244432 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 24�432 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF Zn the matter of improvin� PRIOR AVE. f'rom Marshall Ave. to Roblyn Ave. (City Project P-389A) by widening, grading, paving and curbing; by construct- ing street, a11ey and driveway re�urna; by constructing and reconstrueting sidewalks; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C.F. No. 239772 approved August 8, 1968, and Final Order C.F. No. 242397 aPProved March �+, lg6g. RESOLVED, That the plans and speeifieations for the above na�ed improve- m�nt, as submitted by the Co�issioner of Public Works, be and. the sanme are �� hereby approved; and be it FLktTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be �,nd he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improve�nt. Ado ted by the coun��i �U N 1 � 196919_ COUNCILMEN P Yeas Nays Carlson J U N 1 � 19 C9 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor ��- Mayor Sprafku r1 Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE� JUN 14 1969 0 � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 244 4 32 . CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nci� Na. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Ian the mstt�r of impraving PRTQR AVE. Srcm� Mar�3.1 Avet. � Roblyn Arr�. (City Pra��ct P-38�9�A) by wid�snin8, g�r"acY�xaB, Psving and curbia8f b3► construa�- ir� strt��t, s11�y and driv�a,y returna; by con�rtaruc�3�ag e�►d. re�onatructing eid,�wa7.kes by aonstru�t3ag atorm we�t�r drsir� t'a�ilitieas by aonatructing �sr, �rater aud ge►� �rvi�a aon�eatioxxs; �d by do�ug a11. c+ther �ao�k wh3cM i� n�cese�ary en�d in�eiQex�a7. tc� cam�l»�te �.d 3�►rav�ent, u�er 1'�rel3,mina,ry Order C.F. l�c+. �397"� �►pProv�d Aaag�iet 8, 1�8, dad. Fix�a,1 Order C.F. 1Qo. 242397 �]Pp�d bhreh 1�, 196�. RE34LY1�D, Tlu�t the� p1+�►n� e�nd speeiti�ativas �'or tltie e�ba�er n�e�ad i�prave- me�rt, an �u'b�it'�ecd 'b�r '� Cc�.ssiox�r of Public Wo�k�, 't� snd the +s�ne e�re here�'�Y �DPrrn►'ed� �d 't� it Ft�tTF�.t R�84LVSt1� T1�t '�h�e F'urala�wring Agen� 'be and. he �s hex�a'by d3raCted t.a advertise �"or b#.d�r an thig �prannsm�nt. . -� . , �.� - 'F:,1 a ':+..,� ..,,� i.:_��.a� . :-...� _ .'i:.� � "x:... '_ ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya y. Carlson ,' Dalgliah � Approved 19— ; l Meredith Tn Favor ��--- Mayor Sprafka gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �