCPsrtlin Yeas Nays
x Anes. �
Seconded by: ��r x Gohen Date of IieariAg
Janes,�h�. x
x �taPaxtlin Council Actioa
� Secretary•s remaz�lcs: Haaxst3ek - Alt.
x Gstdler Date
� a '. , , Ysietta , .,
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SUB.TECT PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 2, JA Humphr ' •.b.isS�t' •'A•r--�o�` �''`�+ -- �'
the City of St. Pau1 �, :. � � - � '���C��
� � . . ��,►ri `C.i t�, 'v[ ��:. '. . 4' :_ 2_.', , . .. .. . . . ..
SCALE = 1" = 60'
BOARD Or ZONING R.EPORT AND ACTION November 21, 1968 Plat Ma 34
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No.
passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6603
. Also
1. APPLICANT'S NAIV� • F'rederick S. Herring � 6600
� 5373
2. CLASSIFIC�ITION • � Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other I
3. PURPOSE • Rezone "A" Residence to Commercial district to allow off-street
parking lot
4. LOCATION • South side of riontana Avenue, 120 feet west of White Bear Avenue
5. I.EGAL DESCRIPTION � �t 4, Block 2, J. A.Humphrey's Subdivision "A"
6. PRESENT ZONING , "A" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.Oti Section: Paragraph:
A. SUFFICIE;�ICY: The petition was declarad sufficiznt by the Commissioner of Finance
in a letter dated Septer.u�er 24, 1968 with 13 of a possible 17 owners having
signed the petition (76.50).
B. HISTORY: An appeal under Chapter 64.03, Section (1) , Paragraph (2) for a 17-unit
apartment building was granted for Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 on February 1, 1964.
(Apartm�nts in "A" t�zsidence adjoining a Commercial district) A permit for a
17-unit building was approved on the site. The building; however, was not
constructed. The appeal has lapsed and this procedure is no longer valid.
C. PROPOSED USE: It is proposed to dsvelop the site with,a parking lot for the
existing fillir.g station and rAtail store adjoining to the east.
, • D. AREA AND FROi1TAGE: The site has a frontage of 40 feet along h4ontana Avenue and
an area of 5,360 square feet. .
E. AREA ZONI:TG: Frontage along the west side of White Bear Avenue is zoned Commercial.
Tne area to the west is zoned r'A" Residence. .
F. COhSPtZEHENSIVE PLA�v: Recoinmends "the commercial development along White B�ar Avenue
De limited to a frontage depth of approximately 125 to 150 feet and the area to
the west be classified R-4, one and two family. �
G. SITE CONDITIO:VS: Site is at street grade and level but higher than adjacznt property
to the wast. The site has no curb or sidewalk.
H. AREA CONDITI02dS: To the north is a r�cently constructed 23-unit apartm�nt building
and to the east and south is commercial development. Qn the west is single family
development. �
9. .BOARD ACTION: To Recommend ❑ Approval QX Denial . CounciL Lt.
• Dated
Moved by: �IcPartlin Yeas Nays
x Ames
Seconded by: Gadler X Cohen Date of Hearing
Janes,Chmn. X
� x McPartlin Council Action
Secretary•s remarks; Haarstick - Alt.
• X Gadler Date
. Maietta �
'� ' ' � 3 /
I 13 Court House,b5102 ' �
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
LOUIS H.McKENNA,Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4b46
. September 13, �968
To the Council ' '
City of Saint Paul
I have checked the attached petitioa of Frederick S. Rerring,
' filed in the ffistter of rezoning,
Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey's Subdivision t`A'•.
, The property fs located approximatel�y 120 feet west
� of the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and
Montana A�enue,
from a Class 'tA" Residence District to a "Commercial" District,
and find that said petition is insufficient. .
ou s very tru ,
_ ���� �
James J. D�glish / ��� �
Commissioner of Fi, ance
Re: R-585 .
. •
c.c. Hr. Ames
N. R. Heiden .
January 2, 1969
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386
City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the petition of Frederick S. Herring to
rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial, property located on the south side
of Montana Avenue one-hundred twenty (120' ) feet west of White Bear Avenue.
This property is described as Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey's Subdivision
The petitioner proposes to use this property to provide an off-street
parking lot to be used in conjunction with an existing filling station on
adjacent property to the east. This use requires commercial or less
restrictive zoning.
This matter was considered at the November 21, 1968 Board of Zoning
meeting. The staff reported that while there is a need for additional off-
street parking at this location, the proposal represents an encroachment on
tne residential district to the west, and that neighborhood residents have
indicated that previous commercial development has had a detrimental effect
on the residential area by increasing a drainage and water ponding problem
in this block. A petition against the rezoning, signed by twenty-four area
residents, was noted.
Mr. Keith Holvenstot, representing Erickson Oil Company, said that there
was a need for additional off-street parking and that if there is a continuing
problem of drainage, a properly constructed parking lot would probably
prevent this. Mr. Kenneth Hansen, opposition, stated that there is a five
foot difference in elevation west of White 13ear Avenue and that there was no
water coming into nasements before the co�nercial development. Pictures
were shown indicating a severe water ponding problem.
It was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the present district line
limiting commercial development is reasonable. Subsequently, the Board voted
to recommend denial of this petition to rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial.
Very truly yours, _ ', , , !' . �
C !j / l �y.__-'" ��,
� L, -� L-=r=(� ..r� �l/�� `/� :i`; L.L. �
, ��
George G. McPartlin
Secretary " ,
�, e��ra�."�.,
GGMcP:cv � �-� ', d '�;��� ��� ;� `�
C LS �'�,y , �. ? �� � ���� ���,„.
Z.F. #6603 t�f" .�,,,.-�i`r,� .��,�. �..���°���`�4
.a iy } � �
Att achment (1) ,�° , �^'�, � Y
,� '�"'
�. � _ '`? ��
80 � �
� �
Narry E. Marshall c�TY o,�, AIbeH� B. Olsoa
City Clerk and �``� % Counci,l Recorder
�ommisaioner of Reeistratlion. �'"� `
o ; � �
:�s = ^�
. y
S88 City Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 55i0�
November 19, 1968
Zoning Board
Commerce Bldg.
St. Paul
The City Council referred to the Zoning Boaxd the attached petition
of about 25 names in opposition to rezoning property known as Lot �t,
Block 2, J. A. Humphrey's Subdivision A.
V ry truly yours, ,
Cit lerk �
i� i�r' �:_>
_��" �
�. ��'1'`;f
�':.A.� 2 � .. ` .
�.i:,y , � ,..-�; . .
' • „ � �. ' aia
- • ' J. ,, • , .
� ` November 13, 1968
Mr. George G. McPartlin, Secretary
` Saint Paul Board of Zoning
1010 Commerce Building
Saint Paul� Minnesota
Notice has been received in this neighborhood tha.t public hearing has been scheduled
at 2t00 P�M. on November 21, 1968 on the petition of Frederick S. Herring to rezone
from ��A�� Residence District to Commerci�l. District for an off-street parking lot.
The description of this property is Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. Humphrey�s Subdivision �A!�.
We, the undersigned property owners in this area� object to rezoning for the following
basic reasons:
1. �We object to Commercial Zoning moving closer into the residential area�
2. �;�9e seem to have a continual water drainage problem in. this block� Commercial
;interests who have built in this block apparently have very little interest
�in the fact tha.t many of us have water in our basements after every rain.
'Also, tha,t there is a paoling area in the vacated alley after every rain.
3. ; This is a.pparently only the first of three petitions to affect this
; �articular area of the city. We feel that what happens now affects this
� entire residential block and that all petitions should be considered as
i part of the total im�rovement in this area since every one of them involves
� abutting property.
r+. ,� `vJe, as a concerned group of residents, not particularly wishing to move
beca.use of this activity would like to be contacted by someone on your
st�ff before November 21, 1968. Also, it would be advantageous if someone
from your office and a city engineer would visit the site. If this can
be done please contact Mr� Kenneth ?iansen, 1745 E. Nebraska, �ohone 771-6189
or Mr. Richard Rahlf, 1736 E. Montana, phone 771—6876. `�9��
Lre��l'. �K°'1'Q'' I�! •� L, "`��C�'�tl.
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► Harry B. Marshall �1T'' oF Albert 6. Olsoe
t Ci�?l�Clerk and �`�w�'�.y Council Record�.r
Commisazoner of Repistration �'ed I -�
s9,,,,a.a�°� z�
`�� �c
886 City Flall
St.Paul,Minnesota 55102
. Sept. 24, 1968
Zoning Boa,rd,
Commerce Bldg.
The City Council referred to you for recommendation the
attached petition of Frederick S. Herring to rezone Lot �+, Block 2�
J. A. Humphrey's Subdvn. "A", located approximately 120 feet west
of the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Montana Avenue,
to Commercial District.
Very t yours
� �
City lerk
hp �.
U, ' _
(�� ('�` I,S' -_
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Clry SF� �� 196g �_��' ,t;�'
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113 Court House,5bt02
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Depufy Commissioner Phone:223-4646
Septenber 24, 1968
To the Council
City of Saiat Paul
I have re-ct�ecked the attached petition of Frederick S. Herri�g,
filed in the natter of rezvniag,
Lot 4, Block 2, J. A. flu�phrey's Subdivisioa "A". Tlae
property is located approxi�ately 120 feet �est of the
sonthwest caraer of White Bear Avenue and Montana Avenue,
fro� a Class �'A" Residence District to a �'Co�ercial" District,
and fiad that said petitioa is sufficient.
Yours very truly,
J es J. glish ��
o�issio er of Finaace
Re: X-585
c.c. Mr. Aaes
N. R. Heiden
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� I--------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------................_..._City Clerk
� ` of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have
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� '�� �. compared the�attached co 2�+535
,. PY of Council File No----------------------•------- -......_.
`:.z:�'; ��`, ; being Ordinance 14221
� . as adopted by the City Council._.__.--•-�'-$'---------------------------19--69----....
�# � .
,. , Juiy 8, 69...------
and approved by the Mayor--------------------------------------------------------------19-..- -
with the origi}�al thereof on Sle in my o$ice.
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* ` ` said original and the whole thereof.
�t � �"y����� .qI,� �,� ' �"��� w. � . � WITNESS m�►hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn..
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SU31'c�I' PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 2, JA Humphrey's Subdivision "A" to '
the City of St. Paul '
SC�,i,� = 1�� = 60� . .
April 3, 1969
Zoning Board �__
Cammerce Bldg. ���.
St. Paul \�
The City Council today laid to Ma st the petitian o�'
Frederick S. Herring to re�one t C cisl District property
on the gouth side oP Montana Ave Pt. west of Wh3te Bear
Ave., described as Lo k 2� A. Humphrey's Subdivision
Very truly yaurs,
----� City Clerk
� � r
r �
January 3, ].969
Hon. James J. T�a,lglish
Comsr. of Finance
Deax Sir:
The City Council today laid ove A r xd 1969 the matter
of the petition to rezone to Comm istrict property on
th,e south side of Montan 120 west o� White Bear �ve.,
described as Lot �+, Bl c , . H ey's Subdivision "A",
and requested that yo send, new ices property owme�rs of
this hearin�.
� � Very tru]y yaurs,
1 � City Clerk
ng `
,, �
,TanuarY 3, 1969
Zoning Board
Commerce Bldg.
St. Paul �`.�'��
Gentlemen: i��,
The C3.ty Council today laid ov r to A ri rd 1969 the matter
af the petition to rezone to Co cia strict property on the
south side of Montana Ave. 124 fe af White Bear Ave.,
described as Lot 4, B1.a A. hrey!+�s Subdivision "A",
..�... and direc�ed t�e Cam of F e t nd new notices ta . _
property ownere of t hearing.
Ver�► truly yours,
City Clerk
, .�� �
�ept. 13, 1968
Mr. Frederick 3. Herr�.rtg,
i7i6 �. �acinth St.,
St. Pstil., Minri. .
De�r Sir:
Th� Co�nissioner of F3 \ t eported to the City
Couneil that your petition to re�one , BY.oek 2, J. A. Humphrey'e
Subdvn. "A", 1c�ated appr 120 t �at oP the aauthwrest
corner of White Be�ar Av�. Mon � Ave� to Comm�rcial Diatrict,
is insufficient.
Far this rea� n the Counc� �+�nnot act Purther in thi,a
V�ry trW.y yo�rs A
Ci�y C1erk
hp ��. � �--' �'
Ju1.y 14, 1969
Erickson Petroleum Co. ,
45u7 w. 78th. St.,
Bloomin�ton, Minn.
Attn . Keith G. Holvenstot
D�ar Sir:
Enclosed is copy of a rdinance rezoning your
property sub,�ect to c .•tain condi i ns set out in the ordinance.
We c our cia�. entioM to Paragraph Z of
Section 2 uir�s u file a deed of negative ease-
ment in t parts in this. office within 60 days.
he Corpora on Counsel's office can give you further
informa.ti as to th orm of that instrument.
Very truly yours,
City C1erk
' ,
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-Y'.�.,...t1'..'•rr'ti�-'-i---r-'r-r�-�--, �„-.-� .'-�._-.�--. .--..�--. .......�__.� � . � � _ - ' .. . � .
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I st �' ' 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app�_�►dopted �
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Carlson Carlson
Dalglish t� Dalglish
Meredith � Meredith
Peterson �4��35 � �
Sprafka Sprafka
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. Presidenf Byrne Mr. President Byrne