244419 _. , .. .; ., _ .,:,;> .�.� _, .: ,. , ,... , ., . , � ;:, . � , . . , , ; , � , ,: � -w..,► : : . ' , ,� � s ,. � � . .� F�NAL �RDER COUNCIL'FILE NO �. < . ; , : By � � .. , F�le No. ;�L� ;; �:; In the Matter of �� ' � da► ai�lt � � s#�r �t �'f�t st« it� , E ��A �M �� ��t�. �fi "�:..� �� ��R � � �� i�� � � �� .. �' ,��l� � �� � �'�• � � . ,� . . . � . . . . �� � J . . _ . . . , .. . . � � . . . . "h^�,. . - . � . . . . . . . . . .. ' . .� . . . 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"z �. - � � . � � . � ,.. . . � �' �. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHETt., That tlie Commis�ioner of Ftiblic Works be and is hereby instructesl and clirected to prepare glans and specifications for said improvement, and aubmit same to the Council for approvaL; that upon said approval, the proper city o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. co�xclta�av JUN 1 2 1�fi9 Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays earlson Dalglish Approv Mereditti a��-:----w.,--�. Sprafka ---.—In Favor _ • TedesoA Mayor eyrr�e � �+roainst PU�ISHE� JUN 14 196� e-ee-a�e �� a.i � , . _�-,. _ Dist. No. 1 24381� . B.S. Finn St. - Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. ���� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 244419 ;���°t����s; ����'✓ � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE f;::� a � i'� ��'`����� � � R��E,vE ��. .��p� �E � r �� � ��}a�� � ��s� ,.. � , �� � lr. , ��' � -� ,�` ;r; April 22nd. lg 69 ��.!�l Ut E�'s , '��, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Co�issioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 243248 approved April 18th. 1q69 relative to reconstructinst the sidewalk on both sides of Finn St. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete safd improvement. and having iavestigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportss lo The estimated cost thereof is $3050 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk S. fto wide and $4e20 per line ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ftA wide, 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. is hereto attached and made a part thereofo 3e In�tiated bq the Coaaaissioner of Public Works X 4n Improveffient is asked for upon petition � Co�issioQer of P blic�iq s/J��� �' ,�� � � ,� . . MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE 145 UNIVERSITY AVENUE (at Rice) BOARDOFDIRECTORS SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55103 Phone: 612/227-8777 TM Mott Rsv.Leo Binz,D.D. Mchbishop of St.Paul and Minneapolis Chairman o!Bonrd TM Most Rev.Lw C.Byrna,D.D. Coadjutor Archbishop of St.Paul and Minneapolis � President The Mort Rav.Lwnard P.Cowley,D.D. Auxiliary Bishop of St.Paul and Minneapolis The Mos[Rav.Lavrenee A.Glann,D.D. Bishop of Crookston Tha Most Rev.Fnncis J.Sehank,D.D. M.�.jT 29, 1 g69 Bishop of Duluth � TM Most Rav.Paul F.Andxson Coadjutor Bishop of Duluth TM Mort Rw.Alphonae J.SehlWwailer,D.D. BishopofNewUlm Honorable James J. Dalglish Treasurer The Most R�v.bm�s P.SMnnon,D.D. C OIT.LIT�.l S S 1 OT�.P.Y� �1 Finan c e Auziliary Bishop of St.Paul and Minneapolis . Secretary 113 Court House TM Most Rw.Georqe H.Spdtz,D.D. BishopofSt.Cloud St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Vice President TAe Most Rw.Lmas J.Wattxs,D.D. Bishop of Winona r7 TM Most Rev.Pet�r W.Bxthobma,D.D. Re :� Jo hn F• and C aro 1 L�• Marke r t Retired Bishopof St.Cloud 2116 Igle hart Avenue TAs Most Rsv.Edwsrd A.Fkzpsnld,D.D. RetiredBishopofWinona St. Paul, Minn. 5510� � JOHN F.MARKERT Flle s8867 Page 1 Executive Director Dear Commissioner Dalglish: I received your letter of May 23, lg6g, relative to paving on Finn Street between Iglehart and Marshall Avenues under the above captioned file number. Please be advised that my residence is on the southeast corner of Finn and Iglehart, and I therefore have sidewalk running on the east side of Finn, between Iglehart and the alley between Iglehart and Marshall. This sidewalk does not need replacing in view of the fact that it was replaced back in about 1956 with new pavement at the instance of the then owner of the property. This sidewalk is in excellent re- pair and is pored concrete in 6 ft. width and 10 ft. long slabs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sidewalk which would requ�ire repair or replacement. My purpose in writing to you is to bring this to your at- tention and to object to any ripping up and replacement of sidewalk which is in perfect condition at this time . I would therefore request that this matter be looked into, and if necessary, �hat an inspector be sent to check out what I have set forth above in �order to prevent any unnecessary work and assessments, etc. Thank you for your attention to this matter. V y truly yours, `-�..��., � �-t_��-�.r,-� ohn F. Mar ert JFM/rs � `� `i � � �: � June 3, 1969 John F. Markert 2116 Iglet�art Av�nue St. Paul, Minaesote 55104 Aear Mr. Markert: Your letter, with reference to sidewalk construetion on Finn Sireet between I�lehart snd Marshall Av�nuee, has been ref�rred to the ��partment of Public Works for investigation and to the Citq C1�rk for the attentian of the City Council at the hearing on June 12, 1969. Yours very truly, Jamea J. llalglish Commiasioner of Fiaance cc: ,1,�ity Clerk Public Worka, Sid�walk Dept. S8867