D001246CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: - Ciry Clerk (OrSginan - Finance Dept's Accoun6ng Division - Reqnesfing Dept No: L����l�? Date:� 1 Whereas, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeking to pay the registration fee for three police 2 volunteer chaplains (non-city emgloyees) to attend the Narional Conference of Police Chaplains in 3 Duluth, Minnesota on July 14-18,1991, and 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 b 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 S6 Whereas, the purpose of this conference is to offer training, direction and counseling for their unique role as police chaplains and will enable them to learn new ideas, ugdate their certification, and share experiences with other chaplains from around the country, and Whereas, this conference will help them to better prepare themselves to provide the services that they give to the Saint Paul Police Department on a volunteer basis, and Whereas, the registration fee is $130 for members and $200 for non-members, to be paid for from account code 001-04000-0253-40064. BE IT ORDERED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to remit payment for the three registration fees for the above mentioned conference. r ` �� �1 �uested y: Depa ie�t Dire r Date chaplain.xls � i � � � � ►/_ � �_� ; i c 6 ��C� � Approved try: City ttomey V Oate �- � ~�� Ap ov d by: ance Directo Date _ -- _ . . �o ����� )EPAPTMENTlOFFICElCAUPlGL�' OATE INRIATEO . '*7'� � � (S p O POLICE DEPARTMENT s�29.�,9�. GREEN SHEE i� ' u :ONTACTPERSONBPH NE , . • OEPARTMEMOIAE OCRYCqUNCk ��T�AVOATE Chief William R:°"Pinney 242-3588 A36,GN �GttYATTOflNEY �cirvc�AK ST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY(OATE) pp�p�� 6UDGEf �IAECTOA PM. & MGT. SERVICES OIA. OR�ER Q MAYOq (Oft AS5ISTANT) TOTAI # Of SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached Administrative Order authorizing the Saint Paul Police Degartment pay for the registration fees and banquet for 3 police volunteer chaplains at the National Conference of Police Ct�aplains in Duluth, HN on 3ulp 14-18; 1997. _ PIANNINGCOMM�S51tlN _ CIVILSERVICEGOMMISSION __GBCOMMfREE _ _ STAPF _ ,_ DISTiiiCT fAURT _ Sl1PPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHpCSS MUST ANSWEH TriE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t Has this person/firtn ever wOrketl under a contraCt for this tlepartmem? YES NO 2. Has Nis personftirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personff7rm possess a sktll not normally possessed by any cuttent city empbyee? YES NO Explain all yes answera on separate abeet and attach to green sheet Ouer the week aE July 14-18, 1497, the National Conference of Police Chaplains is hosting a national conference in Duluth, MN. The police chapiains are volunteers who donate several hundred hours to the department, and this conference is designed to educate and network the chaplains with their peers from across the aation. The chaplains are paying their own lodging, meals, etc. The fee is $200 for non-members and $130 for members. Rhe chaplains provide a wide variety of services from death notmfications to crisis manage confliet resolution, grief counseling, etc. for a wide variety of circumstances. Most of these, in police chaplaincy,.are in a totally separate en4ironment fzom the normal clergy. conferenee will of£er training, direction, and eounseling.for this role. It is much different to counsel during a crisis,than in the peace of one's parish office. :f _ one RECElVED JUN - 91�97 C�TY CLERK JEJi� fl� 1°97 ���° ��r � ����� ir ability to offer the disparity of seroices and crisis management will be impaired. rgy are not normally trained in this venue, and it wi11 Limit their effectiveness in ling with Saint Paul's citizens. MOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 600.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CtRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE �fleral Fund {�Ol� ACi1ViTYNUMBEH 0�+000 � INFORMATION: [E%PIAIN) � J r { � r V V V