244410 -1 244�10 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK A CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF T E CITY CLERK C �RESOL I N-GENE ORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, The Sinking Fund Committee of the City of int Paul has heretofore designated the Produce Exchange Bank of Saint Paul as a depository for receiving and holding �unds and moneys of said City and has fixed the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars (�18, 000.00) as the maximum amount to be deposited in said bank and has requested the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars (�20,000.00) as collateral to secure such funds and moneys in accord— an.ce with the requirements of applicable state statutes and the Charter of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies, adopts and approves the action of the Sinking Fund Committee in designating the Produce Exchange Ban.k of Saint Paul as a depository for receiving and holding fun.ds and moneys of said City, and fixing the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars (�18,000.00) as the maximum to be deposited in said Bank, and establishing the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars (�20, 000.00) as collateral to secure these funds and moneys, and said Council hereby further ratifies, adopts and approves the action of its Sin.king Fund Committee in approving the First National Ban.k of Saint Paul as the custodian bank to hold such securities for and on behalf of said City; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council, upon receipt of a properly executed Assignm�ent of Securities document from said Produce Exchange Bank of Saint Paul, in form approved by the Corporation Counsel, authorizes and directs the proper City officers to execute, on behalf of said City, the usual and customary Agreement for Safekeeping of Pledged Securities between the said City and said Produce Exchange Bank of Saint Paul and the First National Bank of Saint Paul as designated custodian bank to hold such securities for and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, such agreement to be in form approved by the Corporation Counse'1, all in accordance with the provisions of applicable state statutes and the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. ,��N � �. 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas , Nays , �u� � � ���� Carlson P_ROVED / ,��_ � �� Approve 19—_ Meredith `-�t`Carporation Cou e) Tn Favor Peterson ` Sprafka ;� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��t�sHEr J�UN 14 19G� 0 2����� � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WI3ER�A5, The Sinkfng Fund Committee o�' the City of Saint Paul has hereto�ore designated the Produee Exehan$e Bank of �aint Yau1 as a ctepository for receivix2g aazc� holdixag �uxzc�s a�a.ci �noneys of saicl City t�ncl h€�s fixed the sum o� Eigliteen Thousan.d. �allrars (�18,000.00) as the maximum amount to be deposited in said banls and taas requested tx�e su�n of Twenty Thousancl Dollar� (�20�OOO.OQ) us coJLlateral �to secure such �'unds anc� �►oneys in aecorcl— �ncQ tvit�i the rec�uirements of �.pplicable atate statutes anc� the Ch�rter o�' the City of :��int Yaul; now, thEre�ore, be it s:��S�I,�:�a�4, That the Caunca,l r�f i;lze �ity of Saint i'aul hereby x�ti.�ies, adapts and r�pproves t�e action o:C ��.e :inkii�g F��c3. Ca�aa�aittee a.�. desib:ciating the Px�o�.�,�ee �;xehange F3ank o� �ai�t�t �au�. as a dep�ository for rec�ivin�; anil holdin� �i�a�cis anc� �uoneya o� s�ict Gity, an� :�ixing the sum of �ighteen Thousanc� Dollars (w718,000.00) as the ma�i�um to be depositec: in sa�cl }3ank� and est�blishia�� the sum of T��enty T��aous��?rI Dollars (}Y20, OOO,OQ� as cc�l���teral to secure those �unds a�.c� money�, ana �air� r�ouncil hereby further ratii'ies, ac�opts ancE apZ�roves thc action o� it� Sinkin,� ��uz�� �o�i�ttee in �pprovin� the I�'irst iVatio�al �an1�z oJt Saiat Paul as tize custoc3a�,x�. ba�nli ts� �zold such ��_;e�,�r��ties �or a�ari on behalf o:£ �aiei Ci�ty; i�e it FU�.T�I�R ���;S�L�'��D, That the Council, i�pon receipt of a rrogerl� executed �zssignment of aecurii;ies a�ocument from z�aid Proc�uce Exehange Bank of Sai�zt Patal, ir� �or.m apgrovocl by the E:orporatian Counsel, �ut�aorizes an�3 directs the proper �ity o��ie�i s to e�ecute, on 1�ehall: o� s�,id t;i�y, t�is u�u��. an� custo:n�.ry l��reen��nt for �a:�e��e��ing o� i'ledged Seeaxrities bettireen tlie sni€? �a.ty �.aac� saic�. �'�coriuce �'�:change �ank o:� ��i,1t �'a�zl a�xd th� �+'irst �Tational I3anlc af Saint Yaul as dPSi�n�.tecl c��toc�.iati �an�y to holc� such ;:ecurit3es for and on belaa3.f o:C 1;13e: Ci�t� o� a�i.zt �'aul, suelx �.�r�eu�ent to be in �'orm t�gg�raveu b�T �the Cor�or�ta.4r� CoL�n��;l, zll in aecordanee i,rith the provisic�.s os: 4�g��lic�k�le �tate st�t�:�tes and t�.e Chat•ter ot t�ae �:i��r o� ;�tti��t �aul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council :!1'�i'"_ ` � 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � ��...� ---� Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka �� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O