04-1179Council File # �' � � � l RESOLUTION Presented by Referred To MINNESOTA Green Sheet # °� �S� Q�- Committee Date A Resolution Identifying The City CounciPs Budget Priorities for the Adopted 2005 City Budget 1 WIIEREAS, the City Council began meeting as the Council's Budget Committee-of-the-Whole in February 2 2004 to evaluate budget priorities, review deparhnental accomplishments, and to identify the key funding needs 3 in 2005 for services provided by the City of Saint Paul; and 4 WHEREAS, the City Council intensified its review process in August when the budget committee started 5 meeting weekly to review the specifics of the Mayar's proposed 2005 City budget; and 6 WHEREAS, during its review of the proposed budget the Council identified more than 85 specific questions 7 about various aspects of the budget proposal; and 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor's Administration and staff from the Office of Financial Services provided detailed 9 responses to the Council's questions so Councilmembers could consider and evaluate the many competing 10 priorities that had to be considered in adopting the 2005 City budgets; and 11 WHEREAS, the Council has considered the needs identified through the budget process and listened to 12 testimony from citizens, communiry leaders, and business owners at several public hearings and numerous 13 meetings on budget issues; and 14 WHEREAS, because resources are so limited the City Council desires to specify its highest budget priorities 15 and policies based on the Council's extensive budget review over the last 10 months; now therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby establish the following 2005 Budget Policies and Priorities for 17 the City of Saint Paul: 18 A. The City Council identifies public safety as the City's number one priority and therefore the Council 19 will provide the maximum amount of available additional funding, over and above the amount contained 20 in the Mayor's proposed 2005 budget, for up to 4 additional firefighters, 4 emergency (911) 21 telecommunicators in the Police Deparhnent, and one housing code enforcement inspector for the 22 Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement Office. 23 S. The City Council identifies, as a very high priority, funding far the deferred maintenance and repair of 24 piayground and play equipment at recreation centers throughout the City of Saint Paul, and requests the 25 Division of Parks and Recreation to prepare a plan for addressing the deferred maintenance needs of the 26 recreation centers in the City of 5aint Paul by April 1, 2QQ5. o�l-t ��9 1 C. The City Council encourages the restoration of all hours and programming cuts at recrearion centers that 2 have been implemented in the last three years. 3 D. The City Council requests the Division of Parks and Recreation to develop a rental and usage fee policy 4 for the use of recreational facilities by private schools and community recreational associations that 5 involves the users in the development of the policy altematives and keeps costs to a minimum while 6 recognizing the important in kind and other tangible contributions made by these organizations to the 7 mission of the Division of Parks and Recreation and the City of Saint Paul. The City Council requests 8 Parks and Recreation to report back to the City Council with a proposed new fee and usage policy by 9 August 1, 2005. 10 E. The City Council establishes as a priority, adequate funding, to the extent possible, for the removal of 11 diseased trees from public and private property to curtail the spread of Dutch elm and oak wilt disease. 12 F. The City Council identifies increased litter pick up, more frequent cutting of tall grass and weeds in the 13 public right-of-way, and quicker and more efficient removal of graffiti on public facilities and buildings 14 as a high priority for the Department of Public Works. 15 G. The City Council establishes as a high priority the need to increase efforts to promote rehabilitation of 16 low and moderate income owner occupied housing throughout the City of Saint Paul. 17 E The City Council establishes the revitalization of older commercial corridors as a very high priority and 18 urges the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development to continue efforts to partner with 19 community based non-profit organizations to promote commerciai revitalization wlth a comprehensive 20 package of incentives such as low cost financing, exterior improvement grants, public (street scape) 21 improvements, the expansion of off-street parking, and the provision of centralized markering and 22 management (quasi-shopping center) services for specific commercial areas. 23 H. 24 25 I. 26 27 J. 28 The City Council establishes the priority to expand the practices that reduce storm water ntn-off, and improve the quality of storm water run-off. The City Council establishes the promotion of sustainable development practices and the use of green building materials and techniques as a high priority for all City departments and offices. The City Council establishes the priority of increased funding for District Councils based on a formula that takes into account the population and need of the various district councils. 29 K. The City Council establishes a priority for a review of transportation issues and opportuniries to idenrify 30 and carry out a proper role for the City in the region's multi-modal transportation development efforts. 31 And; be it 2 o�- � i 1 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council encourages all concerned citizens, communiry leaders, and 2 businesses owners of the City of Saint Paul to give feedback to their elected officials in regard to the priorities 3 identified above and about what other needs they believe are important to address in the City's current and 4 future budgets. Absent $ Benanav 6 Bostrom 7 Hanis g Helgen 9 Lantry 1� Montgomery 11 Thune c� V V Li l� v V Requested by Department of. 12 Adopted by Council: Date ��"�5 — O�� � 13 AdoptionCertifiedby ou�cil cr tary 14 sy: i' tU! � '���.G�� 1$ Approved by Mayor: Date 16 By: / )_ �i7���� / Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] � 3 Office of Councilmember Date: necem»er GREEN SHEET NO. Lee Helgen-Ward 5 s,2oo4 205282 DIR6CfOR SY COUNCII. ITY ATT06NEY ITY CLEftR e�� uSt be ori COUncil Agenda by: � zem�rcx.w sr.avicss uxascrox ASAP YOR (O8 ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATORB PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGI3ATURE} esolution Releasing Funds from Covncil Contingency COFIIAENOATIONS: APPROVP (A) OR RSJSCl 0 ) 8R40NAL 58ROSC6 COM'RICf& MOST ANSiPBR S86 POLLONINGf PL➢N[RNG CQqAISS20N CIVSL SERVTC6 COI�AtIS520N Haa the pezaon/Eirm ever w0[ked under a contrac[ for [his departmen[? CTB COIMIITTES BUSINE55 RSVIEN COUNCIL YES NO STAPP Has this pex'son/firni e r been a Cv[y employee? DISTAICT COOµT Y65 Ve NO Does [hns person/f¢xm possess a skill mt noxmally possessed by any PPOATS WHICH COUNCIL OHSBCRIVB? CviYent 6Cy ert�loyee? Y85 NO lain all YBS anavera ou a aeperste ehee[ and attaoh. INZTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): esolution Identifying the City Council's Budget Priorities for the Adopted 2005 City Budget VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ill provide a clear statement of the Council's budget priorities resulting from the 2005 Budget review process ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one appaxent ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ack of clarity around budget priorities could cause conPusion for staff and citizens COST/REVENUE BUDGETED N(A �"�� ��+��P�� �p�4P�. ��� � ��Q� FUNDING SOURCE NL FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) )