244521 ORI�7NAL TO CITY CLBRK 244521 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE TI N—GENE9�F M �� PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, In connection with the opening, widening and extending of Wacouta St. from 7th St. to lOth St., it wili be necessary to incur acquisition costs, engineering and other incidental costs�thereforeJbe it,` RESOLVE�, That the City of St. Paul proceed with the necessary work at an estimated cost of $5,500.00 for acquisition and $300.00 for engineering or a totai esti�ated cost of $5,800.00 and this cost be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 6000 and this same fund be reimbursed from M.S.A. Fund 6�t-230-04. � P-450 R ��r. - JUN 1 7 1'69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson J U N 1 7 Dalglish pprove 1�69 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka v Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Pusus��� �.N 21 1969 0 DUF,ICAT6 TO PRINT6R ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY RO�P�C F� �R►��P�C0�1 COMMISSIONEa DATF wHEREAS. i n c,cc�nr�ect ton wi th ti�e open i ng, arl�n�ng s�d �xt�nding of f�acouta St. from 7th St. to lath St.� tt wi i l be neca�ss�ry to tneur a�qutsitio� costs. sngic�aering ��d other inciden�+�l costs �h�ar�fior�a,be 1tf R�Sl�i.VED, ThaC th� C#ty c�� St. pnu� proceed wI th the r�eces�ary work at aa �stim�ted co�t o� �5.500.p0 far acqui�ition and $�flQ.O� far sngiriesring or a totai �aii�rted cast of $5,800.00 and Eh 1 s co�t ba charg�d to the peraaanent i mprove�c�t lte�vol v i ng Rund Code 6U00 �nd thfs same fund be ratmbursed f�cxr+ M.S.A. f und 64-��OwOtF. P-450 R .. ,F�4.,��" -R �'4:11°a�.X: . . c � r�.N�'>`.�3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , ^ + �- Carlson � � � Dalglish , Approvecl 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka o Mayor Tedesco Against . Mr. President, Byrne O