244429 OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK 24�.iLi�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. i i " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO GENE O M PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE Ob@r 2'SO W�&REAS, Additione and Deductions which �ight prove to be necessary in the Iwpro�re�ent described as the ST. ALBANS-ASHLAND RTsLIEF SEWSR, Comptroller�s Contract L-7088, Beatson & Kelly, Inc., Cc�ntractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and `\ WHBREAS, It has been fot�nd Aecessarq to �ake the following Additions and Deductions as per attached �ontract Change Agree�ent Aic. 1; ADDITIONS Bxtra Work $3425.68 DEDUGTIONS Credit for Work not Done $ 486.00 ` i�' �� `TOTAL NHT ADDITION $2939.68 and WHEREAS, The total addition is $2939.68, and the Comissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Gontractar that the amc►unt of $2939.68 i� the correct st� to be added to said contract; therefcre be it SESOLVSD, That the Citq of St. paul thrnugh its City Conncil spproves the €cregoing additions ,ad� in accordance with the Specifications in the s� of $2939.68, said amouat to be added to the lu■p sun consideration nased in the contract, known as Cc�rptroller�s Contract L-7088, and �hich amount is tv be financed fro� 1969 Local Lproveeaent Funds. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JuN �' � 1969 9_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � � ���9 - _. Dalglish � Approvec� 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor .��`-= ' Sprafka Mayor - � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE� ���y 14 1969 0 .� CITY OF SAINT PAL'L - DEPARTN,ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2444�9 ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEN�;�1T �N�. Z PROJECT N0. t9•u-1C04 CONTRACT N0. ��1u� CON'I'RACTOR�'E���'� � ���Yy• Y��• PROJECT DESCRIPTION. S.. Ai�'tt�:,-A�IaL�°��� €c�Lj:.�^' Sfi:a�: In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of 5aint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed .with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonab�.e costs of those itema for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. . ����T2�l�.� . • �_ E�tre t��rki . . ' ��vo ����rarc�c! CoaereEe Pav�mt 7E 5q. Y��. �l $�.4t� v1��.�Ci • Removo Pav��at �3 5q. "�'cts.• G �.G� i32.E3 . Rc�csva tiarfac�r�g �7 :q. 5�c:�. �} 1.�� 3i.�5 ��ve tr�nalit3�Ac t�'�lk _ 5�S �:q. �us. E� Q.�t3 27.G� - . Sauinu C�ncsate F�vc�c�t 1�� Lfr►. �C. C3 1.�� ' 1�3u.t3f? Con�truc� Ca:���ete L��a �" Thlck 83 6c�. Y�Y�. l� 4.7,� 3�=�•�S , . A � B CaoLtng� �'�:�ab2y 1 A��e�'aly i� �$.�J �ita.G�3 � C.�nctruct 4" :tot�lfth:C '�alk . �+:3a �'r�, �'C. � Q.FiCe 3v"a.�4Y �ceiafarc4nv �ara ��J Lb�. t� d.2� i0.�.� . �tructrs�rai Ccpacr�t� Ir.glac0 . �.S Cu. Y�. ' t� ✓C3.t�tJ 7�•�� � G��seZ �mniC�t�y 5ew��r l Ci��'��� L� l�,p.C�D �nG.Ga � I2" �.C.P.. Cla�s 4 � 1LZ L�n. F�. � �.7� �5��.� � ' lE�•' R.C.P., Ci�o� Z B �.�.n. Ft. C� 7.90 (;fl.G� - 33" R.C.�.. Cl�ss 2 6 L��. �t. � ��5.�� 3�I2.t�i3 . 90" �.C.'�. �:rch. Cl�sa 3 6 F.ws�. �'e. � 1S.G� �3�.�t� . �ea�odslts�g ai� Ialet L'ipo� 36 �:o�s�� � �i.�$ 23�.�8 , Air i�aama►r and CCc�,�r�sscrr g tiflur$ � 12.t}� 1G�.�a . Gr+�vei yub-bgse� Na�xsiesl 7 Tc,� � �.q SS.Oi� ona Cou�cs• C��►c. Pe�vc�t, 7•' �bicic '71 ac�. �r�3�. f� �.54 ��f3.t50 i�2 �pba1C Mi�c ic�rlaca i� ^:na�r � 14.t�63 2��.I�p � '�o�l t�ddi�ian� $3�25.�1� � � � • �C:��'�'�'3�i3r� ,..�.�..,- Credit for L.'�ax& �'at Do�ao: r�ove f.ntch ��s�in . 1 �tr�cttir� Q IO.� la.� Constr�ct 1�3 Catch 84�fA x ���uc�rs t� 3�.iiti 3C3.G� 48�• R.C.P. Clsst� '�Y 8 �.fn. Ft. � �Z.f'� 17,_„b.t� 2ot�1 'L�cc����o!r►s 4��.�4 �l�0�'�t�, Ar;UZ��C�tY 3� �:�`T�,.���°i' ,��939..6t3 Tbis a�ddit3nnat �oci�t !,o bo ��c�etec+�d �� x9�9 I�aeel ��rav�ant� 0��7 c-7�f � �,. Eax�t�cA c� �:olty, Zoe. � d�e-�z�' � � 19� 19 �.�� �,.:,u., �. ' ginee � Contractor � , ._ .�- � �� � - �� ,� � � , 19 t BY��/��; � '.Z-�-�� ,19 � `/ J ef�ngineer �;:s;;eY,i� :�. i;�'i�c':cii i�Jr���,�/��? �� � i� ��. '.,���i �.�'��;�� v%}.{:� �� . . \_r`,� � �'� � il r.�.......r=.�.�:.., __;;1� �-�- Comanissioner ^, �,.�.%1i;' �on. 'trol er ' '/�- ���� L ��.:;,�.iiy (.e?�.�+��`:��r Original (White� �Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor' To Aecounting Div. To Comptroller To Construction Ehgineer � { ' ► , . CTTY OF SAINT PAI;L - DEPARTN�ENT OF PUBLTC WORKS 244��p r , a7 CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEN�NT N0. t PROJECT NQ. b9•P-1COt► CONTRACT N0. L-7G�£3 CONTRACTORi'.����an b �:olly• Is��. , PROJECT DESCRIPTION �T• I�1�A�'►-A�f31wF!:� t;ELI�:w ���::? In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter o£ the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costa of those itema for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. , ��1�_,,,_I7ILP:4 • Ex�re k'orki � . , ' fi�va ,^.�in�orced Coacrete Psvam�ipC 7l 5q. Yd�s. � $.2.4Q �,l�t?.4Sf Ra�vo re�ve��nc s3 5q. '�'c1�.� � �.6a 132.� � Ac�ova Sur�acin� x7 Sq. YGS. +� 1.I5 3i.05 �:a.-�c�ve Y.onolithic G'ntic . �� ;,+�. Y��. � ff.SO 2'�.00 - Sawin� ConcrQte Fev��t I�J iLia. ��. t� 1.€�B� I�3fi.E3�D Con�truct Crsnc�ato �a�m 6" Thick � 1�3 �y. Y'd�. t� �a.75 3�G.2S A � B Cset3n� �s;�am�iy L Rs��v2y E� Gd.�3 ��+.C� . Coaatruat 4" :Sor�tithZc s�alk �4�5 *�c. �t. � 0.�0 3£a.�� �einforcin� Ears ��S Lb�. � t3.2m ka.Ct9 Strucw�al Cc�s�cr�te Iepl�ce t.5 Cu. �c;s. t� �I.!}i� 7S.Ctt 4�fset ��niCary 5�wor t Cs���m� {� i��.d�3 i�:�t3.Q�3 12" �.C.�., Cl�a�s 4 ! Zl� 3L;�n. �t. �# �+.7a 5�2.Q4� I�I" .R.G.P.. CIra�B 2 $ Li�. �C. f� '�.1t3 lsO.G� . 33" it.C.P.. Class 2 E� Lft�. F4. t� 14.Gf? R�2.C� � ' �0'• R.C.�. tirch. C1a�sa 3 G i.¢n. Ft. t� 15.�� �.3�.t3� 8c3t�od914c�g 5f 'Cd+l Yt9ltst �xp�i� 36 �t�t3��c (� 6.*.�'$ ?36.�?$ Air Tfine�or ond Coa�,prs�asor g iz�u�rg � i2.E�3 tGB.Ct� Groval Su3�•boe� �'�t�timl � 7 Tc�zz�ss � 5.t�i �5.CQ Ono Caurtss Conc. p�v�e, 7" T�icic 71 �q. �Crl�. f� 5.50 ��t3.6� 8Z l►splual� Mi: in,pl4ce tg :'am� � 1��+.�4 2i� ' ro�l Addf�3�aru� �362S.b� . � . - VGAZw'�74.+i i�V4�� � . �.�+..+.-..++�.r,--,_ . Cre�it for Z�ar'� i�.'�t Loatn; ntmovA Caxtc:i �.'��in i' 1 �tr�s�9�a�a L� IC�.C3f1 1f3.�f Can�truct tF3 G`e�ch 8asia A w�.�c�tra� t� 3C�.f.+0 3u�.G� . 48" �.C.P. Class II � . .� �3 L�.ri. �'�. � .',�.E}4 Z'i(�.C� , ` TcsLal� ��ucC�ons G��.G�O T�T�'cx, A��Y�I�t3 T� �l4fi��.C� $2939.Ift8 This addi�ionot ea�ouc�t t,o be ffc:anc�d �rc� t9b� I�a�l �I���+r�rats o�%�c-7'c! , � �-.L.. F�taC�oz� � �al$y. Inc. � - � " � �. ��e�� , ; � g i9 �, ,`..'' '"'," �`'�' ginee Contractor '// , et�� � �� .�'�-�"-��-�- �u � ` J _„_ 19� By cr�r--.c �`"".' 19�_ � ef�gineer �:�as���E�e :3. i��i�i�.��ii �:�� `/ . / � � ` n :` �� ��r i;:; �v`'i' L �'.�Ct � /� � ,� _� C� � /'Y�' 1 _ ��,�,�r� 'z� ,�,� `7�(1 '19� � Cotcmissioner ��,/J � GL��7��'._ om�trol er ' � �/�� �'r`L��� , �1.'/.:tlLj! LO'.iiT��"'�T��.�:'� . Original (White� �Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) Tn (:nn1.rAr.tnr Tn A�nrn�ntin� niv_ Tn (:nmritrnllar Tn ('.nn��.r»ntin^^. �noinaar DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER 244429 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �beZt e!'A9ce�l11 COMMISSIONER F- $ DATF W�RBA�� Additione and D�cluctians which might p�ove to be neceseary in the I�prove�nt desaribed ss ehe ST. ,�LBA�TS-pS� RBL�EF B�WE�. CompCroll�r�s Contrsat L-�088, $�wt�on �x K�lly, In+e., GoAtr�cCor, ha�r� beer► psrovfded for in the Sp�ci�ications, and Wt�ER�AS, rt has been found neee�s�ry tc� mal�e the followir�g Additior�� 8nd Dedu�ations a�e p�r sttsched Coatract Change Agre�eMt �ta. 1: ADDxTIG1NS 8utra Work �3425.�i8 DEDiTGTIDA� Gradit �or Work not t?ane $ 4i�� TOTAL AiS� ADDITZOAI ��939.68 and WkIEREAS, fihe t�ntal addition is $2939.bA, and �he E:nmimies�oaz�r af �blic Works he�s egreed with Che Cvntrae�or tY►et the e�ount c�� �2933.�a8 is the corr�ct su� e.o be �sdded to eaid ca�Cxsct, therefare be it ItESOLVED� That ths CiCy o� SC. Fst�l through its Cfty Council ap�roves Ctae fore,going additions made in accordance with Ct�e 5pecif3cations in the sum of $2939.66, se�s� a�unt ta be added to the iwa�p se� consideration nesned in the contrect. knQwn as Comptroller'+a Coatract L-7p88, �nd which �imount is to be f3r�anced fxo� 1965 I.acct� Zmpravement Funda. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne O