04-118A�,,,,d.P,a a��� �oa RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By / 1 � r Council File # ��� �l D Green Sheet # �� �, a�5 7 Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and 2 reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Board of Zoning 3 Appeals. 4 5 6 APPOINTMENTS 7 8 Dan Galles - term expires November 1, 2005 9 Marilyn Porter - altemate - term expires November 1, 2006 10 11 12 REAPPOINTMENTS 13 14 Vincent Courtney - term expires November 1, 2005 15 > 16 Richard Faricy - term expires November 1, 2006 17 Joyce Maddox - term expires November 1. 2006 18 Tienne Otteson - alternate - term expires November 1, 2005 19 Arlend (Buzz) Wilson - term expires November 1, 2006 20 21 22 23 eas ays sen enanav Y � Requested by Departrnent of. 24 os om v 25 � � '� Adopted by Council: Date _23t�� AdopSon Certified by Council Secretazy � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��',�� MO �1aym's Office Conhct Person & Phone: KURTSCHULTZ Must Be Date Initiated: 04-FEB-04 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip NI Loptions for Signature) Action Requested: Mayor Kelly has recommended the appoinmient of Dan Galles and Marilyn Porter to the Boazd of Zoning AppeaLs. Reappointrnent of Vincent Courmey, Jon Ducksta� Richard Faricy, Joyce Maddox, Tienne Otteson, and Arlend Wilson. idaGons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Mswer the 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a dTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortna�ly possessed by any curtent ary employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on sepaYate sheet and attach to green sheet Green Sheet NO: 3011295 0 1 a or's �ce De a ot Director 2 3 's ifice Ma o/ i n[ 4 n ii 5 lerk Ci Clerk Initiati�g Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Wh»: Advantages if Approved: Disadvanqges If Approved: k �' { � : 7 DisadvaMages If Not Approved: Trensaction: Punding Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Finanoial Information: (Explain) o�-��� CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hal[ Telephone. 651-266-8510 RandyC.Ke[ly,Mayor ISWestKeZloggBoulee�ard Facsimi1e:651-266-8513 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 To: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Pat Harris Councilmember Lee Helgen Councilxnember Kathy Lantry Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Councilmember Daue Thune From: Kurt Schultz Date: February 4, 2004 RE: Board of Zoning Appeals Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Dan Galles and Marilyn Porter (as an alternate) to the $oard of Zoning Appeals. The terxn of Mr. Galles shall expire November 1, 2005 and the term of Ms. Porter (as an altemate) sha11 eacpire on November 1, 2006. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Vincent Couriney, Jon Duckstad, Richard Faricy, Joyce Maddox, Tienne Otteson (as an alternate) and Arlend "Buzz" Wilson to the Board or Zoning Appeals. The terms of Mr. Courmey, Mr. Duckstad and Ms. Otteson (as an alternate) shall expire on November 1, 2005. The terms of Mr. Faricy, Ms. Maddox and Mr. Wilson shall expire on November 1, 2006. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as applications for the new appoinhnents. Please remember that certain information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any question regarding these appointments and reappoinhnents . Attachxnents cc. John Hardwick � _„-,- - , - , - �� 11YLLiCi ��� Home Address: �� --�- - --... _..-�---.... ._,.,. Z ,2 , 2a � � �,� �- ��� _ /S/O,�j�e�a'�cF � �.R<---� 7�t s��� Street . • ��� �`�p Telephane Numbe�: Planntng Disitiet Gouncil: � �J City Counctt Wardc �68�=� Pretcrred hlatlingAddras: �g/4 � ��� s?'�"E�t� ,57� l�l �� Wbat is your occupation4 Piace aFEmployment: Committec{s) Applied Fot: �±-*Sc-..�E'SS O�'- �-r�'� C- SYhaE st:ltls traiala� or expectenee do you possess toe 4he cammttue(s) for whieh you seek appoiatment' � G-_�`--c' �'^'�Oy �ir�,-3-�-rrCS ,ou� �iS�i �.' SSc,�iaZ>Fo-� The informatioo tncluded !n this appt;cation is conaidered private data accordinp to tht buAncsota Garernment Daca Yracticcs Act. As a resuli, this information i� �tot rtlessed to Ehe genergl publlc, {OVER) Rtv. B•=->" y� �� L�� _ _ _'�;j:� '__ ' _ � _— � FEb-02y00 14:13 FEH-@�-247E0 ' 13� 28 ' NR�ife: Addeess: , Pl�Ane: ., �i Viu.+v;:-°�-- ST PRIT� MAYAR' S 6FF [k r �� "' _ ' 7 ' . M ,_ ��,�� Piame: �� ' �"� . At�dFess: �dz G��t� `Z FF� � aay— voso Phane: Name: Adlecss: Rppne: �,�.'s �s�—..._<ff�s G�+•l/ T��nvons fer vnur interest in thi$ pattitulwr commlftee: _ Have you had prerious coatact iylth the cominittee for whlch you are rttaS:ing appliestlan2 If 9o �hen;' and the circumstnacea� � - In an attempt c9 eesure that commIttee r0presentatfon retitcts the makeup of our communlfy, please check the ISne appticabie to you. 'Thig fnfarmstion Is stricUy voluntary. ��Vhitt (Caucasian) � Black (ACrican Ame�ican} _ A��rtean Ind[an or Alasisn £ski[no `� Mnfe Female D`uabled: Yss _ No '� If spacial accommodatians are needed, pleASe speclfy% ___._ Htspanlc __ Asian or �'scific Isiandec r/„zg/7C Date of Birth: — 7yt�,�E "�i ^�o Haw did vou hear about this opening° � TDTi� P.94 'o`ia' co� r.���:_=" — ►:rTmar-��+ .� £r S'- 4 87 v� 4 5'- 9as �,,,.df s/',a � Dv�� ��cCCi 5 r' S � �naFF: ��' �`� Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 R FEB 2 d 2003 The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesoca Statutes Chapter 13) governs the City's use o�Z' "'�~' V` iC= information contained in this application. Some of the information sought in this application is private data under the Act. The requested in£ormation will be used by the appointing authority to carry out the City's official appoiatmeat responsibilities. You are not required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the application questions may cause the appointing authority to reject your application. The majority of items contained in this application are publiq including name, address, employmenc, skills, training and ezperience, and are tLerefore available to anyone requesting it. The temaining items on the application form are classified as private. The private data is avaitable oniy to you and to other persons in the City who, because ofwork assignments, roasonably require access to the information. Name Marilyn J. Porter Home address 1247 Maywoocl Street, Saint Paul, NIN 55117 strcet mry state zip Telephones (651) 489-7469 (612) 664-8588 (612) 664-8555 PleaseindudeAreaCodes Aome work fax E-mail address mpp��@ccsnm.or4 Planning District Council �p City Council Ward�_ Preferred mailing address 1247 Maywood Street Saint Paul, MN 55117 street tiry sta[e zip Occupation Director of Facilities Management Place of employment �y�olic Charities Empioyment address 1200 2nd Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55403 Committee(s) applied for Zoninq or Neighborhoods & Clirrent Plannina Cacunittee What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? I hav -rved in h � cit� of bo h Manaa r o C'ani{ TrrimvPmpnts anA Manager of Public Facilities at Metro Transit for over ten years and have been responsible for planning of bus-related infra-structure improvements. This has helpec� me to think beyond the i�aediate or short-term to a broader context of planned growth and visioning. This strategic thinking has served me well and has become a guiding principle as I m�ove foxward in my career. As a Construction Manager, Project Manager and current Director of Facilities Management, I have worn many hats: providing oversight for design, construction and rennovation of vexy diverse project types. _" page 1 of2 � Marilyn J. Porter Application £or Conanittee, Board� or �ssion Continued Z graduated fr� }�e ��sity of Southern Illinois with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and later received a Masters of Science in Constru�t1on N�ag�nt fran the University of Wisconsin-Stout. BoardA(CIB) m oember and of rmer I Ca�enunity Board mlemb�r�r�re�ntl I am serving on the YM('A Mic�ray g�rd �Se�nd t��� p�lic Art Saint Paul Y and as President of Assembly of Architects, �' ��,� This experience and education coupled with my �o�m�itment to cortemmitp involvement will serve me well either as a m�nber of the Zoning Coirnnittee or Neighborhoods and Current Planning Committee. � � 0�{-ll$ Personal References Name Cathy Nordin Address WCL Associates 1433 Utica Avenue S, Mpls., MN 55416 Telephones (952) 541-9: Please inclode Area Codes home work Name Margot Fehrenbacher, AIA Principal Designer/Registered Architect other A ddress PED/City o£ St. Paul 1300 City Hall Annax 25 W. Fourth St, St, Paul 55102 Telephones Pleaseinclude Area Codes home (651) 266-6660 work other Name Bob A ddress Welsh Companies 8200 Normandale Blvd., Mpls., MN 55437 Telephones (952) 897-7816 Please include Area Codes home work other Reasons for your interest in this particular committee I am both inter and committed to the goals of livable carnm�nities and planned qrowth. Providinq and developing more aPfordable housing, improving and rehabilitating housing stock and creating co��xc corrido wh appropriate to r ejuvinate "depressed" areas. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumsiances? - " I have had contact with the Zoning Co�nittee in a professional capacity while serving as Director of Facilities Management. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic QX Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female X❑ Date of birth 5/9/ Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? I heard about the opening from Margot Fehrenbacher. page 2 of 2