04-1193CouncIlFile# ��' 1 ��'3
GreenSheet# 3024668
Presented By
Refened To Committee: Date
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointment and
2 reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Capital Improvement
3 Budget Committee.
8 Larry Dandrea Senate District 67 November 1, 2007
9 John Dunkley Senate District 67 November 1, 2006
10 Julie Shortridge Senate District 65 November 1, 2005
11 Michael Steward Senate District 65 November 1, 2007
12 Miriam (Remi) Stone Senate District 64 November 1, 2005
17 Frank Caulfield Senate District 64 November 1, 2007
18 Floyd Jaehnert Senate District 67 November 1, 2007
19 Paul Savage Senate District 66 November 1, 2007
20 Gary Unger Senate District 67 November 1, 2007
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
o�- lf 93
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
Departmentloffieeleou�il: Date Initiated:
Mo ���5�� 1�DEG04 Green Sheet NO: 3024668
Deuartmenf Sent To Person Initial/Date
Contact Person & Phone: I
KurtSchullz 0 or's ce I
266-6590 A55ign 1 r' Office De ar[ment DireMUr i
Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date): Number Z e
RoUting 3 or's ce Ma orfAss' nt
Order 4 nncil
5 Cler 1 rk
Sotai # of Signature Pages _(Clip Aif Lopiions fior Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the appoinhnents and xeappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Capital
Impxovement Budget Committee: Appointments--Larry Dandrea; 7olm Dunkley; Julie Shortridge; Michael Steward, and Miriam (Rerni)
Reappointments--Fxank Caulfield; Floyd 7aehnert; Paul Savage, and Gary Unger.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm passess a skill not normally passessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes a�wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheH
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Approved:
Disativantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
7otai Amount of
Trensaetion: CosURevenue Budgeted: p�
V�S� Fi�`S8'�`�°�'3 �`�T4''Pf
Funding Source: Activity Number.
Financiallnformation: DLC 1 5 �Q�
0�-��93 y/�,��_
c;c .�fI1IJT �AU , Mnl z� ! �
Telephone Number(s):
(Tnciude Area Codes)
Pfanning District Councif:
Preferred Mailing Address:
What is your occupation?
Place of Employment;
Committee(s) Applied For:
3 �, �5l -�;
_ City Council Ward:
�, , �
2��8 F��EB�'Kf��IF S�I�TP�UL, M�! 55l/9
VICF P�fES�DF-�!T' �ftOri�'IARK' T�,VSFP,FTi�77C�i✓
7TApE/i?Rk'K ���FG�fi TJ�N 7ll �1�NAkU� �.S i��}UL, /y1/�1
�Stt��T P��L ��lN/NG Co�7rn�ss�o�/
R1iat skil[s, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment?
Sk�nIT PR��� �i�t,UU�NG C�m1�J�ss�o�/ l998 - aao�.
13US1NES5 �!✓AGE�'lE�l7�" EX�FR/E�t/C� PRiV�4� SECT�K /y80 �,'��-
STPt�SC�LP,�YCO�t/ PARlSX P�xx�NCl� G�f�1K
The information included in this application is considered private data according to the bTinnesota
Covernment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general pubtic.
Phone: 651-266-8690 FAX: 651-266-8689
o �-ri93
PER ONAL REFER N.E (Reminder to Inctude Telephone Area Codes]
Name: �. TU�If/� �IVf (/��B�i` l �/�PLOy� /
Address: �/ 05 J�"RGF-/vT c> 1
Phone: INomel ��I�(o�D (tiVork) ��l'lG�.�'a?�� e���oZ�
�i��jQ Pc�,✓winrs l'o�nm�ss�a,��
Address: �� iD�� �T W� l$�S ��1�/r Pf�UL , I✓IN �v`'lOo2
Phone: fAome) �iJ�� 'r�a7 "��� t Vork
Name: ���.f{�F�D KRA'mE� �✓�c� Cff�i,� Pc���r��l�' C�mmiss�oN
Address ��I� ��7L(.��.�T �III�P�U��mI�.SJ
Phone: (Aome] �� ! TT " T/ 7 � (4Vorkl
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: � � � s A GoOD r�r�rctt 7o my
�KItLS A�N� FxPFRlEil1� , m��m�r..�YFR �-N� Fhi�j�.r t��E
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making appiication? If so, when, and
the circumstances? � y98 —1'R�S�nt'r" �F,eu1,vG Onl Pt�n1�t�NG Co�mis��o�cl
¢�om�REfIE���F P�+lCamr�rrr�
In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check
the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
�/ White (Caucasian)
Black (African American)
American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
Date of Birth: � �;-3�5� �7/ I5'�
Disabted: Y'es ivo "
Asian or Pacific Isiander
Male " Female
If special accommodations are needed, please specify: �
Ho�v did you hear about this opening? REqU�ST 1=0R �-APPDl�U7"/�`I��VT
ft�s �R�PrtRE� �E Ta B�i �2 Co�riRiB� �N �mPl�x Is���s .
.L tfAl� BF..�.�v ��,�� 4� �m� K�ur s Visionl Fv,e s�r�P�U�
kivD WoUI.D u� 70 �t�r.-� fi�s f�Dm/rvfs�tTionl -
Cec. 3. ��P4 3:04PN1
Nc. C�c�2 F. "[
o�- ri93
Applicatioa for Committee, Board, or Commission
Piease return to Mark Engebretson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Iiall
15 Wesi Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Eax:651-266-8513
The Mina:sota Government Data practices Act (�tinneso[a Statu:es CL3pter I3) go�¢cns zhe Ciry's use oi ohc
iaformetion contsincd ia tbis �oplicutioa_ Somc of thr iaforma�iaa soag Ip II13a' 1f1(1�(C3Tj00 IS }1llv3id d3I3llpQCI ThE
Aet. SLc r<quesEed infoxmation will bz uted by the appoiatiag zuthority �o catcy out th¢ Cicy's officisl sppoinimeot
responsibitiucs. You arc aot rcquircd to provide eay isformatioa. flowever, Lailute to answer tha applicaiioa qneseions
may exuse the aapoiadng euthority to rcjcct youc ¢ppticnEion. 7He majority of items eontained m lhi; apptication are
pssbtic, iacluding namc, sddce:s, omploymcat, skilts, tcs�ning aad expesience, and ate therefoxe avaitabie to aayone
requesting iL 7he rcmainiag itcros on the oppliention fora nre cl�ssiFied a5 priratt. The p[ivale data �S a�ailabla oIlCy to
yous�d to orber personc ia thc City who, hccsuse of work esaignm�nts, rcnsoonbly r:quiro acctss to thz iaformatioa.
Name ��ifl'.11� � I`�t.lA/Y_t �--`�i/
Home address
�l,fN 6s �i S�I
:�a« :m
Telephones [�P q�� "r-> �lG'S/� 3�_ �f��� f�0�a��
Piea�<iaeludeA�eaCOQec ome wotk' lsa
E-mail nddress �,�(�J/�/�� � (a' �"G�j�/j�yQ/�`� ; ��j
Planning Di9trict Council
Preferred mailing address
� i
..... �.
Occupation1'�,� � J � FI��{NCJNC�'�_CDNZ(,��-�/�T'
Place of employment � C. � �, �G
Empfoyment address
Committee(s) applied
What skills/training oz expericnec do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
/. �•r'l CLl,2t�h�z� �/N6 ,
�K % �%�i�! iN .1/G/i✓rv5,��s . /fs �C �¢s 6 oV�� 1 �/`�r�/�ii
�X�°ee � EN�.�, i�� S�2.�i N6 ��u.� - } t �� 7�j2-c, �
Qsr� j 1�.����i�� �
�� (S St�//itlb �P f�u.�s
City Council Ward�_
pagc 1 of 2
� i ±� 71 ! %/ �' // : i?' i,, i.. ,� ti �
Uec. 3. [tOQ 3:04PN1
Personal References
IVo. �6)6 P. ',
D�- 1193
� ,
�I� :.�%
' " � s :. i � /G� yl.. ..,. �� a
Please lnclude Ar¢s Codes poWe wo;fi othcr
Name ��{J��' g��J�
Address _�b �`��� �. /�a���``�T /fi1�/ �Jl�
Telephones � fy) R1z`Cfs�g
Please tnclude Aree Codes home work � ochcr
Telephones (/e�2� a�� 3
PlcaSe fnUude Arou CodeS Eome mork crher
Reasons for your interest in tbis particular committee ��� r�,(,���}��l /0/�� �
!N 7�tE PDMtiI�?'/�i F!111� /Nl�s� / �Z �- 1 �
w��/����� G�+�� �c� � r�tir�r,�r�/7�
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you sre making applicatioa?
If so, when, and under what circumstnnces7
In an uttempt Yo ensure that committee repsesentation teflects the makeup of our community,
ptease check �he box applicablc to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
� Wfiite {Caucasian} � Hispanic �Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander �/(American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
�Male Female � Date of birth _
Disabled: � Yes No�
If special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you hear about this opening? G'}U �° �/� G/7y0� �7 �IG �S
UI�25 6t1�
page 2 of 2
02/02/2001 17:41
� ��
Phone: (651) 266.6610 FAX: (651) 228.3261
Name: �u�1� 1�� 5�'1oY�"rt �c�e
kiome Addres�: �J' � Z�r Vj YL? }��l ✓�
City: � Zip: 0
Telephone Number(s):
{ln�ae �e caa�}
flanning DletrlM Councii:
Preterred Maitlng Addrees:
W hat is your occupa8on?
Place of Empioyment:
Committeeta) Applied For:
il aa B —
�s �labo- �s3s
City Council Ward
5 rrvi�te. l�an,l�z� . 5�. �'a.u.@ 5�i I��
What sldLLa, training or espertence do you possess for the commfttee(s) for whicfi you seek appointment?
� ,.
./ , ,,�;,.
��e(�`� �f
r�nsExsTUZ�Ta � ��,— �S 33 �P
The inYormatlon induded in tWs app)ica8on Is considered private dsta according M the Mlnnesota
Governnuept Data kracdces Act. As a result, this informetion 15 not released to tbe general public.
02/02/2001 17:41 651-228-1419
�:RS(�NAL FF . F,N _.S (Reminder W lncivde Tdepdone Area CodesJ
• !�V ULY J �
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al 5�7a - o y��
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l��ve NC��
Have you had pmvious contact wiEh the committee for which ynu are maki�ng applicatlon? lf so, when, aad
in an attempt to ensnre that committee representation re�ieets the makeup of our community, please check
the Une applicable to yoa This informatlon is sihictly voluntary.
White (Caucealan) _ Hispanic
_ Black (A6rican American) _ A51ae ar Paciik lslax�der
_ Ame:ican Indian ar Ataskan Esldmo
Date or sirrh: �` 3 Male Female X
Disab(ed: Yea No �_
Ilspecial accommodatlons are needed, please specify:
How did you hear abont this openln�' i h�
�f 1w.tor 5
Reasons for your interest tn thia particular committee: � �� �'e � Patic� ..�{ A,a �7� L14Y1�
o�- �193
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Lngebretson
ylayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
I S W est Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, M�1 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-5513
The Minnesota Goverr.menl Da[a Practices Acc (Minnesota Statetes Chnpier I3) go��erns ihe City's use ol �h�
inCocmaUOn cuniained in tSis a�o:icahon. Some o; tl!e m:ormanon soi:ghi �r. ihis application is privale daia cader lae
Act. 7he :eqaested iniormation will be used by the appoinling authori:y !o carry out ITe Crty's offic:al appoln[mert
res�unsibilitfes. You ase not requiced :o provide any 3nlorinafion. Huwever, Failure fo answer the application euest�on¢
may cause tAe appeinting eu[hority lo re}ect yout appticanon. The majority of i�ems contained in this app(ication are
peblic, including na:ne, addre>s, empluyrcent, skills, Irainin� and expe:ience, and are eh.°refore avx�tabfe 10 anyoue
reanesting ii. 7hc rcmxinmg iiems oc the xpolication :orm are classif�ed as pti��aie. 1"he pr:vate data �s �vailable oniy to
you und to otner persons in the Ciry wGo, because oCwork assignmcnts, reasonab!y reeuire access to the uiformalion.
Name I��c�f�L SrEwa+�t�
Hume address
E-mail address
.765- 07/ 6
22Z 630
/�SiGCUStkt�c� SoFT�nME s'vEl
Planning District Council
Preferred mailing address s�o
Occupation �'ui���L� �OC,
Place of employment Y�WG�
.STr2E� �{/� nrf( S 7: l�•suL �f rJ .SS
City Council Ward �
!t.(N 5"Sla�f
.�„�� �.,.
o� ST,
Bmploymentaddress ��5 ,SeLg,� /1vGN�c� �S�.pAUL II.tN $SlOL
Comm�ttee(s) applied for �Z � .— �'��� � �ji� {��YfR�
What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
T/�E �' .re�i �vfuMil7'�E,
L A�'✓D
� kq,j+uEll D�UEio�ueA rN un �aF $ �p4eT Pxoreede.f. �xce!l��
�X��US/dC ca{(�iEA.G �N/���eu Pagel`6f2
iLeRrva�FisrE21 .fA1A L0���1i�
6 �r�e��cnE f,���f� ��-
S"l4lls iN A��YStd' q�V� �ESCi1kCl�
�-� �
v��A.ssl eo,�,uw��;ufi.,-� s�i�ls,
Dcve%ey wvrK.
o�f- �I93
Personal References
Address �(o2J�� Sf��/�Z,S�Uf�jf/� sC �l9uL �ll�.� J�s/07`
Telephones � Sl�'_ � � ,
Pleaee include Area ode5 har,e
Please include
des home
FG v
2�n -�
Name �__ ��py�G f CSICE'—
Address �( � . �1<(C / �Ut(oFfl ��ao�c> .ST• f �L �i�( 1 �S�l �
Telephones 6S/ 'Z3Y- SSlS 6S/ J',ZZ-7�t(�Z
4leaseincludeArcaCodes home work othc�
Reasous for your interest in this particular committee (_ _ T?n�� E�G��T�y- �r.
Have you Kad prev`CoeYs contact with the committee for which you are making application?
If so, when, and under what circumstances?
In an atlempt to ensure tliat committee representation reflects the makeup of our community,
please chcck Ute bor applieable to you. This information is strictiy voluntary.
� White (Caucasian) � Hispanic `�Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islander � American Ittdian or Alaskan Eskimo
�Male Female � Date of birth � l 6�
Disabled: � Yes No�,
]f special accummudations are needed, plexse specify
Ho«� did you hear about this opening? (��NI/E��ca�l cJi�f{ ��'f�,� �o`��rS
s -��.
page2 of2
D�- t193
Applicat�on for Committee, Baard, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
2viayor's Of£ice, Raom 39Q City HaI1
15 W est Kellogg B 1v d., S aint Pau1, MN 5 5102
Phone:651-266-3533 Fax:651-266-8513
The Minncsota Govcramcat Data Praciiccs Act (Minnesot� Stacutzs C�+�p�er I3) governs tha C�cy's �se ot the
�nFOrmacion containcd in this applica�iaa. Some of the information sovghi in this apptica�ion is privace data under the
nct Thc rcqucstcd informatioa will bz u>ed by the appointiag avthority m catty ou� che Cicy's official sppoiatmta�
rz5poa5ibilitit5. You arc noc rcquired m provide aay iaformatioa. However, failure to uaswer the npplioation questior.s
may caust cbe appoipcjng 3uthority to rcjcot your application. Thc majority of items eontaiacd in this ¢pplication arc
public, in<lvding nsme, addrevs, employmcnt, skitls, trnining and experiencc, avd'uee lhere£arc availablc ro snyonc
rcqucsting il. Tbe remaining icams on the aPplicanon form arc classificd as pnvatc. Thc priva[c daca is avsilablc only [o
you and to other pacsoas in chz Ciiy who, bccaust of work assignments, reasonably require acecss m�Ee informa�ion.
NameMiriam Elizabeth Stone (aka Remi Stone
Home address 847 Saint Clair Av�nue St . Paul MN 55105
:eceee eieY :<nee z�o
Telephoaes 651.334.0044 551.69?.7571 651.697 7570
Y10]b0lptltld<AYCT COE<9 hom� work fns
E-mai:address remi@batc_org
Planning District Council Stimmiti Hill - 16 City Council Ward 2
Preferred mailing address 807 Saint Clair Avenue St . PaUl NIN 55105
sxact nry siatt zip
Occ�pation attorney / regi.stered 3.obbyist
Place of employment Builders Association of the Twin Cities
�mploymenc address 2960 Centre Pointe Drzve Roseville MN 55113
Committee(s) applied for il)Long Range Ca Im provement Budget Committee
(21Rivercentre Authority (3) Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board
What skills/trainin� or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
My previous civic participation includes chairing tkie
Roseville Variance Committee, and serving on Roseville's
Planning Commission and County Road C Task Force.
My professional experience includes representin�
developers and home builders on all matters rela
to public
finance, infrastructure {soad, wwtf, parks, etc.), land use, plannina,
environment and other regulatory mandates, housing affordability,
economic development & redevelopment, ete_ (CON'T NEXT PAGE)
page 1 of 2
07/OS/04 THU 15:41 FA1 6516977570 BUILDERS ASSOCIATION [�002
Yersonal References
Nam Matt Entenza
address 1647 Portland Avenue St. Paul 55104
Tetephones 651 _ 647 .1425 651 _ 296 . 8799
Please inclade Arca Codes bomc work
N3meMr. Michael Noonan - Rottlund Homes
r�ddress 3Q65 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville MN 55113
Tetephones 651. 638 . 0500
p)easc iuJndc A(ea Codes home work o[ber
NamcMr. Jim Miller - League of Minnesota Cities
Address 145 University Avenue W St _ Paul N1N 55103 _
Telephones 651 _ 281.1200
P]ease inctude Arcn Cndes home wock oj��I
Reasons for your interest ia this particular committec All three eommittees
present building and funding decision making challenges
�or the City_ Additionally, they are centered on the land use,
economic and development opportunities the City can enjoy.
Iiavc you had previous contact with the commi[tee fos which you aze making application?
If so, when, and undcr what circumstances?
In an attempt to cnsure that committec regtescntation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the Uox applicable to you. This information is strictly +�oluntary.
�hite (Caucasian) Q FTispaaic �Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islandar � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
Disabled: G Y es
G Male Female d
No �
Dateofbirth 7/25/66
Jf special accommodations are needed, please specify nOriC?
kIow did you hear about this opening? Var10U5 Cl
page 2 of 2
Miriam E. Stone (aka Remi Stone)
Application for Committee, Board Commission
Jvly $, ZOQ4
Supplemental Page
I believe my experience with the Builders Association oP che Twin Cities (BATC) ought
to be particular interest for the City of Sainc Paul. TUe Pazade of Homes (sm) and the
Builders Outreach Foundation (BOF) are primary functions of BA,TC.
More and more redcvelopment projects aze being fea[ured in the fall and sprina Paradc of
Hamcs (sm) events — including several in St. Paul. Also, BATC's charitable arm, BOF,
continues i�s work in the Fro� own azea o£ St. Paul, providing low cost homeownership
opportunities in che City.
In addition to my public policy dnties at BATC, I set and manage sevezal budd ts in
excess of $1 million dollars, focusing on project development, timina deliverables,
coordinatin� staff and deteimining capital and soft cos[ cxpenditures.
£OOQj NOIZtlI�OSSd S2i3Q'IIRH OL5LL69TS9 3V3 8£�ST IlHS 60/80i!0
oy- �� 93
c� oF sa�rr Paui.
Randy C. Kelly, Mayor
390 City Hati
I S West Ke!logg Boulevard
Saint Pau1, MN SSIQ2
T eteph one: 651-2 66-8510
Facsimile: 65 Z -266-8573
To: Saint Paul City Counciimembers
Council President Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Jay Benanau
Councilmember Dan Bostrom
Counciimember Pat Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Councilmember Daue Thune
From: Kurt Schultz
Date: December 14, 2004
RE: Capital Improvement Budget Committee
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Larry Dandrea, John
Dunkley, Julie Shortridge, Michael 5teward, and Miriam (Remi) Stone.
The terms of Ms. Shortridge and Ms. Stone shall each expire on
November 1, 2005. Mr. Dunkley`s term shall expire onNovember 1,
2006. The terms of Mr. Dandrea and Mr. Stewazd shall expire on
November 1, 2007
Mayor Kelly has also recotnmended the reappointment of Frank Caulfieid,
Floyd Jaehnert, Paul Savage, and Gary Unger Their terms shall all expire
on November 1, 2007.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well
as applications from the new applicants. Please remember that certain
information on the applications is classified as private and should not be
released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you haue any question regarding
these appointxnents and these reappoinhnents.
cc. Peter Butler