244371 OR16 NAL TO CITY CLERK ���v I�1
C MM SSIONE Victor J. Tedesco � pqTp June 10, 1969
WHEREAS, the City Architect h� requested the City Council to hold.
a public hearing to consider the ad.visability and necessity of the correction
or wrecking and. removal of the d.uplex dwelling at 570 West Central 5treet,
more particularly d.escribed as Lot 3, Block 11, Mackubin and Marshall's
ad.dition to Saint Paul, because said. building is reported to constitute a hazard.ous
structure, and
WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owner of the property
is Jessie L. Freeman, et al; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held. by and. before the Council
of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said
city at 10 a, m, on Wednesday, June 25, 1969, to consid.er the ad.visability
and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and. removal of the structure
on the above described �property because said structure is reported to constitute
a hazardous building and. a hazard, to public health, safety and welfare; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City
Council, notify by mail the record. owner of the property in question at the last
known ad.dress, as well as other interested. persons of record, of the date
and. time of the hearing.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
car�son JUN 1 01969
��� Approved 19—_
Meredith �� n Favor
Sprafka � � Mayor
A gainst
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212
June 25, 1969
Honorable Thomas R. Bylrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
Re: File No. 1984--570 W. Central
The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the
condition of the property known as 570 West Central, a duplex of frame construc-
tion, 2-1/2 stories high and having a full basement. It is approximately 24 ft.
wide, 45 ft. long and 27 ft. high. The building at the present time is secure,
having been boarded up recently by Public Works crews. It was posted as unfit
to live in by Health Bureau on November 5, 1968. 5ince that tirne it has
deteriorated to the point that an inspection report dated May 8, 1969 outlines
the following conditions: ,
EXTERIOR. All the windows and door openings have been vandalized
and the windows are broken. The rear porches are in danger of collapse. The
limestone foundation is deteriorated due to the mortar eroding from between the
stones. The basement exterior hatchway opening has been broken and the center
sup�porting beam is sagged due to rotting and overloading. The basement window
wood frames have been smashed and badly rotted..
FIRST FLOOR. Contains five rooms and bath. Has plaster on walls
and ceilings cracked and falling to the extent that it is hazardous to walk through
the rooms. The center bearing wall is sagged due to the failure of the supporting
beam in the basement.
SECOND FLOOR. Contains four rooms and. bath. Portions of the
ceiling and wall plaster are in danger of immediate collapse and portions have
already fallen.
ATTIC. Contains four rooms and bath. At one time the attic had been
used as an apartment, and much debris and. household effects are strewn about.
Plaster on the walls and ceiling is also in danger of collapse.
Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council -2- June 25, 1969
The heating for the third floor was via a space heater with the
rest of the building being heated by a gas warm air furnace. The condition
of both appliances is questionable and mLSt be classified as inoperable.
The plumbirg system is not functional as most of the fixtures have
been smashed or remo�ed. The electrical system has been vandalized to the
point that it is inoperal�le and would require rewiring.
There are nd accessory buildings on the property.
The legal de�cription of the property is Lot 3, Block 11, Mackubin and
Marshall's addition to �aint Paul. The owner of record is Jessie L. Freeman,
who could not be locate�l.
Inasmuch as I�a rehabilitation s�hedule has not been submitted, it
is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason �f inadequate
maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition and
abandonment, the abov� structure constitutes a hazard to public health, safety
and welfare. It is hereby recommended that the Council concur in this conclusion
and refer the matter to the City Attorney's office for submission of this
condemnation to the District Court.
e trul y u ,
, Robert L. Ames
City Architect
RLA/mfs i
cc: Messrs. J. J. Seg 1
J. Talbot
Wm. Ti m
C MMISS�IONER l�ictor J. Tedesco ���
DATE JtinP. Zni-y:_9
tiVHE�tEAS� the City Architect has requestefl ti�e �ity Cou.n,cxl to hold
a public hearing to consxder the advisability and nece$si.fi�r af tk�e correctien
ox wrecking and rea�oval of t�e du�alex dweX�.ix�g at 570 West Central �treet,
more partz:.ularly de$cribed as Lo� 3, ]3�ock 11, Mackubin and Marslzall's
additican to Saint Faul, because said buildir�g is �eported to constitute a I�azardou�
structtxre, and
WI-�ERE,�S, it appears that the laet known record owns� c�f lthe property
iu Jessie L. Freernan, et al; ther�fore, be it
RE.��LVED, that a public hea.ring be held by and before the Ccuncil
af the City af Saint F"'aul, in the Council �Chanzber of the Court I�ouse in said
city at 10 a. n�a... an Wednesday, June 25, 196q� to conai�ex th� advisability
and necessity of oreleri�ag the correction or wreckin� and rernovaZ af tlie structure
cn the above described prapexty because said structure is reparted to constitute
a hazardous building and a hazar�d t4 public health, saf�ty and welfare; be it
z'U�.THER 1�.�SOLVED, th�.t �he City Architect� an behalf af th.e City
Council, notify by ma�.l the xecord owner of the prQp�e�ty in, question at the last
knowa address, as we11 as oth�r interested persor�.s of record, af the date
and time of the hearing.
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson '����'�'�� �
,_.��g��_ Approved 19—_
Meredith �/ Tn Favor
-��: - V
Sprafka Mayor
A gainst
Mr. Preaident, Byrne