244506 . j s . . . . . � . .� �� ���V'� T... ,. �� , 1NT�RME�DIARY ORDER : Co��IL �LE No. By File No. 173 74 In the Matter of gra�isg aad s�rfacir�g wi�h bituaine�s msterisl sad caastrgct coacra�e curb aa� gv�tter oa IDAH�i AVE. fro� ldacknbii 3t. to Cnabsrlaad 8t. A1S0 coesErnct sewar aerv�cs cont�ctic�ns aad �atar servica coaneeti�s, (�-18E2); and grade and surgacs Mith bit�miaous mat�rial and constrs�ct coacr�ta curb sad �uttsr an A. COHA�EY ST. traa proposad cnl-ie-sac sorth ot flmqt Av�. to Larpastenr Avs. AI.�O coastrnet st7rer �ar storr �atar purpcses and c�aatruct water serviaa c�snsations, (�-1883); and grada' amd snrfac� aith bitmsiaous material aad �on�truct c�acreta curb and gutte�r on 1�. /►��1�HEL S?. froe Propmaed cul-�a-sac north of Roqt Ane. to- Idaho Avs. AI.SD construct sasver for stor� �ater purpo�as a�d construct �rater 8arviae coaaectiona, (�-1�85) 241757 Jaaaary 16, 1969 Z41739 Jaauary 16, 19i! under Preliminary Order Z41761 approved Jan�arg 16,_19i9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance ` upon the above improvement; and having considered'said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby appraved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be prc�ceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Couneil recommends is to grade aad snrfaee Ni�h bitc�inmus �terisl aa1 c�astruct co�cr�ts cnrm au1 g�ttez 0a IDAH� AV�. fr� 'Maatubis St. to C�berlan� St. ALl�O construct sa�r�r s�rvfce ceaieetions and �ater servi�� canm�c�ions, (G-1882); an� grads and sarfaca �th �f�minous naterial aa� coutrnct coscret• curb a�d �atter oi l�. tf1�Z? �?. �s�a , propoa�d cul-de-aac ae►rth of AOqt A�s. �o Larpaxtsut Avs. . ALSO coastrnct s:swar foa st�r� pater purpoaes and canstruct water service ceaaneetierns, (Q-1a83)3 and araie aad surface Mi�h bituein�w �e�aterial and eoastrnct eoacrate c�rb aad g�ttes on H. •/►�U�DBL �?. f`roe prop►oaei enl-da-sac ncrch of floyt Avs. to Idaho Av�. �ISe aoastrgct savar for stor� waeer purpoaes and eomatzv►ct aater a�rviee c�a��cti�ns, (G-18S5). with no alteFnatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 82�9g�•� _ Resolved Further, That a pubiic hearing be had on said improvementon the 15t� , day of ' 3n}�1.s 19i9 . , at the hour of 10 o'elock A:M., in the Cauncil Chaxnber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the per,aons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating tlie time and place of hearing, the nature of the unprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUN 1 ? 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council . Yeas Carison Nays �l�N 1 7 1�69 Dalglish App�� Meredith Petersor� Sprafka � r� Favor : Tedesc� _ Mayor Byrne �_Agalnst PUBLISHED .�(�.N 2 1 �9�9 ` s.se.s�t �� a.i