244377 � i � :
, = � . �.w: - ' 2����'�
Resolution Ratifying �nd Confirming By
Condemnation and Aw�rds of Damages File No.— Z��'S_
and Assesament Therefor
In the matter of ,__ -- —�-- -------- � - - -- — � •;
-- -- -- -_.� _ ____
'� opening, widening and extending LEONF AVE. from the west line of Samolytz Addition,
westerly by taking and condemning a strin of land 60 feet in width for street purposes 7
over and across the follacainI � described lands :
Lots 6 and 7, Auditorfs St�bdivision N�. �5, St. Paul, Minnesota
Tracts A, B, C, Regis*�red I.and Survey No. 17
Tracts A and B Registered Land Survey No. 97
The center line of said 60 feet stri.p caescri.bed as follows : Commencing at a point of
the west line of Samolytz Addition and t:he i.ntersection of the center line of Leone Ave. ,
� thence westerly to a point on the west l.ine of �egistered Land Survey No. 17 produced
southerly and 414.30 feet south �f the norttl �ine of said Registered Land Survey No. 17;
thence westerly to a ooint �91.33 ��et sotzth of the north line of Lot 7 Auditor�s Sub
No. 55 and 94.8 feet west o� the c�ast line of said Lot 7; thence westerly and parallel
to the north line of said Lot 7, lQ0 fee.t and tl�ere terrninating.
Also opening Sigurd St. fro� I..eone St. tc� be op�ned as described above to Upper Afton
Road by taking and condemni�hg a stri.p of land 60 feet in width for street purposes
described as; the west 60 �eet of r.he east 154.8 feet of Lot 7 Auditor's Subdivision
No. 55, St, Paul, Minn. , except the norr:7 1+21. .33 feet thereof.
Also condemning and taking �n easeme,�r. i-� the Iand necessary for the slopes, cuts and
fills including right of removal. o£ iatE�t-ai. support from subject land or remainder
there,of occasioned by excavy tions tt�e��eo� c�Y construction of slopes in the grading of
the said Leone Ave. and S igurd Street. ____—__. _______-
--- __ ___ ___
_ — ---
_T __ _�_� „� ua.��a��a ,,��e��vr;a� �r�o_upon t e assessment �
of benefits therefor, and the Gouncil having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking �,nd condemnation of the lands descx•ibed in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and the sa.me is hereby,in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the� said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and the same is hereby' ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
Yeas Cariso�� Nays JUN 1 1 1�69
Adopted by the Councii
Meredith ��- � lA��
Peterson ved �`
Sprafka �
TedeSCO In Favor '
Byrne � Zayor
_ Against
Form R-3 ��5
PUBLISHE� Ju-N 1� �96�
• � ,
' ' .� � . Fw�t��a7
� i
CITY OF ST. PAUL, ����"�
Report of Commissia�er of Finance - '
on Condemnatiod of Lands File Na ��S �
� � ; � �
In_the-matter_o�-- - _ -------, --- ----- -
! opening, widening and extending LEONF. AVE. f.rom the �aest line of Samolytz Addition,
westerly by taking and condemning a srri_n of land 60 feet in width for street purposes
over and arross the follacaing descri.hed ]�nds ;
Lots 6 and 7, Auditor's Subdivision Pio. 55, St. Paul, Minnesota •
Tracts A, B, C, Regis r.ered l.and S��a vEr�� 10. 17
Tracts A and B Registered Land �;t�rvFV No. 97 ,
The center line of said 60 f.`eet stri.p d<�sr.ri.bec.,' as tollvws : CoTrnnencing at a point of '
the west line of. Samolytz Addition actd r.h� i.ntersection of the center Zine of Leone Ave. , '
thence westerly to a point �n tYie caest: l.inc .�:' Registered Land Survey No. 17 produced
southerly and 414.30 feet s' uth of the nort.h lz.ne of said Registered Land Survey No. 17;
thence westerly to a point 9i .33 ��et sout:i� of the north line af Lot 7 Auditorts Sub
No. SS and 94.8 feet west o . the east. l :�ne of said Lot 7; thence westerly and parallel � I
to the north line of said L t: 7, 100 !-eer ac�d t.here terminating.
Also opening Sigurd St. fro I,eone Sr_. tn l;� opez�ed as described above to Upper Afton
Road by taking and condemni .g a stri_p of. '_anci 60 feet in caidth for street purposes
described as ; the west 60 ieet of ?:ne eas; 1.54.8 feet of Lot 7 Auditor�s Subdi.vision
No. 55, St. Paul, Minn. , except the nc�r*_;, !:21 .33 feet: thereof.
Also condemning and taking an easerrenr_ :��? r_he l.anc� necessary for the slopes, cuts and '�
fills including ri�;ht of removal ot l�;r_��-<�;. st�ppart from subject land or remainder ',
thereof occasioned hy excavatic�ns t��ereo": c,r. co7�st,rt.iction of slopes in the grading of
the said Leone Ave . and Sigur.d St:reet.. '
_ �i'he Commissioner o��i�ance �re� reporLS: - ____ __— ____------_--- -
That he has fixed and de ermined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for the above impr vement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons o whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of benefits to prc�perty, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and that attached is �,n assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, containing t�e undersigned's finding on said matters.
ommissi r of �y ce