244407 o�iABi e�c.or c��:k . � . . �� � ORDINANCE 244�0'� � _ . . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY •��r�ry�� ORDINANCE NO "� l An ordinance amending Ghapter 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Building Code -- Steam and Hot Water Heating. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 19.�1 (Certificates of Competency for Steamfitters) , subsection la, is hereby amended by deleting the same therefrom and substituting the following in lieu and in. plaee thereof: l. Master and Journeyman Steamfitters' �' Certificates a. For the purpose of controlling the quality of workmanshipo�f _ steamfitting work in connection with any steam or hot water heating system or piping system used for the conduction of steam for heat or power in any building or structure within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, and by so doing to safeguard life, limb and property, there are hereby created the Master Steamfitter' s Certificate of Competency and the Journeyman Steamfitter' s Certificate of Competency. Gertificates of Competency shall be issued in two cate— gories ; one for the installation of both high and low pressure s�aam and hot water, which shall be identified on the Certificate by the term Hi—Lo, and one for low pressure steam and hot water only, which shall be iden.tified on the Gertificate by the term Lo. In order to be issued the Hi—Lo certificate as indicated above, the applicant must hold an appropriate curren't and sub— � sisting State Steamfitter License in accordance with Chapter 326.46 through 326. 52 Minnesota Statutes. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � � City Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,-, ., _ . _ 24��!�'� �� � /� Page 2. Section 2. That Section 19.02 (License Requirements for Steamfitters) , as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting the following in lieu thereof: 19.02 -- License Requirements for Steamfitters A. License for Master Steamfitter 1. License Required -- Any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of installing, altering, repairing or servicing steam and hot water installation as a contractor or a person responsible for such work within a building or build- ings already constructed shall first obtain a license from the Bureau authorizing him to engage in such business. 2. Master Steamfitter' s License - Class A The CTass A Master Steamfitter License shall be required of any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the busi- ness of steamfitting as herein defined. This class of license shall be issued in on.e of two categories, the Hi-Lo for steam and hot water installations of any pressure and the Lo for low pressure steam and hot water installations only. 3. Master Steamfitter's License - Class B The Class B Master Steamfitter License shall be required of any person desiring to engage in steamfitting as herein defined Originql to City Clerk � �• � . , ORDINANCE � � 24��� 1 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— Page 3. when such work is carried on within a certain. building or buildings and does not act as a contractor. This class of license shall also be issued in one of two categories, the Hi—Lo for steam and hot water installation of any pressure and the Lo for low pressure steam and hot water only. B. State Steamfitter' s. License Required In order to be issued the Hi—Lo license for steam of any pressure, the individual shall hold the appropriate Certi�icate of Competency and shall have the appropriate current and subsisting State license as provided herein. C. General Regulations for Licenses All regulations and information concerning applications, method of obtaining, bond req�e— ments, fees, renewal, revocations, penalties and other administrative regulations pertaining to licenses shall be as stated in this code in Chapter I -- Administration. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil JUL 1 1969 Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson C7 '0 Against � Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President e) JV�.. I 1��9 Ap d: A st• . Cit erk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By pueus��� JUL 5 1969 2������`1 Pstg� �. �ec�Cit�za 2. That S�ection l9.OE (L�.eena�e Requirements �or Steamfitters� , as amended, he and �he same is herelay �urther amended b� deletixa� €h� same in 1t� entirety aud �ub�tituting the fnllowin� in ii�eu thereoi': 19.02 -- Li+cense I��quirements �for Steamfitt�rs A. Lieense :[ar Ma�ter Ste�m�itter 1, L�,c�+�n�e Ft+�quired -- Any per�on, �irm or carpctz�ation de�iring �Cp �n��.ge in �tb� busine�s o� inetallin�, al,tQrin�, repair3.ng +�r s�erv:to�ing steam �nd hot water i.n��alla�i�rn a� a contraetor or a p�r�on re�rponaible fr�r su�h work with3n a built2lrtg or builc�- ings alar�ady �onetr�aated eh�11 �irst abtain a lieez�s� firam the �ureau authori�in� �im tc� en�a�ye 3n suah bu�ine��. 2. Master Steam,fitter' s Lioen$e - Cla�s A The Class A Mast�r �team�itter Lit�ense sha�l be required Q�' anp �er�on, firm or cerpora�ion desiar�ng tc� �ngage in the buei- �.es� oR steamfitting as hereln de�ined. Thi� cla�s a�� 13.c�nse s1�a11 be iesued i�n ouQ Q� t�ro eatego�ies, the Hi--Lo fvr stea� and hot w�ter in�tall�tion� oY any pres�ure and the La for low pr�saure steaz�► and hot w�t�r inata�.lations on3y. 3. Ma�ter St�amfitter's Licen�ae - C��sa B The Cla�s B I�aster 5team�itter Lieen�e shal�. b� requirsd of a�y persoan d�s3.ri�g �o en,g�ge �n steam�ittfng �s her+ain d�f�.n�rd Dupl[catt 'o Printer _ ORDINANCE ����0'� COUNCIL FILE NO �RESENTED dY ORDINANCE NO � _ An ordinance amending Chapter lg o� the Saint Paul Legislative Cod�, ae amended, pertainin� to Building Code -- Steam and Hot Water Heating. THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 19.01 (Certi�icates o� Competency for Steam�itters) , subseetion Ia, is hereby amended by deleting the same there�rom and substituting the following in lieu and in plaae thereof: 1. Master and Journeyman Staamfitters' Certi�ioate� a. For the purpose of Qontrolling the quality o� workmanshipa�f steamfitting work in cannection with any steam or hot water heatin� system or piping system used for the conduction of steam for heat or power in any building or structure within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, and by so doing to sa�eguard li�e, limb a.nd property, there are hereby ereated the Master Steamfitter' s Certificate of Competency and the Journeyman Steamfittor' s Certi�icate of Competency. Certificate� of Competency shall be iaeued in two cate�— gories; one for the installation of both high and low pressure . stea.m and hot water, which shall be identified on the Certificate by the term Hi—Lo, and one for low pressure steam and hot water only, whieh sha11 be identi�ied on the Certificate by the term Lo. In qrder to be issued the IIi—�,o certificate as indicated ab�ve, the applicant must liold an appropriate current and sub— sisting State Steamfitter Licenae in aceordance «itli Chapter 326.46 through 326. 52 Minnesota Statutes. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplieate to Printer , . . , � ORDINANCE 2���:�}� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �/ _ Page 3. when such work is carried on within a certain building or build�ngs and doee mot aot as a contra.etor. This clas� o� licenae shall also be issued in one of two categories, th� Hi—Lo for steam and hot wat�r installation of any pressu�e and the Lp for low pressure steam and hot water only. B. State Steamfitter' s Li�ense Required In order to be issued the Iii—Lo license for steam o� any pressure, the individual shall hold the appropriate Certifieate oY Competency and �hall have the approgriate current and sub�f�ting State license as� provided herein. C. General ftegulations fo� Licens�s All regulataon� and informatfon aoneernir,� applications, method �f obtainingy box�d requlre— �en�s, i'ees, renewal, revoeations, penalties and othe� administrative regulation� pertaini�g to licensee shall be as stated in this vude in Chapter I -- Administration. Seetion 3. This ordinau�e shall t�ke e��eet �n.d be in �oroe thirty (3�) days frcm $nd after its passage, agproval and publication. �lt�l. � 1'�69 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by e Council Carlson • Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka � Tedesco � ��;��, Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: `����° Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �. � I st '� � � � � 2nd � �� � Laid over to 3rd and app � doptec� � I Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson `Carlson Dalglish �alglish Meredith �eredith Peterson ���'�� �eterson � Sprafka � �$prafka � / V Tedesco \Tedesco �.` Mr. President Byrne �Wlr. President Byrne �O