244370 ORIf�INA6 TO CITY CLBRK 244���0 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COU�ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM155�lONE or Tedesco � ' June 10, 1969 DATF WHERE.AS, the �ity Architect has requested. the City Council to hold. a public hearing to consid.er the ad.visability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and. removal of the apartment building at 805 Dayton Avenue (New File), more parti�ularly d.escribed as Lot 15, Block 2, Nininger and. Donnelly's Ad.dition to Holcombe�s Ad.d.ition to Saint Pau1, because said. building is reported to constitute a hazard,ous structure, and. WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record ownersof the property are Donald T. and, Diane Boyce; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of 5aint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court Hotse in said city at 10 a. m. on Wednesd.ay, June 25, 19b9, to consid.er the advisability and. necessity of ord.ering the correction or wrecking and removal of the structure on the above described. property because said structure is reported. to constitute a hazard.ous building and. a hazard to public health, safety and. welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mai.l the record. owner of the property in question at the last known ad.d.ress, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. ;��IN i ci �969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson .!���F t �� 1.���✓ -,- LQrl�-i- '� � Approved 19—_ Meredith s Tn Favor ^�tSi�oii-- . Sprafka � �n�, Mayor Tedesco ASainat ��;��'-�������_:�:�` PUBLISHE! ,��N 14 1�69 ,� � Mr. 'Jic� .'res;:`_s�.� �i'•�.�r._ n � , � � TYi � F� 5�4�-NT- PAUL � � , � : , ... a � = k� r � � �� � , e _ � _ ,:.� a, � t, ; ,p � � � .� � �api+al of I�i�►�esot�z �a; �' � � .r. �`,�� `� � ��f.. �,� ,��` x� �_ .��,. � � „�^� ,, , � � � �_,.E, , � � �� �i- y s ��s _ � � �' y��„. ��'� � ��m, BUREAU OF PUBUC BUILDINGS I ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ec+ 445 Ci�Fy Hall, 55102 223-4212 i, June 24, 1969 Hon. Thornas R. Byrne, IMayor and Members of the City 'Council Re: File #1983--805 Dayton Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the property known as 805 Dayton Avenue, a 2-1/2 story frame dwelling, recently used. as an apartment house, approximately 30 ft. wid.e, 60 ft. long and 30 ft. in height. A 20 ft. by 30 ft. garage building at the rear of the property is also includ.ed. At the present time the resid.ence building is vacant, has been extensively vandalized and has not been kept secure. The owner of record is Donald T. Boyce, and the legal description of the property is Lot 15, Block 2, Nininger & Donnelly's Add.ition to Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul. , A recent inspection indicates the following: EXTERIOR. The front porch joists are rotted. The exterior siding has deteriorated. and sections are missing. Part of the exterior sidewall protection is of wood. shakes, some of which are missing. The front porch roof is rotted, and. the roof shingles are in very poor cond.ition, also. The chimney bricks are loos e due to deterioration of the mortar joints. The wood. sills supporting the front porch roof posts are beginning to rot and the roof at the rear of the building is also in poor condition. The limestone foundation has the mortar joints eroded, causing the stones to be loose. The concrete floor is badly broken and generally in poor cond.ition. The handrail has been removed from the bas ement stairway. FIRST FLOOR. Contains five rooms and bath. The bathroom floor is rotted, and about 14 sq. ft. of plaster has fallen from the walls and ceilings. In the kitchen the plaster has also fallen from the ceiling, as it has in the living room. s , �, . . Mayor Thomas R. Byrne and Members of the City C4uncil -2- June 24, 1969 SECOND FLbOR. Contains three two-room apartments. One sleeping room has plaster d.eteriorated and the bathroom floor badly rotted. THIRD FLO R. Contains one three-room and one two-room apartment. Als o has plastered wall;s loos e and. in poor condition. Most of the windows and. screens have been sma�hed on this property. Damage has also been done to the wind.ow frames and the sash. ELECTRICAt, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS. The electric system is to be considered. in hazardous condition due to overloading of the existing service, the open junction boxes in the basement ceiling and open splices. Extension cords are used. throughout the build.ing for wiring systems, and. many of the fixtures are damaged to the extent that they would. be very difficult to repair. The plumbing, system is considered to be substandard in that the plumbing has been dam�.ged by vandals and also that it was in very poor shape at the time the build.ing was occupied. The pipes were leaking, as is evidenced. by water d.amage to the ceiling below the upstairs bathroom. GARAGE. As to the garage at the rear of the property, inspection reveals that the roofing 'system deteriorated to the point of its leaking in many areas. The concrete floor is badly broken up and. deteriorated. The timber sills are rotted and. the �iding has rotted. The garage doors are in such condition that they are ready to fall. They have been loosely boarded and placed but have sagged. to the e�tent that they probably could not be reopened. The roof also shows evidenc� of sagging due to a structural failure. Inasmuch as �, rehabilitation schedule has not been submitted by the owner, it is the con�lusion of the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason of inadequate maintenan�e, dilapidation, physical damage, ursanitary condition and abandonment, the above 'structure constitutes a hazard to public health, safety and welfare. It i� hereby recommended that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer to �he City Attorney's office this matter for eventual condemnation to the DisUrict Court. � e tr y yo obert L. es , City Architect RLA/mfs cc: Messrs. J. J. Sega� J. T alb ot , Wm. Timr� � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ... �� . � � . � ����'° �. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E Na. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cOMMSSONER Vict�r T_ Terle�cc� S�� ��, �g�'q DATF WI3ERE.AS, the Ciky .Archi.tect has requested the City �QUncil to hold a public hearin� to consider the a.dvisability and necessity of the cor�ectic�n or wrecking and �c}xnoval of the apartrnent buitding at 805 Dayton Awenu� (Ne�v File), more : �articularly descxibed as Lot 15, Eilock 2, 1Vining�r �.nd Donnelly's Addition to Halcombe's Addition to Saint �aul, because saic� building is reported to constitu�e a hazardous atrta.cture, and WHEREA�;, it agpear$ that the last known recarc3 ownexsof the property are Donald T. �.nd L?iane Bayee; �h�xe€ore, be it RESOLgED, that a �aublic hearin� be held by and before the Gouncil of the City of Saint I'aul, in the �ouncil Chaxnber of the Court �iaus e in said city at 10 a. m. on Wedan�sday� 3une 25, ],969, to con�ider the advisab�ility and necessity of orderin� the carrection or wrecking and removal of the structure on the above describ�d �roperty because said structure is reported to constitute a hazardous building and a hazard to public health, safety and. welfare; be it FURT'HER RESOLVED, that the City Architect� on behalf af the City Councii, notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the la�t known address, as tivell as ather interested persona of record, af th� date and time of the hearin�. ���r ,. �-�'�, 4. /..9� R a°; �1. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council"`-`�`` � `" '°`� 19— Yeas Nays ', Carlson I t�;' ��� �� ��� , .,���., ����, Approved 19__ Meredith I� -'� Tn Favor �°� Mayor Sprafka ', (� A gainat Tedesco 'Mr. President,Byrne � _. � _ . . ��-�; O