244533 Ori�insl to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE 2�453� � O _ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY i'��� ORDINANCE NO AN ORDSNAIVCE SETTLING THE CI,AIM OF THE CITY OF SOUTH ST. PAUL AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SASNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper Ci�y offieers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund o035-�21� to the City of South St. Paul, the su�n of $250.00, in full settle- rnent of its claim for damages sus�ained on Au�ust 8, 1967, as a result of an aacident involv3ng a City vehicle driven by Frank Huberty, at or near the intersee�ion of Sixth and d'ackson 3treets, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sum �ha11 be paid to the said claim- ° ant up�n his exe�u�ion and delive�y of a release in full to the C�.ty, in a form to be app�oved by �he Corpora�ion Gounsel, for all damages and in�uries sustainecl in the manner aforesaid. Sec�ion 3. That this ordinane� shall take effeet and be in force �hirty daye after its passage, approval and publiaation. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� ,UL a 1969 Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor � 1Vleredith --�e#,e�+se�-- � c7 Sprafka. Against , Tedesco 81969 Mr. President (B e) Ap d: '�u'• — Atteat: . ity Clerk �ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By puetrst�� JUL 12 1969 _�_ �____ . DnPlieste to Printer "/����� DINANCE N O � COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO � PRESENTED BY Ald 4RI�IAIANCE :E`I'TLII�t� ':�fi� CLA�M OF � ��*�y 4F S�� �Lt�, A�' AGAII�ST '�'HE CITY t}� SA�t � C4"UNC?.�+ OF THE CITX 4F SAZN'� FAUL DE)�S 4RT7��N� ian 1. That the p�`�P�r City offi�ers are h�reby Sect ��;d �3035-�21, to authorized to pa�r out of the T�rt I.i.ability in �'u11 s�ttle- of Sc,�uth St� �'��t�i th� aum af $250.4Q, the City , �.s ment o�' it� alaim for dama��� su�tained nn Augu�t 8, 1 7 a re�ulic of a n aec�.d��t invfllving a C1�y v�hie le c�r i v e n 'b Y �ran�t Huberty, a t or n�ar �he in"t�rsect�.or� o�' S ix t h a n d J a c k s o n Streets, Saint PSU1, l'�i�e��ta. Sc:ction 2• Th�t s�id sum �la�aall b� pald to th� �aid c7.aim- eaut�ion and del.�very' af � �eleaee in fu11 to �h� ant upon h�.s ex City, � a form to b�e appraved bg the �orporat�.on Coun�el, for all �d���� � nd in�urie� e�a�"�sinQd �'� t�e r�ca�gr afareeaid. , Tha� �hi� ord�.nan�e ak�.Il take +�ffect and bs Seet�-a� 3 ublication• ir� f are e �h�.rt� dags mft�r it� pa�sap;e� �pp�oval and P �u� � 1969 Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� — Yeas In Favor Carlson Dalglish c� Against Meredith ��'�-' ': �4:,�� -- c,,,.afka �" �' � I st ' � 2nd Laid over to ,-� U 3rd and app��►dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carison Dalglish Dalglish Meredith � Meredith Peterson �}1 i��3� P �*-� Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O