244507 , + ,�����tt� ` COUNCIL FILE N0: � INTE�MEDIARY ORDER By File N'o. 17378 In the Matter of conmtrmctiag pnblic aanita�rp sa�wer ia A�t�ll1►sL 5?R�T tro� 163 feet aerth o� flmyt Aveaue to Idah� Av�ans. Also coastrn�t ss�ar g�rvict coanscti�as. - (5-13�0), also co�atr�ct l�i�lic sani�ary sawar in COHAI�ZY ST�BE?, #r�e 155 f��t aorth af Hoyt, A�rsaue to Lar•lenteur Ave$ne,- and ia lDAHO A�SI� :tror �ohaasey S traet to' Arundal 3treet. Also coastrnct s�aer serw�as coan�ctioas. (5-1358) � 241739 -� ,Jaauary 1S, 19`9 under Preliminary Order 241�448 approv�` Jai�na 22 . _ r9 • ,�6� .,.�- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: • 1. That the said report and �he same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impropement - is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' ; 2. That the itature of the improvement whiGh th� Council recoinmends is to ecrostr�ct public sagitary sa�rar in ARO�iB�t.. ��� �PO� 1�2 fset ,sozt�h.of �op� Avaau� to Idaho Avenne. Als• coustract aa�rer servica cotiaec�i�as, ,(�3-1��Qj, .��,��,��,��,,;: �,,.�,, ` �evnatreict lntilic :=anitas�r,.ae�rer i� �0it�lIBSZ ST�� fron 1S5 fe�t no�� o!� H�pt . : _ _ � _ t.. Av�4�e t• Larrent�gr Av�nne, and i�`T�tEm AR� �fn� Ce�rsnse� 3tra�t= �o irusdel Str�t. Also a�astrn�� ss�►er se�cvic� c�sscti�ns. (S-1�S�) with no alternatives, and that the estimated oast thereof is $ 19„55�.�0 r ���, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said impravefnent on the lsth day of a�.����;� ` , at the hour of 10 o'c�lock A.Nt., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall`Building 3n the City of St. Paul. That the Commisaioner of Finance gi�e notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating �the �ime and place of ' hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost there.of as estimated. couivci�Err JU N 17 1�69 : _ � � � � � �idopted by t�e Council � � � � . :Yeas C�r1sOD l�ays Da�glish . JUN 17 1J69' MeCediih �'ppr - Peterson Sprafka r„ Favor � Tedesco Mayor 8yrne _ �gains�t PU611SFCE� � 6-66.s� �o �.� dll.N 21 i��9